Unit 2PR22 (F94R 04)Liaise with Care Team to Ensurethat Individuals’ Nutritional Needsare Met
This Unit is about working with care team staff to ensure that clients in the caresector and patients in hospitals receive adequate nutrition and fluids throughthe provision of meals. The Unit requires that the individual has a basicknowledge of the nutritional requirements of the general population and howfood meets these requirements.Assessor feedback on completion of Unit
Unit 2PR22 (F94R 04)Liaise with Care Team to Ensurethat Individuals’ Nutritional Needsare Met
I confirm that the evidence detailed in this Unit is my own work and meets the requirements of the National Occupational standards.
Candidate SignatureDate
I confirm that the candidate has achieved all the requirements of this Unit.
Assessor SignatureDate
Countersigning Assessor Signature (if applicable)Date
I confirm that the candidate’s sampled work meets the standards specified for this Unit and may be presented for external verification.
Internal Verifier SignatureDate
Countersigning Internal Verifier (if applicable)Date
External Verifier Initial and Date(if sampled)Unit 2PR22 (F94R 04)Liaise with Care Team to Ensurethat Individuals’ Nutritional Needsare Met
What you have to doP1Develop relationships with carers that recognise their role and expertise.
P2Work with care team to identify specific nutritional requirements of individuals and groups of customers.
P3Ensure that you understand, and can use and explore any information with carers, gaining clarification on specific points.
P4Work with appropriate people to gather information about resources, and options that are available to meet the nutritional needs identified.
P5Work with carers to identify what additional support is needed to ensure that nutrition and fluid requirements are met including the consistency, timing and service of the food.
P6Follow organisational procedures to ensure that customer requirements are recorded and available to authorised people.
P7Seek additional help where the needs are outside your scope of responsibility and expertise.
Unit 2PR22 (F94R 04)Liaise with Care Team to Ensurethat Individuals’ Nutritional Needsare Met
Evidence number / Evidence description / Date / What you have to doP1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6 / P7
Unit 2PR22 (F94R 04)Liaise with Care Team to Ensurethat Individuals’ Nutritional Needsare Met
What you have to knowKnowledge Statements marked by cannot be inferred / Completed date or appendix
K1*The key care roles that operate within the organisation and the need to liaise with them.
K2*The nutritional requirements that customers may have.
K3*The most appropriate meal options available to support nutritional requirements.
K4*The role of a ‘care plan’.
K5*The significance of meal times and rotated meal times.
K6*How nutritional screening is implemented within the organisation.
K7*The information that can be interpreted and used following nutritional screening.
K8*What quantity of nutrients are typically needed to maintain a good dietary balance.
Unit 2PR22 (F94R 04)Liaise with Care Team to Ensurethat Individuals’ Nutritional Needsare Met
Supplementary evidence
Evidence/Question / Answer / Date1
Evidence must come from candidate’s work in the associated work area. There must be sufficient evidence for the assessor to judge that the candidate can achieve the required standard on a consistent basis.
Unit2PR22 (F94R 04)Liaise with Care Team to Ensure that Individuals’ Nutritional Needs are Met1
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