Unit 3 (Nervous and Endocrine System) CDA Study Guide

  1. What type of bone and muscle does growth hormone promote growth in?Skeletal muscle and long bone
  2. What is an antagonist? A hormone that does the opposite action of another. What hormone does insulin work as an antagonist to?Glucagon
  3. Most endocrine organs are stimulated by what?Hormones
  4. Circle the term that is appropriate: Most hormones are regulated by a (positive/negative) feedback mechanism.
  5. The hormone epinephrine is released as a response to what?Fight or flight response
  6. What would occur to a muscle if the release of acetylcholine is reduced?Muscle spasm
  7. As most teenagers don’t acquire enough sleep, the release of what hormone can be affected?Melatonin
  8. Calcitonin and PTH regulate what mineral important to bones?Calcium
  9. List any major processes controlled by hormones.Metabolism, electrolyte balance, body defenses to name a few
  10. Put the following events in correct sequence following threshold potential:
  11. Cell membrane becomes depolarized1
  12. Sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse outward2
  13. Cell membrane becomes repolarized4
  14. Potassium channels open and potassium ions diffuse outward while sodium is transported out of the cell.3
  15. What restores the resting potential of a nerve after depolarization occurs?Opening of voltage gated potassium (K+) channels and closing of sodium (Na+) gates.
  16. Explain what threshold potential of a membrane is. What action potential is. Minimum depolarization needed to operate Na/K pump (open and close the gates)
  17. A nerve impulse that jumps from one node to the next of a myelinated neuron is known as what type of conduction?Saltatory conduction
  18. What triggers an action potential?Diffusion of sodium (Na+) into a neuron.
  19. The spinal cord is responsible for integration of what reflexes?Patellar reflex
  20. Rest and digestion are controlled by which part of the nervous system?Parasympathetic
  21. The Fight or Flight response is controlled by which part of the nervous system?Sympathetic
  22. For each receptor list what type of stimulus each is responsible for detecting: Mechanoreceptors(pressure), Thermoreceptors(heat), Chemoreceptors(chemicals), and Photoreceptors(Light).
  23. Circle the term that is appropriate: (Mechanoreceptors/Chemoreceptors) detect touch, vibration, and pressure.
  24. List the physiological responses associated with the fight or flight response.Increased respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure. Dilation of the pupils. Constriction of blood vessels to the digestive tract.
  25. List in proper sequence the events of a reflex arc.Sensory receptorSensory neuronInterneuronMotor neuronEffector
  26. What is the role of an afferent nerve? To carry impulses from the sensory organ to the CNS. An efferent nerve?To carry impulses from the CNS to the effector (muscle).
  27. Be familiar with each of the hormones we discussed and what role they play.(graphic organizer)
  28. Be able to label a neuron
  29. What is the main difference between the endocrine system and the nervous system? The nervous system is a fast acting system whereas the endocrine system is a slow acting system.