A.P. United States History

Dr. Urban

Unit 3: The Early Republic

Homework Assignment Sheet


John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Alexander Hamilton
John Jay
strict construction
assumption of debt
implied powers
excise tax
Bank of the United States
French Revolution
Jay’s Treaty
Neutrality Proclamation
Whiskey Rebellion / Federalists
Pinckney Treaty
Alien and Sedition Acts Virginia and Kentucky res.
Jeffersonian Republicans
Judiciary Act of 1789
XYZ affair
James Monroe
John Marshall
Aaron Burr
James Madison
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Lewis & Clark
Henry Clay
John Quincy Adams
judicial review
impressment / Macon’s Bill No. 2
war hawks
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Farewell Address “Revolution of 1800”
“midnight judges”
Chesapeake incident
Marbury v. Madison
Embargo Act
Louisiana Purchase
Non-Intercourse Act
William Henry Harrison
Francis Scott Key
Andrew Jackson
John C. Calhoun
Daniel Webster
protective tariff / sectionalism
internal improvements
Hartford Convention isolationism
Treaty of Ghent
Second Bank of the US
Tariff of 1816
McCulloch v. Maryland
Gibbons v. Ogden
Fletcher v. Peck
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
American System
Era of Good Feelings
panic of 1819
Florida Purchase Treaty
Monroe Doctrine
Tallmadge Amendment
Missouri Compromise

Assignment #1: (Due Wednesday, 10/14)

Topics: The First Party System


American Pageant – Outline Chapter 10

Assignment #2: (Due Friday, 10/16)

Topic: Revolution of 1800


APUSH Reader - Read pages 57-61 and complete secondary source worksheet.

Assignment #3: (Due Monday , 10/19)

Topic: Jeffersonian America


American Pageant - Outline Chapter 11

Assignment #4: (Due Wednesday, 10/21)

Topic: The Era of Good Feelings


American Pageant: Outline Chapter 12

Assignment #5: (Due Friday, 10/23)


  1. What domestic and foreign policy precedents did George Washington establish as the first president?
  2. What accounted for the rise of the first two political parties? Explain the differences between them.
  3. Was the Adams administration justified in suppressing public opinion during "wartime"? Explain.
  4. What was the Revolution of 1800? What changes did the Jefferson Administration bring about?
  5. Why did the United States go to war with Britain in 1812?
  6. Was the "Era of Good Feelings" a appropriate label for the period after the War of 1812?
  7. In what ways did James Monroe and John Quincy Adams set a new course for American foreign policy?
  8. What role did the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall play in forging a strong nation state?
  9. How did the development of the first major party system reflect democratic and republican values and competing conceptions of national identity?
  10. How were competing conceptions of national and regional identity expressed in the development of political institutions and cultural values after the War of 1812?

Tentative Test Dates:10/23 & 10/26