Organisation name:


1.0(Name of organisation) is fully committed to compliance with the Equality Act 2010.(Name of organisation) recognises that it is unlawful for a person to discriminate on racial grounds against another person. The law defines racial grounds as including race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins.

1.1(Name of organisation) recognises that there are four main types of racial discrimination: direct, indirect, victimisation and harassment.

2.0All cases of proven racial discrimination will be regarded as gross misconduct and (name of organisation) will apply the disciplinary procedure. (Name of organisation) recognises that the person discriminated against may choose to bring an action under Race Relations legislation.

3.0Race is defined as including:



3.3.Ethic or national origins.


1.0Direct racial discrimination occurs when a person is able to show that s/he has been treated less favourably because of race than others. To check this, it will help to compare with someone from a different racial group who, in similar circumstances, has been, or would have been, treated more favourably. Racist abuse and harassment are forms of direct discrimination.

2.0Indirect racial discriminationoccurs where a provision, criterion or practice which puts a person in one particular racial group at a particular disadvantage as compared to other persons.

2.1An example is a rule that employees or pupils must not wear headgear could exclude Sikh men and boys who wear a turban, or Jewish men or boys who wear a yarmulke, in accordance with practice within their racial group.

2.2Indirect race discrimination can be justified if it can be demonstrated that the provision criterion or practice is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.

3.0Victimisation occurs if a person is treated less favourably than others in the same circumstances because s/he has complained about racial discrimination, or supported someone else who has. A complaint of racial discrimination means that someone has:

3.1Brought proceedings under the Equality Act 2010.

3.2Given evidence or information in connection with proceedings brought by another person under the Equality Act 2010.

3.3Done anything under the Equality Act 2010 or with reference to it.

3.4Alleged that a person has acted in a way which would breach the Equality Act 2010.

3.5The complaint does not need to expressly claim discrimination when making the complaint.


4.1Harassment occurs when a person engages in unwanted conduct related to race that has the purpose or effect of:

4.1.1Violating that other person’s dignity.

4.1.2Creating an intimidating or hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.

Date this policy came into effect / Date approved by Governing Body
Next Review Date / As agreed by Governing Body
Name or position of person responsible for this policy
Other related policies / Employment
Relevant Legislation / Race Relations Act 1976
Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
Race Relations Act (Amendment) Regulations 2003
Equality Act 2010
Useful information / Equality and Human Rights Commission: