Mrs. Kindred’s Class Expectations and Responsibilities
- Arrive to class on time. Once you are in the door, be seated and clear your desk of any unnecessary materials. Begin working on the warm-up problems, take out your homework from the previous night, and copy down the homework for the night in your assignment book.
- Be prepared. Bring 2 pencils, pen, math binder, homework, and calculator to class everyday. The pencils should be sharpened and the binder should have notebook paper in it prior to the start of class.
- Be respectful. Raise your hand, donot talk while someone else is talking, and respect the property and ideas of others.
- You may leave the room only in an emergency and with permission. You must sign in and out to leave the room.
- Do not pack up until directed. Class is not over until you are dismissed.
- Homework is due on the assigned date! It should be neat and legible. If I cannot read the answers or work, I cannot give you credit. No credit for late assignments.
- Show your work on classwork, homework, and tests.If there is no work, you get no credit.
- Absent? Previously assigned work is due the day you return. The number of days you were out is the number of days you have to complete the missed assignments.
- Quizzes and tests must be made up. You will be required to take a test the day of your return if no new material was taught.
Behavior: Mature, cooperative behavior is expected and required. Students will be working in pairs or small groups on a regular basis to complete various in-class activities. Students are expected to work carefully and cooperatively with other students.
Grading: Students will show what they have learned in various ways. These include: quizzes, homework assignments, class work, and projects. In order to be successful on tests and quizzes, students must pay attention and participate in class, complete homework assignments with care, and review this information outside of math class on a regular basis. Some of the assigned projects will require students to manage their time well. Students will be encouraged to set small goals throughout this process so that the larger goal (the completed project) is not so overwhelming. Since projects will be given at least three (3) weeks to complete, projects not handed in on the due date will be reduced by one letter grade for each day that the project is late. Student grades will be updated on a regular basis. These can be checked on-line at any time.
Homework: The purpose of homework is to reinforce the concepts taught in class. Most homework assignments will be worth two (2) points. In order to earn full credit, homework must be neat, complete, and show that effort was put forth in completing ALL problems assigned. Homework that just has answers written down will not be accepted; work must be shown. Failure to hand in homework will result in a score of zero (0). While some homework assignments will be a springboard for discussion, others may be graded (which may then be worth more than the typical two points). It is VERY important that students hand in quality homework on a consistent basis.
One last note to the student… My hope is that you will find what we do in mathematics this year interesting and useful. If something becomes difficult, please see me and we will work through it. Your effort and positive attitude are the two most important factors in finding success!