


Module 1: Factors Affecting Good Health

Media Report

Health and Wellness Survey

If I could Change




Unit 4 provides a broad introduction and family health. Multiple opportunities, activities and strategies will assist students in learning about healthy behaviors as well as risky behaviors, peer pressure, stress, depression, self-esteem, safety preparedness, community resources, and careers in family and human services.

Modules in Unit 4 are designed to assist students in developing skills and attitudes that will enable them to manage their lives now and in the future.


Plan accordingly

Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat

Module 1: Factors Affecting Good Health

Module 1 is designed to present strategies that will assist the student in understanding the elements of a healthy person, mentally and physically. They will examine their habits as well as societal and peer influences.

With presentations of the module, students will have the opportunity to learn the importance of optimum health and resources to use to get there. Module 1 addresses topics such as:

  • Exercise, Rest, and Good Nutrition
  • High Risk Behaviors
  • Community Resources

Media Report

Select one of the articles selected by the teacher.

In your group read it and then answer the following questions.

  1. What is the problem discussed in the article
  2. What behaviors led to the problem?
  3. How could this have been avoided?
  4. What environmental (Family, social, physical) factors contributed to the problem?

Health and Wellness Survey

Directions: complete the survey as indicated in each section.

List five positive words that describe you:

Check the boxes you agree with. If you think yes, or mostly yes, check the box. If you think no or mostly no, do not check the box.


I get at least 8 hours of sleep per night

I brush my teeth 2 times a day

I floss my teeth

I don’t worry too much about my body weight

I am within a normal body weight range

My body size and shape are not constant worries for me

Besides P.E., I exercise at least 3 times per week for an hour at a time (or more).

I rarely procrastinate

I never drink alcohol

I never take illegal drugs

I never smoke cigarettes

I never use chewing tobacco

I take a shower or bath at least 5 times a week

I watch 7 hours of TV or less per week

I rarely skip meals (including breakfast)

I sit in front of the computer at home 7 hours or less per week

My family life is relatively calm

I have goals in my life

I have several good relationships (Friends, family, etc.)

I drink 8 or more glasses of water per day

I act and feel positive most of the time

I feel supported by my family

I laugh and smile several times a day

Within my close friends, none take drugs or drink alcohol, belong to gangs or have been arrested.

I am not a violent person

In my circle of friends, I feel supported

I feel fairly confident most of the time

I don’t feel over pressured about school

When I’m in a relationship, I don’t feel pressured about sex

I don’t have too much stress in my life

I take vitamins daily

I eat a fairly balanced diet with foods from all 5 food groups

I am concerned about others and about societal issues

I don’t eat more than 1-2 sweets (including soda) per day

I wash my hands at least 5 times daily

I have not been sick more than once in the past year

I don’t listen to loud music

I wear a helmet if I am riding a bike, skateboard or scooter

When driving, I avoid driving over the speed limit or people I ride with avoid going over the speed limit.

I don’t text and drive or the people I ride with do not text and drive

I wear a seatbelt when riding in a vehicle

I feel comfortable in my circle of friends and don’t feel they are trying to change me or pressure me


Count the number of boxes you checked and divide that number by 42.

______(Divide symbol) 40 = ______%

You will get a percent. You can kind of think of that as the percentage of time you are involved in healthy and positive behaviors.

If I could Change

Consider a change you would like to make regarding your physical, mental or social health, and then complete the following statements

  1. The behavior I would like to change or improve is:
  1. If this behavior completely changed, I would live differently, feel differently or act differently in the following ways (be specific)
  1. The steps in making this change are:
  1. My time table is:
  1. People I will ask for support and assistance are:
  1. The benefits I will receive are:
  1. My reward at the end of each week will be:

Environmental Ambassador, an individual or team event, recognizes participants who address environmental issues that adversely impact human health and well-being and who actively empower others to get involved. Participants will research one of the five 2015–2016 topics, investigate areas where they can make a difference, develop and carry out a project for their home, school, or community, and educate others in their school or community about the problems, effects, and solutions regarding the environmental concern. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.

This STAR Event was written in collaboration with and is endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency.


Junior: through grade 9

Senior: grades 10–12

Occupational: grades 10–12


All Environmental Ambassador projects must be based on one of the following topics.

  1. Efforts to promote “Greener Living” at home, in your community, on the road, when shopping, at school or at work. ( learn-issues/learn-about greener-living)
  2. Promote emergency preparedness to youth, families, and/or communities. (
  3. Efforts to protect drinking water in your community. (water.epa/gov)
  4. Promote sustainable communities through one or more of the six livability principles.


  1. Efforts to reduce solid waste, including household hazardous waste.



  1. Each entry will submit a portfolio (hardcopy or electronic) to the event room consultant at the designated participation time.
  2. Participant(s) will have 5 minutes to set up for the event. Other persons may not assist.
  3. Room consultants and evaluators will have 10 minutes to preview the portfolio during participant set up time. The participant must make the electronic portfolio accessible to evaluators.
  4. The oral presentation may be up to 10 minutes in length. A one-minute warning will be given at 9 minutes. Participant(s) will be stopped at 10 minutes.
  5. If audio or audiovisual recordings are used, they are limited to 3 minutes playing time during the presentation. Presentation equipment, with no audio, may be used during the entire presentation.
  6. Following the presentation, evaluators will have 5 minutes to interview participant(s).
  7. Evaluators will have up to 5 minutes to use the rubric to score and write comments for participants.


  1. Review “Eligibility and General Rules for All Levels of Competition” on page 77 prior to event planning and preparation.
  2. A table will be provided. Participant(s) must bring all other necessary supplies and/or equipment. Wall space will not be available.
  3. Access to an electrical outlet will not be provided. Participant(s) are encouraged to bring fully charged electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, etc., to use for audiovisual or electronic portfolio presentation, if desired.
  4. Spectators may not observe any portion of this event.

Hardcopy Portfolio

The portfolio is a collection of materials used to document and illustrate the work of the project. Materials must be contained in the official FCCLA STAR Events binder obtained from the FCCLA national emblematic supplier. A decorative and/or informative cover may be included. All materials, including the content divider pages and tabs, must fit within the cover, be one-sided, and may not exceed 48 pages, as described below. Once a hardcopy portfolio has been turned in to evaluators, participants may not switch to an electronic portfolio.

Electronic Portfolio

An electronic portfolio may be either in PowerPoint, Prezi, or other electronic format that can be viewed by the evaluators and room consultants prior to the oral presentation. The electronic portfolio and the hardware (method) to view it (i.e., equipment, files, projectors, screens, laptops) will be turned in to the room consultant at the designated participation time. Participants assume the responsibility of providing the technology used to show the evaluators the project. Once an electronic portfolio is turned in to the evaluators, participants may not switch to a hardcopy portfolio. Portfolio may not exceed 59 slides, as described below.

Oral Presentation

The oral presentation may be up to 10 minutes in length and is delivered to evaluators. The presentation should explain the specifics of the project. The presentation may not be prerecorded. If audio or audiovisual equipment is used, it is limited to 1 minute playing time during the presentation. Presentation equipment, with no audio, may be used throughout the oral presentation. Participants may use any combination of props, materials, supplies, and/or equipment to demonstrate how to carry out the project.