Unit 2HK2/10 (F98T 04)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

This Unit is about choosing the right cleaning chemicals, using the chemicals correctly and disposing of them safely. This Unit also covers using manual equipment (such as wet mops, dry mops, dusters and buckets) and electrical equipment (such as suction cleaners and spray extractors).
When you have completed this Unit, you will have proved you can:
2HK2/10.1 Work using different chemicals
2HK2/10.2 Work using manual equipment
2HK2/10.3 Work using electrical equipment
What some of the words in this Unit mean:
Protective clothing for example, gloves and overalls
Relevant documentation any records of the use of chemicals required in your organisation
Assessor feedback on completion of Unit

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

I confirm that the evidence detailed in this Unit is my own work and meets the requirements of the National Occupational standards.

Candidate SignatureDate

I confirm that the candidate has achieved all the requirements of this Unit.

Assessor SignatureDate

Countersigning Assessor Signature (if applicable)Date

I confirm that the candidate’s sampled work meets the standards specified for this Unit and may be presented for external verification.

Internal Verifier SignatureDate

Countersigning Internal Verifier (if applicable)Date

External Verifier Initial and Date(if sampled)

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

What you have to do
The assessor must assess statements P1–P5 by direct observation.
Element 1 — Work using different chemicals
P1Choose the right chemicals for the area you are going to clean.
P2Wear the appropriate protective clothing.
P3Prepare and use the chemicals in line with the manufacturers’ instructions, using the correct equipment.
P4Store the chemicals securely.
P5Complete any relevant documentation in line with your organisation’s procedures.
The assessor must assess statements P6–P10 by direct observation.
Element 2 — Work using manual equipment
P6Choose the correct piece of equipment for the area that you are going to clean.
P7Prepare the area for cleaning.
P8Use the equipment safely, correctly and where appropriate using appropriate chemicals.
P9Leave the area clean and tidy and free from debris.
P10Store equipment in line with your organisation’s procedures.
The assessor must assess statements P11–P15 by direct observation.
Element 3 — Work using electrical equipment
P11Choose the correct equipment and chemicals for the area you are going to clean.
P12Check that the equipment is safe to use.
P13Select and use the correct attachments for the equipment.
P14Use the equipment, attachments and chemicals in line with manufacturers’ instructions.
P15Store the equipment and attachments correctly and in line with the manufacturers’ instructions.

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

What you must cover / What you must cover (cont)
Element 1 — Work using different chemicals
There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate’s work for:
C1Chemicals(at least three from)
(a)multi-surface cleaner
(b)toilet cleaner
(c)glass cleaner
(d)air freshener
Element 2 — Work using manual equipment
C2Manual Equipment(at least five from)
(a)mop systems for wet use
(b)mop systems for dry use
(c)colour-coded cloths
(f)sponge/non-abrasive pad
(i)abrasive pad
Element 3 — Work using electrical equipment
C3Electrical Equipment(at least one from)
(a)vacuum cleaners
(b)suction dryers
(e)spray extractors / Element 3 — Work using electrical equipment
C4Attachments(at least two from)
(a)hard/soft floor attachments
(b)upholstery attachments
(d)crevice tools
(e)spray extractors/nozzles
C5Chemicals(at least two from)
(a)carpet shampoo
(b)foam inhibitor
(c)spray polish
(d)floor maintainer
(e)floor stripper
(g)greasy stain removers
(i)stain removers
(j)cleaning granules
Evidence for the remaining points under ‘what you must cover’ may be assessed through questioning, witness testimony or simulation.
*For this Unit, the assessor is only required to collect supplementary evidence for:
two from equipment
three from attachments
three from chemicals

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

Evidence number / Evidence description / Date / What you have to do
P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6 / P7 / P8 / P9 / P10 / P11 / P12 / P13 / P14 / P15

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

Evidence number / Evidence description / Date / What you must cover
At least three observations from / At least five observations from / At least one observation from / At least two observations from / At least two observations from
C1 a / C1 b / C1 c / C1 d / C1 e / C1 f / C1 g / C2 a / C2 b / C2 c / C2 d / C2 e / C2 f / C2 g / C2 h / C2 i / C3 a / C3 b / C3 c / C3 d / C3 e / C4 a / C4 b / C4 c / C4 d / C4 e / C4 f / C5 a / C5 b / C5 c / C5 d / C5 e / C5 f / C5 g / C5 h / C5 i

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

What you have to know
Knowledge Statements marked by cannot be inferred / Completed date or appendix
For the whole Unit
K1*Basic legal requirements relating to safe working practices when using cleaning chemicals.
K2*The warning signs used on cleaning chemical containers and what they mean.
For Element 2HK2/10.1
K3How to select appropriate chemicals for the full range of cleaning jobs in this element.
K4*Why it is important to wear protective clothing when using chemicals.
K5*Why it is dangerous to mix certain types of chemicals together.
K6*Why it is important to follow manufacturers’ instructions on cleaning chemicals.
K7*What might happen if you do not follow the relevant legal requirements for this sort of work.
K8*Why work routines and sequences need to be followed.
K9* What preparations should be made to the work area before using chemicals.
K10*Documents you need to complete when using chemicals.
K11*The types of problems and unexpected situations that may happen when you are preparing and using chemicals, and how to deal with these.
For Element 2HK2/10.2
K12*Basic legal requirements relating to safe working practices when using manual cleaning equipment.
K13*How to choose manual cleaning equipment for the types of cleaning you carry out.

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

What you have to know (cont)
Knowledge Statements marked by  cannot be inferred / Completed date or appendix
K14*Why it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for manual equipment.
K15*Why the equipment should be cleaned and stored correctly after use.
K16*The types of problems and unexpected situations that may happen when you are preparing and using manual cleaning equipment, and how to deal with these.
For Element 2HK2/10.3
K17*Current relevant legislation relating to safe working practices when using cleaning chemicals and electrical equipment.
K18*The main dangers when using electrical equipment and how to avoid these.
K19*Safe handling and lifting techniques.
K20*Why safe carrying and lifting techniques should be used.
K21*What factors need to be taken into account when using electrical equipment.
K22*The types of problems and unexpected situations that may happen when you are preparing and using electrical cleaning equipment and how to deal with these.

Unit XXXX XX (2HK2/10)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment

Supplementary evidence

Evidence/Question / Answer / Date

Evidence must come from candidate’s work in the associated work area. There must be sufficient evidence for the assessor to judge that the candidate can achieve the required standard on a consistent basis.

Unit 2HK2/10 (F98T 04)Work Using Different Chemicals and Equipment1

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