Nombre: ______Hora: ______Fecha:______

Sra. Babson – 6th Grade Spanish Tortilla Making – Project Spring 2011

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Final Assessment:Tortilla Making Project (100 points)

Spanish 6th Grade - Spring 2011 – Sra. Christine Babson


People in Spanish speaking cultures eat some foods which are not regularly eaten in the United States. Corn or flour tortillas are one example. Tortillas were traditionally made by the mother (and daughters) of a family each morning. They are eaten in place of bread at virtually every meal.Today, tortillas are available in almost every supermarket

Project Objective:

  1. To demonstrate your mastery of the vocabulary and grammar we have learned this year and in particular the vocabulary and grammar in Unit 3 Lesson 1.
  2. Tolet you experiencewhat it might be like if you werein a traditional Hispanic family.

Steps to Complete this Project:

  1. Ask a parent/guardian to read this sheet and sign the permission slip or send an email with their permission to n or before FridayMay 6th.
  2. Make flour tortillas with a friend or your family using the recipe on the attached sheet. NOTE: Take two photographs to include with your project. Glue to 8 ½ ” x 11” paper.
  3. Write a letterin Spanish about tortillas on 8 ½” x 11” paper (single-sided)
  4. Complete the “Cover Sheet: Grading Rubric” to tell me what grade you think you deserve. It must be submitted with your project.
  5. Submit project by FridayMay 13th(3 sheets of paper:Letter, Photos & Completed Rubric)

Please put the letter and pictures on 2 different sheets of 8 ½ “ x 11” paper so projects may be displayed easily.

Do NOT make a poster.

(Project Details are on back of this sheet.)

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Final Assessment :Tortilla Making Project (100 points)
Spanish 6th Grade - Spring 2011 – Sra. Christine Babson


Project Due Date: On (or before) Friday, May 13th

NOTE: You may cook with friends however each person must submit an individual project.

Required Content (3 sheets of 8 ½” x 11” paper.):

  1. A typed double-spaced letter IN SPANISH about tortillas.Use only the present and/or future tense (“ir a plus infinitive). DO NOT try to write in the past tense (Points will be deducted if you use the past tense). Use only grammar and vocabulary which we have learned this year. (See grading rubric for required Unit 3 Les 1 grammar.)

Letter Format Reminders: (Based on DSMS 6th Grade English Requirements)

Date (written out: el # de mayo, 2011)

Salutations (Use “Estimado(a)” = “Dear” (formal) or “Querida(o) = “Dear” (informal)

Closing statement: “Sinceramente” (Followed by your name 1st typed and then a signature)


Capitalizations . Periods at end of sentences

Commas after salutations

Accents (handwritten or typed) See Class-website “Pronunciation and Typing”



A topic sentence, at least 3 supporting details and a closing sentence

  1. Two (2) pictures of yourself during the eventattached to one side of an 8 ½” x 11” paper. 1picture of you preparing tortillas/1picture of you eating.
  2. “Cover Sheet” for Project with completed Project Grading Rubric. Check one “Student” box in each category to indicate what you think you deserve. Sra. Babson will check one “Teacher” box in each category to indicate what she thinks.

This project is your Unit 3 Lesson 1 assessment and is worth 100 points.

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Final Assessment :Tortilla Making Project (100 points)
Spanish 6th Grade - Spring 2011 – Sra. Christine Babson

Flour Tortillas- Recipe

Take out all materials and ingredients before you start.


  • a camera
  • large mixing bowl
  • rolling pin
  • large spoon
  • baking pan or baking stone (or a skillet if you use the skillet method)
  • measuring cups and spoons


2 cups bread flour (all-purpose flour also works see )
1 teaspoon salt
¼ cup vegetable shortening or lard
¾ cup warm (105 to 115F) water (The water should feel warm, not hot!)

To Make Dough:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Mix dough by hand or on low speed until the dough comes together into a ball and “comes away” from the bowl.
  3. Put flour on your hands and the counter-top to keep the dough from sticking. (see back for next steps)
  4. Place dough on the countertop and knead dough by hand until smooth. (4-6 min)
  5. Divide the dough equally into 8 pieces and roll them into balls.
  6. Cover the balls with a tea towel or other light cloth and let “rest” for 20 min.

(Have you taken a picture yet?? You need one of you making the tortillas.)

To Cook – Oven Method:

  1. Place baking stone or inverted baking sheet in oven and preheat to 450F.
  2. Roll out each ball of dough into a 6- to 8-inch round, 1/8 inch thick. If the dough is resistant, move to the next piece and return later to finish rolling.
  3. Place as many dough rounds as will fit directly on baking stone or baking sheet.
  4. Bake for about 3 minutes until the tortilla puffs or “balloons”.
  5. Remove it to a rack to cool. (For crisp tortillas, flip and bake second side.)

Skillet Method of Cooking Tortillas : The recipe above is one way of cooking tortillas. You may prefer to use a skillet instead of the oven. Just heat the skillet on medium-high heat. Place dough rounds on the skillet until they puff up and get light brown spots. Flip & brown lightly on the other side. Remove to rack to cool.

Enjoy with butter, cheese, meat, salsa,plain or however you like!

(Have you taken your 2nd picture yet? You need one of you eating a tortilla!)

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Final Assessment:Tortilla Making Project (100 points)
Spanish 6th Grade - Spring 2011 – Sra. Christine Babson


NAME: ______BLOCK: A C D (circle one)

DATE SUBMITTED: ______(Due on or before 5/13)

Content & format:
  • 3 sheets of 8 ½” x 11” paper.
  • Completed Rubric
  • 2 photos
  • Letter format
  • Grammar/ Vocabulary from Unit 3 Les 1 (p.179)
/ Few items included and project not in correct format.
□Teacher / Most items included and project format mostly correct.
□Teacher / Almost all items included and project format almost perfect
□Teacher / All items included and project formatted correctly
Grammar: Use the following correctly:
  • Present Tense
  • Future Tense (using “ir”)
  • Ser & Estar
  • -AR,-ER & -IR Verbs
  • Gustar
  • Ir (“to go”)
/ Used few required verbs. Many errors. Need to seek extra help.
□Teacher / Used most required verbs. More errors than correct.
□Teacher / Used almost all required verbs. Almost perfect.
□Teacher / Used all required verbs. Virtually perfect.
  • Drawn from words learned this year
  • Unit 3 Les. 1 (p.179)
/ Improper use of vocab from U3L1 & year and/or used words not learned in class.
□Teacher / Good use of vocabulary from U3L1 & year.
□Teacher / Very good use of vocabulary from U3L1 & year.
□Teacher / Excellent use of vocabulary from U3L1 & year.
Effort / Creativity & Risk Taking:
Thoughtful input, organization, creativity and willingness to “stretch” . (In other words to use challenging grammar and vocabulary) / Below expectations. Does not show much effort, organization, creativity or “stretch”
□Teacher / Meets most expectations. Shows effort, organization, creativity and/or “stretch”.
□Teacher / Meets expectations. Shows effort, organization, creativity and “stretch”
□Teacher / Exceeds expectations. Shows a lot of effort, organization, creativity and “stretch”.

INSTRUCTIONS: Check one box in each row to indicate what you think you deserve. Sra. Babson will check one box in each row to indicate what she thinks.

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Final Assessment:Tortilla Making Project (100 points)
Spanish 6th Grade - Spring 2011 – Sra. Christine Babson


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Have you heard ??! 6th grade Spanish students are learning about food in the current chapter and have been assigned to make tortillas!! The tortillas are to be made and eaten at home.

Since students will be using a stove I want to insure that you are aware of this assignment and give your permission. Please review the project details I sent home with your student today. Then return the completedpermission slip belowto me via email or with your student no later than Friday (May 6th).

(I suggest you keep this portion of this page for future reference.)
NOTE: The project (cover sheet, letter in Spanish &2 photos) isdue Friday,May 13th.

If your student cannot do this assignment for health or other reasons, please advise as soon as possible so I may schedule an alternate assessment. ¡¡Gracias!!

PERMISSION SLIP –Cut on line above and return this portion by Fri. May 6th
If you have questions please email me at

I have read the information about the Tortilla Making Project and my student,

(Student Name) ______,

(check one) □ has my permission to do the Tortilla Making Project.

□ does not have my permission to do the Tortilla Making Project. My student will complete an alternate assessment during “H” block Mon. Tues. or Wed. (5/9-11).

(parent signature) (date)

11/17/2018 klasko adapted by cbabson