Practical and Applied Arts : Module 88 (Code MACH88)
GRADE(S): 9 / SUBTHEME: Apprenticeship
AUTHOR(S): Ms. Kennedy & Marion Lebell / SCHOOL/BOARD: Northern LightsDistrictSchool Division 113
Time: 7 classes (7 weeks) / SUBJECT/COURSE: Practical and Applied Arts – Sask. Ministry of Education outcomes/objectives
This Unit will involvestudents exploring Apprenticeship and the Trades Pathway with the completion of this PAA module (code for Sask. Data Entry upon completion is --MACH Module 88)
**RECORDING -Integrated into the Module 88 lessons are complimentary Sask. Youth Apprenticeship Challenges which are tracked on the school server from grade 8-12 – Please contact the school Career Transition Teacher as how the school enters the SYA Challenge Completions. In grade 12 if the student is shown to have completed the challenges they can receive an SYAP Certificate. SYAP Challenges do not have to be completed in original order in SYAP Handbook and so are not completed in order in the PAA Module 88 lessons
**Note: Look ahead to lessons – some require ordering free resources and then at very end: Interview with a Journey Person. This can be done at ANY POINT in the module, based on speaker availability. Begin arranging for a speaker as soon as possible!
*** Retention -- All completed PAA Module 88 student assignments – have the students retain these in their Portfolio Binders in a section marked Trades and Apprenticeship (this is for the completion of one of the SYAP Challenges) /
  • Exploration of the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC),
  • opportunities that apprenticeship offers,
  • and the relationship between secondary level courses and apprenticeship training.
a. Research to define what apprenticeship means and describe some of the benefits such as lifestyle, satisfaction, opportunities, wages, and respect.
b. Use and understand the appropriate terminology related to apprenticeship including but not limited to:
• Journeyperson
• Indenture
• Pre-employment training
• Designated trade and sub-trade
• Advanced standing.
c. Determine the steps involved in becoming an apprentice from the perspective of the specific trade, including length of apprenticeship, annual training requirements, and Red Seal certification.
d. Develop an understanding of the programs available to help make the transition from secondary school to apprenticeship.
e. Conduct research such as interviewing employers to identify the qualities of a successful apprentice.
Teacher and Student Resources
  1. Teachers would be best to read prior to teaching this module--

  1. ** Pre-order the booklets from Sask. Apprenticeship Commission -Provincial Government Bldg.
Bob Sluchinski - 1-877-363-0536
  1. Students will need access to Student Portfolio Binders – to add completed assignments in their Apprenticeship Section.

**Final Activity – Start students Lesson 8 -on this Challenge and support until the final lesson -- Students will create a Trade ‘Report’ into a PowerPoint presentation, showing some information about a trade that they looked into and researched. / SYAP Level 1- Challenge Two: Research and Report on a Trade
1 / Process and Benefits of Apprenticeship--1 class day
--Begin with brainstorm: What is an Apprenticeship? What trades have Apprenticeship? Once done, write/reveal definition of Apprenticeship (page 7 of and have students copy down definition at the top of their handout.
--Have students title paper “Why people choose apprenticeship” and have them divide the rest of the paper into 4 sections. Have pairs brainstorm a reason that someone might choose Apprenticeship.
As a class, go over reasons (Lifestyle, satisfaction, demand, wages, respect, opportunity) and have them fill in any blank ‘section’ from their sheet of four.
--SYAP Challenge Integrated – Conduct an interview Discussion about the Trades and Apprenticeship with a Community Member (anyone – a teacher, a parent, anyone to find out what they know about Apprenticeship Program)
Then: Brainstorm together some questions that students might want to ask a community member if they met one. Write down 3-8 questions on the board, and have students come up with more questions on their own to fill in the 6-question handout. Students will then take a copy of their questions home, and find a person to ask the questions to, taking note of the person’s answers. / SYAP
Level 1 Challenge 4 completed& recorded / *More teacher-written questions for struggling classes / Assessed based on completion / Based on Lesson from NLSD113 Grade 9 PAA Reference
-Chart paper, markers and drawing paper
2 / Apprenticeship Terminology/ Trade Boards-1 class day(PAA lesson and SYAP Challenge integrated)
10-minute bell work: On piece of blank paper, have students write the word Apprentice and create an acrostic of professions that used that letter (A= architect, P-plumber, P- carpenter, R…)(An acrostic is a poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message.)
Students will receive either a paper A or B (choose different colors for each). Paper A will have every odd term blanked out, and paper B will have every even term blanked out.
Student’s job is to get their terms filled in WITHOUT LOOKING at another person’s paper. They must fill in the terms by speaking/ interviewing their classmate with the other-colored paper.
When done, they should have a complete list of terminology.
To Complete Lesson: Have students get back into their seats and compare work, then give out the next assignment:
Homework or last 20 minutes:as a homework assignment (which covers the information in the Ministry Lesson 4)--- Handout the student reading “Trade Boards” and have students read over it.
  • Make up two questions for the students to answer- write them on the board --- students answer on back of handout.
Level 3 Challenge 1
Completed& recorded / Small class: Put all of students into computer lab, working on their own with the list of terms and access to . and have students create and print a word document list of their words and definitions
**Homework questions are at teacher discretion— / terms are all on the PDF found at:
3 / Steps in Apprenticeship- 1 class
Part A: Steps --Begin with students creating a list of ‘steps’ they think are between them (middle school) and getting a journeyman’s certificate.
Then; showing video (7 min) about trades/ apprenticeship (
Have students fill in “Steps to apprenticeship” from board into the boxes on their handout. Then, have students read handout “Apply for Apprenticeship” to complete the rest of the boxes.
-Show Students the Chart and explain it --with the Levels to Apprenticeship & Red Seal
Part B: Differences in Training between University and Apprenticeship
Prepare a flipchart paper with headings on top Apprenticeship Training Factors and on the other side of a line down the middle write University Training Factors
Teacher conducts a discussion using the premade statements and have students decide where the difference are between University and Apprenticeship training, (some may go in more than one). / SYAP
Level 2 Challenge 3 Completed & recorded / Variation Part B
For a more hands-on lesson, re-write the reasons onto slips of paper. Give students a large sheet of paper to create chart on, and have them sort through the paper slips into apprentice/ university, then take up correct. / Handouts provided
Video ready to play.
Create Overhead using Chart of how an Apprentice moves up the levels to a Red Seal
Flip chart, felt pen
Premade large pieces of laminated papers with the various factors written on them
4 / Web-based exploration- 1 class
Give student Lesson 4 – (SYAP challenge Level 2 Challenge 4)–web based Exploration: Book out computers, and have students research two of the websites from the list and compare the website information on the SYAP guide document.
To complete: Portfolio Maintenance: Have students put Terminology and Questions (lesson 1/2/3/4) into their portfolio at the end of class, and have students check list these tasks off their Apprenticeship Tracking sheets / SYAP
Level 2
Challenge 4 completed / -Comp Lab needed
- Student Handout
5 / Transition Programs- 1 class day
Put students on their own or in pairs for this lesson. They will need access to a SIAST brochure, or better yet, computer lab available with the use of the website.
Hand out one of the 4 case studies to each student or pair of students. Have them read through their case, and then answer the particular question about their case.
Depending on class time, give out 2 case studies per group.
At the end of class, have students get together with other students who had the same case study and review their answers, and as a group, have them discuss the choices each group made differently or the same. / Pre-employment information from SIAST needed
*have brochures, or computer lab available
-Needed, handout Case Study (4)
6 / -A successful Apprentice/ Essential Skills-1 class day
*In preparation for final project IF chosen to do a PowerPoint*
Placemat Activity: Begin by putting students in small groups with a large sheet of chart paper (white side up) and markers. Have students draw a square in the middle and write “Qualities of a Successful Apprentice” , then from the four corners of that square, create lines to the edges of the large chart paper (therefore dividing the space into 4 quadrants). Give each group 3 minutes on a timer. Have them write as many qualities that they can think of in 1 of the quadrants of their sheet. When the timer goes, group gets up and moves to the next sheet (previously used by other group). Have them read their answers, and then set the timer again for 3 minutes. Students must answer again, but CAN NOT DUPLICATE answers. Go until all 4 quadrants are filled. Then, do a gallery walk- letting student’s walk around the room to see all of the answers, on their way back to their seats.
Then, give students the handout “Essential Skills
(Or, for more, check out some GREAT resources including some used here. ) to read over.
Using the Bingo-style sheet, have students do a walk-about and find students who have the skills on the sheet. Students sign when they find them. Once done, students use their handout to compare what skills the action on the handout is describing, and write those in.
To end the class: have students in pairs create a “TOP 10” list (poster-style, to be put up around the school) of the MOST IMPORTANT WORK SKILLS that they and their partner agree on. Make the posters visually pleasing and neat. The best posters in the class can be placed around the school, or classroom. / Many other and adapted resources on Essential Skills available at:
If students are willing to participate, have them put into pairs.
Have one in each pair pretend to be interviewing the other student for a job, asking them to answer how THEY have used or shown any 6 of the essential skills. Have them role-play the mock interview together, with teacher walking around and giving marks, THEN, have the pairs switch roles and do again. / -*look to cumulating* / -Comp Lab needed for day 2
7 / Using PowerPoint/ All About Me -1 class day
Students will explore Microsoft PowerPoint. How to add titles, pictures, fonts and design change.
Video- How to make an effective PowerPoint presentation-
Teacher will walk students through how to open PowerPoint, how to create a slide, how to change layout, and how to change fonts. **lesson is up to teacher discretion, based on technology and student needs**
Have students practice by making a 8-slide show “All About Me!”. (Name. Interests. Skills. Hobbies Motto. Family. Favorite song/ movie/ food. Photo of them. 3 essential skills. What jobs I would be awesome at *list 5*).
Then –correctly- save to their student drive as well as make a 2-slide per page print out.
If time, have students present their PowerPoint to the class, or, just add their PowerPointinto the Portfolio. / **If teacher choses to use the poster option of cumulating project, than have students instead create a poster or flip-book about themselves here / -Computer lab needed
-Student Assignment Handout
-May need copies of essential skills to refer to
8 / -Cumulating Project- 2-3 class days
Career PowerPoint/ Poster (for those students who missed PowerPoint tutorial)
Students will complete Lesson 6 Apprenticeship Training SYAP challenge by creating a PowerPoint about a chosen trade, AS WELL AS completing the SYAP handout of information about their trade
Students will present their poster and information at the end of the class. / SYAP Level 1- Challenge Two: Research and Report on a Trade / *Tutor available in 9M and 9K for individual students who need more attention / Teacher Evaluates via PowerPoint Rubric
-Students do a skills checklist for a self-assessment mark / -Comp Lab needed
-Rubric and Self-assessment list
9 / ****Activity; Guest Speaker** Set Up a Speaker
Have students review their questions for a Journey Person from day 2 and add some more.
Arrange for a tradesperson from the community to come into the class and speak to the students. Have more than 1 if available. Open the speech to other careers classes if comfortable, and have students come prepared to ask questions about training, work availability, skills used, hardships, and benefits of trades.
Out Of School: Have students complete their SYAP challenges by shadowing a journey person for a day, and completing the challenge handout. / SYAP Level 2- Challenge Two: Research and Report on a Trade / *note: on day 2, students were to list names of people they knew who are in the trades. Call up people who might be willing to come in. Often, I can get a few speakers who are parents. / Guest Speaker To Be Arranged
Permission forms and administration consent needed for Out Of School challenge
10 / ****Activity; Apprenticeship Beyond the Classroom
Out Of School: Have students complete their SYAP challenges by shadowing a journey person for a day, and completing the challenge handout. / SYAP Level 3- Challenge Two: Apprenticeship beyond the classroom / *. / Arrange opportunity
Permission forms and administration consent needed for Out Of School challenge