Unit 4 Review Sheet

Building an Empire

1. What year was the Spanish American War fought? Analyze the significance of the Spanish American War. How did this war change American Foreign Policy? Evaluate the results of the Spanish American War.

2. How did Henry Cabot Lodge, Alfred Thayer Mahan, and Sanford B. Dole move the United States into the position of a world power?

3. How did the United States receive permission to build the Panama Canal? What were the key factors that led the United States wanting to build the Panama Canal? What were the economic / military impacts of building the Panama Canal?

4. Identify and explain two ways the United States expanded across North America.

5. Explain the Open Door Policy. What impacts did the Open Door Policy have on the American economy?

6. Explain Dollar Diplomacy. What impacts did Dollar Diplomacy have on the American economy?

7. What was Teddy Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy? What was the Monroe Doctrine? How did the Monroe Doctrine impact T. Roosevelt’s foreign policy (What was the Roosevelt Corollary)? Was Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policies effective? Why or Why not?

  1. Define imperialism
  1. George Washington’s Farewell Address reflected what foreign policy position?
  1. Name the foreign policy tool that was used by the U.S. to acquire most of its territories (including Oregon Territory, Florida, Texas, Alaska, and Louisiana).
  1. Name the person we studied who argued that all great nations in history had naval strength, and therefore believed that the U.S. needed overseas colonies in order to support -a place fuel, re-supply, and repair – a large naval fleet.
  1. Name the person we studied who believed that the U.S. should acquire colonies in order to spread its
  1. List 4 reasons that the United States supported war against Spain:





  1. What was a style of journalism at the turn of the century that used exaggeration and sensational stories to sell newspapers?
  1. Which country did the United States newspapers blame for the explosion of the USS Maine in the Havana, Cuba harbor?
  1. Where was the Spanish-American War fought?
  1. How did the U.S. assert its “protection” and control over Cuba after helping the country gain its independence?
  1. At the beginning of his presidency, Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy of ______reflected his belief that the U.S. should largely stay out of world affairs and international conflicts.

19. What difficulties did the workers face in building the Panama Canal?

20. Why did the U.S. want to annex Hawaii? How did the U.S. annex Hawaii?