Magnolia High School

Mrs. Woods Cheramie School Website:

English I

Twitter & Instagram:@woods_cheramie

Class Expectations

  • Be on prompt, present, and prepared.
  • Students will arrive in class and be seated and working on the warm up before the bell rings.
  • Be courteous and respectful of faculty, peers, and building.
  • Use appropriate language; no put downs, teasing, or other inappropriate words.

English I Curriculum 2016-2017
This course presents a survey of world literature from multiple genres.
Students study the significance of historical context, as well as literary forms and terms,while they practice and develop critical reading skills. Students also practice variousforms of writing with an emphasis on clarity, logic, and the ability to explain,describe, or persuade. Students plan, draft, edit, and complete compositions on aregular basis. The conventions and mechanics of writing are continuously reviewedand practiced in order to facilitate the writing process.
Individual Supply List:
1 composition notebooks**
blue or black pens**
loose leaf paper
**required: all students must have a writing utensil every day in class. Composition books will be left in the classroom and used every day.
Class Consumption Supply List: Please bring by Friday Sept 2nd! It is important that you contribute to class supplies.
1st period: 1 package markers
2nd period: 1 box Kleenex
4th period: 1 pack map pencils
6th period: 1 pack 6x9 clasp envelopes for notebooks
7thperiod: 1 pack glue sticks

Class Procedures

❖ Homework is due when you enter theclassroom.

❖ Take care of personal business duringpassing period.

❖ Pick up handouts & turn in cell phone immediately uponentrance to the room.

❖ Work silently on warm-upuntil givenfurther directions.

❖ Copy daily assignments in a calendaror on a piece of paper in your binder.

❖ Keep track of your grades by using

Home Access Center

Students may use class computerto check grades.

❖ Cellphones:

Not allowed unlessneeded for classroom activity at theinstruction of Ms. WoodsCheramieand will be turned in every day at the beginning of class.

Cheating & Plagiarism: Cheating is defined as giving or receiving and/or using unauthorized information on a test or submitting duplicate work for individual assignments. Any student involved in an instance of cheating will have his/her paper taken and a grade of zero given. A discipline consequence may be assigned to a student found guilty of cheating. Plagiarism consists of representing another person’s ideas or writing as one’s own. Plagiarism will be considered cheating and the student shall be subject to disciplinary action.
  • TBA Magnolia High School Policy

Tutoring/Conference Times

Before school: Tues/Thurs: 7am-7:20am

PLC: Daily unless a meeting is scheduled

After school: By Appointment Only

Conference Period: 5th period

*All makeup work, tests, and quizzes must be completed during these times.

9th Grade Grading Scale: Positive consequences for choosing to meet/exceed expectations:

*The joy of learning *Verbal praise

*High five * PRIZES

Summative (major) grades: 51%

(Exams, Projects, Essays, Book Reports)

Formative (minor) grades: 34%

Quizzes 20% Daily Grades 14%

District Common Assessments: 15%

(9 weeks exams)

Late Work Policy: Late homework is accepted

for 50% of total credit from 1 day to 1 week late. No credit will be given after one week.

Absences: With an excused absence, you may make up missed work for full credit.

Missed exams must be made up within one week.

Makeup work will be addressed outside of class (preferably during PLC or before school).

After they have been used in class, copies of all handouts are placed in the black and white box. It is your responsibility to check this box for missed work.

Negative consequences for choosing to not meet the expectations:

1. Verbal or visual warning.

2. PLC consequence and goal meeting with Mrs. Woods Cheramie

3. PLC meeting with Mrs. Woods Cheramie, and a negative call home

4. PLC meeting with Mrs. Woods Cheramie, negative call home, and referral to AP.

5. Any further disruption will be handled by administration.

**It is easy to gain my respect. It is extremely difficult to gain it back.

Please remember this when choosing your behavior.

Let’s have a great year! Welcome to TMHS!!! #VCL

Parent and Student Acknowledgement Form

Student Parent

_____ I have received and read a copy of the syllabus for English I ______

_____ I have read the policy and understand the consequences of plagiarism ______

For Parents:

This year in English I we will be reading following novels as a class. If you foresee a possible issue with your student reading any of these please contact me immediately so that we may resolve any possible issues well in advance. Thank you!

The Magnolia High School English I Novel List:

  • To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Independent Reading