
Unit 6 - Accelerating Global Change & Realignments 1900 CE – Present

Ch33 Map Activity – Globalization at the Turn of the Millenium

A) The End of Soviet Domination in Eastern Europe

1. These two countries' transition away from communism was led by Vaclav Havel.

2. This country's transition led to the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu.

3. Lech Walesa was a key leader in the struggle against the government of this country.

4. This country split into warring states in 1991.

5. This country reunified after thirty five years in 1990.

6. Communist regimes collapsed in these three countries in 1989.

7. This country on the Black Sea broke away from the Soviet Union in 1991.


Unit 6 - Accelerating Global Change & Realignments 1900 CE – Present

Ch33 Map Activity – Globalization at the Turn of the Millenium

B) Palestine, Israel, & the Middle East, 1947-2003

1. In the years immediately following its inception, Israel held this territory.

2. Israel occupied these four areas during the Six-Day War of 1967.

3. When Jordan entered the Six-Day War, Israel gained control of this city which it had previously split with Jordan.

4. Israel occupied this territory in southern Syria to help prevent future attacks.

5. Egypt is separated from the Sinai Peninsula by this man-made body of water.

6. Israel occupied this country to its north, justifying its decision on the grounds that it was a training ground for terrorists.

7. After the 1948 War of Independence, Palestinian refugees found shelter in United Nation's camps in these four regions.

8. Jordan and Israel both border this inland body of water.


Unit 6 - Accelerating Global Change & Realignments 1900 CE – Present

Ch33 Map Activity – Globalization at the Turn of the Millenium

C) Estimated GDP per Capita in the Early 1990s

1. This continent has the most nations with a GDP per capita under $1,000.

2. On the basis of GDP per capita, these two nations are the poorest in South America.

3. This country is the only country in South America with a GDP per capita over $10,000.

4. This country is the only country in the Balkans with a GDP per capita over $10,000.

5. Of these three countries (Peru, Canada, Nigeria) China's GDP per capita is closest to that of this country.

6. On the basis of GDP per capita, these six countries are the wealthiest in Africa.

7. On the basis of GDP per capita, this is the poorest country in Asia.

8. This continent has the most nations with a GDP per capita over $10,000.