Wright State University- Student Government Association Minutes
August 30th, 2016 | Atlantis Room (156 SU)
Minutes Taken By: Danae Swartz
I. Call to Order:
II. Roll Call
a. Present: Brenna Doll, Danae Swartz, David Baugham, Denny Wilson, Dexter Nye, Drew Ratzel, Doug Benedict, Emma Mattingly, Gavin Doll, Holley Mapel, Jean Kalima, Jordan Large, Katherine Simpson, Koty Johnson, Kyle Min, Ling Huang, Lukas Wenrick, Matt Almazan, Melissa VanScoy, Nathan Balasubramanian, Nathan Price, Nick Lacey, Noelle Downey, Rick Fultz, Nune Kassem
b. Absent:
III. Approval of the Agenda
a. Approved as written
IV. Approval of the Minutes
a. Approved as written
V. Advisor Introductions
VI. Member Reports - No reports this week
a. Senate
i. Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Dexter Nye
ii. College of Education and Human Services- Brenna Doll
iii. College of Engineering and Computer Science- Rick Fultz
iv. College of Liberal Arts Senator- Emma Mattingly
v. College of Nursing and Health Senator- Melissa VanScoy
vi. College of Science and Math Senator- Matt Almazan
vii. Commuter Senator- Ling Huang
viii. Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Kyle Min
ix. Residential Senator- Katherine Simpson
b. Cabinet
i. Speaker of the House of Representatives- David Baugham
ii. Director of Academics- Jean Kalima
iii. Director of Accessibility, Health, and Safety- Nick Lacey
iv. Director of Diversity and Inclusion- Jordan Large
v. Director of Student Affairs- Noelle Downey
VII. Report Discussion
VIII. Committee Reports
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
a. Confirmation: Assistant Director of the Freshman Internship Program, Doug Benedict- Gavin Doll
i. Unanimous approval
b. Confirmation: Assistant Director of Outreach and Collaboration, Nathan Price- Gavin Doll
i. Unanimous approval
c. Constitution & Bylaws- Drew Ratzel
XI. Rowdy Bobblehead Award
a. Gavin Doll to Doug Benedict and Nathan Price
XII. Advisor Reports
a. Dr. Gary Dickstein- Use “Wright State Events” Guidebook
b. SFC starts 9/12, every other Monday 2:30-4:30pm, contact Holley Mapel
XIII. Announcements
a. Administrative Announcements- Danae Swartz
b. Mock Debate- Nathan Price
i. Tuesday September 13th, no SGA meeting
ii. Doors open at 5:30pm, debate starts at 7pm, Apollo Room
c. Fall Fest- Nathan Price
i. This Friday on the North Lawn 11am-3pm
ii. Stop by the SGA booth
XIV. Adjournment:
a. Motion moved by Matt Almazan ; Seconded by Dexter Nye