Revised on August 17, 2016




Article I: Official Name

The name of this organization shall be the East Carolina University Student Activities Board (hereinafter referred to as the Student Activities Board, or SAB).

Article II: Purpose

The Student Activities Board shall be committed to fostering student development and leadership through the coordination of educational, engaging, and entertaining programs for the entire Pirate Nation.

Along with presenting East Carolina University with efficient programming, the Student Activities Board will create and host premiere events and activities, be a hands on collaborative leadership experience, give student members the ability to find their voice, cultivate a sense of personal ownership and pride, and foster lasting personal and professional relationships.

Article III: Membership

Section I. Membership in this organization is open to all ECU students and will not be restricted on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.

Section II General Members- All students who pay a student activity fee at East Carolina University.

  1. There will be no discrimination of race, sex, creed, color, age, veteran-status, sexual orientation, or disability with regards to the purpose of the organization.

Section III. Active Members – Students who attend weekly meetings of any aforementioned committees with no more than two (2) missed meetings per semester.

  1. In the event that a committee member expects to miss a meeting, they must obtain an excused absence from the committee chair.

Section IV: Associate Members – All faculties, staff, officers and trustees of East Carolina University.

Article IV: Organization Duties and Roles

Section I. The President of the Student Activities Board shall be the principal executive officer of the organization.

A.The President shall be a full-time student at East Carolina University and shall have and maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.50.

1.In the event that the President is only a part-time student with the intent of graduating in the final semester of his/her appointed position, he/she will be allowed to remain in office until the end of the term.

2.If the appointed President does not maintain a 2.50 during his/her course of term, further action can be administered by the Board of Directors and/or Advisors

B.It shall be the duty of the President to carry out the policy of the Student Activities Board and to administer the operations of the organization from both a long-range point of view and a day-to-day standpoint.

1.In the event that a committee chair resigns or is removed from office, the President may appoint someone in the interim or re-open the application process.

C.The President shall present to the Board of Directors and/or Advisors for approval of the annual budget of the Student Activities Board and appointments to committee chairpersonships, established by the Executive Board.

D.The President shall recommend to the Board of Directors and/or Advisors policies deemed desirable for necessary changes in the operation and/or internal structure of the Student Activities Board.

E.The President shall be responsible for the expenditure of all SAB funds, subject to the provisions of this Constitution. Along with the expenditure of these funds, he/she will be keep records of past and ongoing budget usage of the Student Activities Board.

The President shall attend all weekly Activity Board Executive meetings.

F.The President shall receive and organize minutes from each of the six committee meetings no later than forty-eight (48) hours after each weekly committee meeting has concluded.

G.Selection Process

1.No later than thirty (30) days after the deadline for applications is due, the Board of Directors and/or Advisors shall interview candidates for the Office of President and shall select the President among those interviewed by a majority vote.

2.The President-elect, from the date of his/her appointment, until the date of his/her installation shall familiarize himself/herself with all aspects of the Student Activities Board, including mentoring and shadowing under the assistance of the current President.

3.During the time between appointment and installation, the President- elect, along with the current Executive board members, shall interview and select all committee chairpersons and recommend approval of their decisions to the Advisors.

4.Upon appointment, the President-elect shall assume office no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days after his/her selection, and he/she must serve a term of one year from the date of his/her inauguration or until his/her successor shall have been selected and installed.

5.The President shall be eligible for selection for more than one term.

H.The President shall be responsible for planning the annual Barefoot on the Mall celebration in April of each year. The President will include the Executive Board in the planning of this event along with an ad hoc committee of outstanding SAB members.

I.The President shall sit on student committees such as the Athletic Board, Student Media Board, Chancellor’s Roundtable, and other emergency pop-up meetings.

J.The President shall be sit on major event committees such as the NC Civility Summit and Pirate Palooza.

K.The President shall serve as co-chair of Halloween Havoc with the Associate Director of Student Activities and Organization.

L.Failure of the President of the Student Activities Board to fulfill the duties and responsibilities outlined in the Student Activities Board Constitution shall constitute grounds for removal from office. Removal from office may be accomplished by a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative voted by the Board of Directors and/or Advisors.

  1. In the event that the President is removed from office, the Advisors of the Student Activities Board shall assume the vacant position until an individual can be appointed to this position.

Section II: The Vice President shall serve as the secondary executive officer of the Student Activities Board.

  1. The Vice President shall be a full-time student at East Carolina University and shall have and maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.50.
  1. In the event that the Vice President is only a part-time student with the intent of graduating in the final semester of his/her appointed position, he/she will be allowed to remain in office until the end of the term.
  2. If the appointed Vice President does not maintain a 2.50 during his/her course of term, further action can be administered by the Board of Directors and/or Advisors
  1. The Vice President shall be responsible for maintaining contact information of new and current members of the Student Activities Board.
  1. The Vice President will be responsible for planning semi-annual Interest Meetings for the Student Activities Board.
  2. The Vice President will be responsible for tracking committee member involvement hours.
  1. The Vice President shall serve in the OrgSync administrative role.
  1. The Vice President will be responsible for entering all SAB events into the OrgSync calendar at least a month in advance.
  2. The Vice President will be responsible for entering 1card data swiped at SAB events into the events on OrgSync.
  1. The Vice President shall serve as the Public Relations coordinator for the Student Activities Board.
  1. The Vice President will be responsible for maintaining SAB’s social media accounts, the SAB treasure chest, and the SAB bulletin board.
  2. The Vice President will be responsible for organizing a sub-committee consisting of the marketing coordinators from each committee for tabling events.
  3. The Vice President will be responsible for ordering all of SAB’s promotional items.
  1. The Vice President will represent the Student Activities Board by serving on the Pledge Purple and MLK Day committees.

Section III: The Executive Board of the Student Activities Board, under the leadership of the President, shall be responsible for formulating the budget and actively providing programming for the University community in accordance with the policies established by the Student Activities Board Constitution.

  1. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board
  2. All committee chairpersons shall be members of the Board
  3. The Executive Board shall meet weekly at a time decided by the President at the beginning of every school year.
  1. Meetings shall be thorough and productive, with an emphasis on discussion of committee events, Executive Board activity, and any other topics deemed acceptable.
  2. Attendance at all meetings is required. The President and Advisors shall judge all absences as either excused or unexcused.
  3. If any member of the Executive Board expects to not be present at a weekly meeting, they must alert the President at least 48 hours before the start of the meeting, providing a reason and/or excuse.
  4. Any member with more than two unexcused absences may be removed from office.
  5. A quorum for meetings shall be fifty (50) percent.
  6. An Advisor must be present.
  1. In the event that any Executive Board member shall resign, he/she must submit a written or electronic letter of resignation two weeks before resignation date.
  2. SAB policies set by the Executive Board shall be subject to approval by the Advisors.
  3. The Executive Board shall report to the President on programming matters of concern to the Student Activities Board, along with informing him/her of discrepancies present between chairs, committee members or any other member(s) of the entire Student Activities Board as a whole.

Section IV: The Student Activities Board’s committees, whose number and fields of responsibility shall be determined by the President and is subject to approval by the Advisors, shall conduct programming aimed toward all students, staff and faculty of the East Carolina University community.

  1. Each committee shall be headed by a Chairperson who shall be appointed by the President with subject to approval by the Advisors.
  2. Each chairperson shall be a full-time student with a minimum grade point average of 2.50.
  3. In the event that a committee chairperson is only a part-time student with the intent of graduating in the final semester of his/her appointed position, he/she will be allowed to remain in office until the end of the term.
  4. If the appointed chairperson fails to maintain any of the outlined duties and responsibilities on more than one occasion, further action can be administered by the President, with approval of the Advisors.
  5. Chairpersons shall conduct meetings with committee members, setting aside time to discuss existing and upcoming events, along with brainstorming and planning new events at East Carolina University.
  6. Each committee is responsible for planning, selecting, promoting and presenting all events sponsored by the committee except where there are conflicts with other provisions of this Constitution or with the policies of the Department of Student Experiences, the University and/or the State.
  7. Each committee is required to meet each week, unless otherwise approved by the Student Activities Board President or if the scheduled meeting is during the holiday season or vacation time established by ECU.
  8. Each committee is required to have at least ten (10) members of the East Carolina University community, not including the Chairperson him/herself or the advisor of that committee.
  9. The committee members shall be responsible for all decisions made about programming and events that the committee will sponsor and present. All decisions shall be made by majority vote in official meetings of the committees.
  10. Each committeemust have at least two (2) events per month. If there is a reason to this not being fulfilled, the committee chair must present this to the Executive Board and the Advisors.
  11. In order for the committee to conduct business, a quorum consisting of fifty percent (50%) of the members plus one shall be present.
  12. The Advisor of the respected committee must be present at all meetings.
  13. If a chairperson deems a committee member disruptive or unhelpful to the conducting of their committee, they hold grounds to remove such committee person with the approval of the President and Advisor of the respected committee.
  14. Each SAB Chairpersonwill be responsible for appointing a marketing coordinator, secretary, and an assessment coordinator position within their committee membership.
  15. With assistance from the Chairperson, the marketing coordinator shall be responsible for the promotion of said committee events and overall SAB tabling events.
  16. The secretary shall be responsible for recording committee meeting minutes and sending them out to committee members.
  17. The assessment coordinator shall be responsible for collecting data from their events whether it be in the form of physical surveys, online surveys, direct observation, etc.
  18. In the event that the responsibilities listed above are not being executed, the Chairperson will be responsible for re-appointing someone for the position.

Section V: The Student Activities Board Assembly shall be responsible for increasing interaction and communication within the total Student Activities Board.

  1. The President or designee shall serve as the Chairperson of the Assembly.
  2. The Activity Board, including chairpersons and committee members, along with the Advisors, shall be members of the Assembly.
  3. The Assembly shall meet one (1) time per month during the academic year.
  4. During Assembly meetings, all committees will update SAB members on upcoming events and matters within the Student Activities Board.
  5. Assembly members shall discuss new and innovative ideas for the SAB, including marketing, event programming and gaining new members into the organization as a whole.
  6. All Student Activities Board’s members are required to attend at least one Assembly per semester.
  7. If a member cannot attend meetings, they must notify the Executive Board at least 48 hours ahead of time.

Article V: Advisors

Section I. The Advisor shall be a full time faculty or staff member at East Carolina University. The Advisor will assume those responsibilities as outlined in this constitution

Section II: The Director of Student Activities and Organizations or his/her representative shall serve as advisor to the Student Activities Board President, the Executive Board, each committee of the of the Student Activities Board and the Assembly.

Section III: The Director of Student Activities and Organizations or his/her representative shall be responsible for the financial affairs of Student Activities Board, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.

  1. He/She shall assist each committee in preparing its annual budget.
  2. He/She shall assist the Executive Board in preparing the Student Activities Board budget.
  3. He/She shall co-sign all requisitions for the expenditures of Student Activities Board funds.
  4. He/She shall supervise the financial operation of activities sponsored by the Student Activities Board.
  5. He/She shall assist chairperson to negotiate and sign all contracts for attractions, films lecturers and activities presented by the Student Activities Board upon receipt of the choices selected by each committee.
  6. He/She shall assist in preparing an annual financial statement in triplicate for the Student Activities Board President, the Executive Board and the Associate/Assistant Director(s) of Student Activities and Major Events.

Article VII: Financial Structure

Section I. Sources of funds for the Student Activities Board shall be the student activity fee, generated income, and all interest earned on said funds.

  1. The Student Activities Boards shall receive an amount established by the University per semester and a proportionate amount each summer session from each student paying an activity fee at the University.
  2. All income generated by activities sponsored by the Student Activities Board shall be the property of the Student Activities Board.
  3. Interest earned on funds shall be the property of the Student Activities Board shall be the property of the Student Activities Board.

Section II: All Student Activities Board funds shall be deposited into the University Union’s Financial Affairs Office, within the Student Activities Board Account.

  1. Student Activities Board funds shall be restricted for use by the Student Activities Board in the conduct of its programs and the operation of the organization.
  2. The Director of Student Activities and Organizations and the President of the Student Activities Board shall co-sign all requisitions for the expenditure of Student Activities Board funds, with any differences of opinion being settled by the Board of Directors.
  3. A preapproval purchase order system must be completed and signed by respected designated members of the Student Activities Board for the expenditures of funds.
  4. Preapprovals must be filled out at least four (4) weeks in advance from the event or program being held.
  5. All forms must have attached paperwork, including offer letters, food order forms and any other communication between contractual obligations and/or other items necessary for the execution of the event.
  6. In the event that all paperwork is not attached to the preapproval or the preapproval is not turned into at least four (4) weeks in advance, termination of the program or event planned can be assessed by the President and/or Advisors.

Section III: Stipends for the President and Committee Chairpersons shall be established on a monthly basis.