Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church

131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851

Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor

Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333

Web Site- - E-Mail: - Fax 570-339-2715

Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339-1565

Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home.

Office Hours: Mon. Tues. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM - Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon


Saturday 07- 30-2016

3:15 PM – Confessions

4:00 PM – For the Parishioners

6:00 PM – Assumption BVM – (Due to Seminary Day) +Helen Kuzo req. by Theresa Mattu & Reese Family

Sunday 07-31-2016

11th Sunday After Pentecost

9:15 AM – No Divine Liturgy Ss. Peter & Paul

11:00 AM - No Divine Liturgy Assumption BVM

11:00 AM – At St. Nicholas Hall – Primrose

Seminary Day

Monday 08-01 -2016

No Divine Liturgy

Tuesday 08-02-2016

7:30 AM - +Albert Olszewski req. by Daughter, Marianne

Wednesday 08-03-2016

7:30 AM - +Charles & John(Krynitsky) Kent req. by Helen Whyne & Merle Kent & Families

Thursday 08-04-2016

2:00 PM - Mt. Carmel Nursing Home - +Helen Kuzo req. by Ken & Marg Kuzo

Friday 08-05-2016

No Morning Liturgy

6:00 PM – Vigil of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Solemn Holyday)/Blessing of Fruit - +Virginia Lucas req. by Ed & Louise Cuff

Saturday– 08-06-2016

9:00 AM -Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Solemn Holyday)/Blessing of Fruit –Assumption BVM - +Michael Merikas req. by Wife Anna

3:15 PM - Confessions

4:00 PM – +Ruth & +Vic Snyder req. by Ellen Goretsky

Sunday 08-07-2016


8:15 AM – Confessions

9:15 AM – For the Parishioners

11:00 Assumption BVM - +Michael Evancovich req. by Joseph Cheddar

July 31, 2016

Please Remember:

To pray for vocations to the Holy Priesthood & Religious Life.

Welcome: We the people of Ss. Peter &Paul/Assumption Churches, are a catholic community that worships God, spreads the Good News of Christ, and serves those in need. Come

into the house. Bring all you are, no need to check your failures at the door. There are no perfect people here. You are invited: come. Come in seeking, come in wondering, come in hurting. Come into this house of companionship and compassion. Come in. You are welcome here.

Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches open their doors to you.

Bulletin Requests:

Any requests or any information to be placed in the bulletin must be in writing and submitted to the church office by 12:00 Noon on Mondays. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Vibrant Parish:

A place to encounter the living Christ through the Word of God, the Holy Mysteries & Prayer, Serving One’s Neighbor, Leadership, Fostering & Serving Unity & Missionary Spirit.

Upcoming Events:

Mark your calendars and plan to support the following events:

July 31st – Ukrainian Seminary Day – No Divine Liturgy at 9:15 AM at Ss. Peter & Paul Church & No Divine Liturgy at 11:00 AM at Assumption BVM due to Seminary Day Divine Liturgy being celebrated at Primrose with Metropolitan Archbishop Stefan at 11:00 AM.

Rosary Intention:

For the week of July 31, 2016 for the sick & infirm of our Parishes.

In Your Prayers:

Please remember to pray for the sick & infirm of our Parishes.
Ss. Peter & Paul Replenish Fund Donations as of July 24, 2016

Total To Date: $68,694.54

Replenish Fund: None

Rebuilding Fund: None

Your Stewardship: We thank you for your financial support of our parish communities.

Weekly Parish Financial Report:

Ss. Peter & Paul Church

Sunday, July 24, 2016 $1,109.00

Special Seminary Day Coll. 450.00

Expenses $2,481.50

Sunday, July 25, 2015 $1,327.00

Assumption BVM Church

Sunday, July 24 , 2016 $ 625.00

Special Seminary Day Coll. $ 273.00

Expenses- $ 1,796.58*

Sunday, July 25, 2015 $ 202.00

Includes 1st installment for oil $ 519.65*

“Say What”

Do your best and then sleep in peace. God is awake

Ss. Peter & Paul Church Lector Schedule

Sat – July 30th

Ellen Goretsky 4:00 PM

Sun- July 31st

9:15 AM No Divine Liturgy

Sat – August 6th

Ellen Goretsky 4:00 PM

Sun – August 7th

Justina Eisenhart 9:15 AM

Assumption BVM Church Lector Schedule

Sat – July 30th

Zachary Gee 6:00 PM

Sun – August 7th

Kianna Rizzo 11:00 AM

Mystery (Sacrament) of Penance:

Is available before each Divine Liturgy on Saturday, 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM and on Sunday in

Ss. Peter & Paul Church 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM, and at Assumption BVM Church on Sunday before 11:00 AM Divine Liturgy in the confessionals.

New Boiler In Centralia:

The cost of purchase and installation of the New Boiler is $8,978.00. As of July 24, 2016, we have received donations in the amount of $8,752.00 and have made the final payment as of April 04, 2016. We are still accepting donations to offset the cost of the new boiler in Assumption BVM Church. Please consider making a special donation for the new boiler. Thank You!

Inspiring Words from Pope Francis:

“There is never a reason to lose hope. Jesus says: ‘I am with you until the end of the world.”’

July 31: Mercy of the Heart:

While all the other apostles hid in fear during the period of Christ’s condemnation and crucifixion, St. John stood silently on Calvary gazing at his suffering savior. In turn, Christ looked down from the cross at his “beloved disciple” and placed his mother into John’s care. St. John’s action in simply being present to Jesus on the cross is a model for us today. He reminds us that the practice of mercy begins in the heart. We have no rival for God’s love, so we can simply remain still and silent and let the mercy of the Father wash over us. We ourselves can be merciful toward others not only outwardly, but in our hearts—in the way we think of them, without judgment but with love. “And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you. Padre Pio, the sainted Capuchin friar, offered us this advice: “Go to your room and close the door and place yourself in God’s presence. He will see you and will appreciate your presence and your silence. Then he will take you by the hand. . .”

Our Prayer Today: Merciful Jesus, help us remember to be always present to you, especially within the quiet of our hearts.

Summer Camp:

Our Annual Summer Camp for the youth has been scheduled for the week of August 8th –12th, 2016. Mark your calendar now, share this information with your family, friends and neighbors and plan to join us. More information will be published as the date draws near. We look forward to welcoming the youth of our parishes as well as the youth of our community for a week of fun and learning.

Registration forms are available in the vestibule of our churches.

Theme Baskets Needed:

Each parish has been asked to provide at least one theme basket for Ukrainian Seminary Day. Parishioners and parish organizations may also donate additional theme baskets. Please remember to provide the approximate value of the theme basket. Baskets should be at least $50.00 for individuals and no alcohol products can be accepted. Baskets can be taken to St. Nicholas picnic grove on July 31st, 2016, or dropped off at Ss. Peter & Paul Church office during normal office hours. Thank you in advance for your support of Ukrainian Seminary Day.

Cakes and Pastries Needed:

Cakes and pastries are needed for Ukrainian Seminary Day from Ss. Peter & Paul Church and Assumption BVM Church. Donations of baked goods may be dropped off at Ss. Peter & Paul Church Hall on Saturday, July 30th or Sunday morning July 31st , or take them to St. Nicholas picnic grove on Sunday morning, July 31st, 2016.

Donations of baked goods will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support of Ukrainian Seminary Day.

The Liturgy Schedule Changes:

Due to the 82nd Annual Ukrainian Seminary Day on Sunday, July 31st, 2016, the Divine Liturgy at 11:00 AM being celebrated at Primrose with Metropolitan Stefan Soroka, the Divine Liturgy at 9:15 AM at Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Mt. Carmel and the 11:00 AM at Assumption BVM Church will be cancelled. The Liturgy will be celebrated at 4:00 PM at Ss. Peter & Paul and at 6:00 PM at Assumption BVM on Saturday, July 30, 2016. Please make note of these changes and plan your schedule accordingly.

Memoriam: We offer our love, prayers, and sympathy to the Family and Friends of the Late +Charles Lapotsky, Sr., who was buried at Assumption BVM Church, who fell asleep in the Lord this past week. May Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ comfort Charles’s family and friends and may his memory be eternal.

Vichnaya Pamyat!

Ukrainian Seminary Day:

The 82nd Annual Ukrainain Seminary Day will be held Sunday, July 31st at St. Nicholas Church Picnic Grounds in Primrose (just outside of Minersville, PA) This annual event is sponsored by the 12 parishes and faithful of the South Anthracite Deanery under the leadership of their respective pastors. Plans for the day already include a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, delicious ethnic and regional foods prepared by the parishes of the deanery, a concert and dance performance by the Kazka Ukrainian Folk Ensemble, Psyanky Demonstrations and Classes for the Youth, Polka music by the Fabulous John Stevens’ Doubleshot Orchestra, a Theme Basket Auction, many vendors selling traditional Ukrainian and Eastern European items and exciting games for the kids. The Vatican approved replica of the Shroud of Turin, the Icon and Relics of Blessed Mykola Charnetsky, the Icon and Relics of Blessed Yosaphata SSMI will be on display for veneration and prayer.

Altar Flowers:

Altar Flowers can be sponsored weekly for $30.00 per arrangement. Parishioners can sponsor these flowers in Memory of a loved one, or for any occasion. Anyone interested in sponsoring flowers may call the church office during normal work hours at 570-339-0650.

Vacationing for the Summer:

If you are traveling this summer on vacation and do not attend liturgies, please contribute your previous weeks envelopes that you have missed in the weekly collection basket when you return from vacation. This will help with defraying operating costs for our churches. Thank you for your considered generosity and have a healthy, happy and safe vacation.

Ss. Peter & Paul Altar Rosary Society Sunday is August 7, 2016. All members are asked to join in praying the Rosary before Liturgy and receive the Holy Eucharist as a body. New members are always welcome.

Sunday Social:

Sunday Social at Ss. Peter & Paul Church will not be held again until September. Thank you for your support. Enjoy your summer. See you in the Fall.


BESEECHING GOD’S MERCY and PRAYING FOR THE INTERCESSION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD---During his visit in November 2015, Patriarch and Major-Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Primate of the Ukrainian Catholic Church world-wide, marveled at the continuing presence of Assumption BVM Church in Centralia and the sense of true holiness which pervades the entire property. His desire is for all people of faith to come and experience the same holiness and sanctity he discovered during his visit. In his name, Archbishop Stefan Soroka and the Parishioners of Assumption Church invite you to pilgrimage to this holy place to gather in prayer “Beseeching God’s Mercy and Praying for the Intercession of the Mother of God” on Sunday, August 28th. All Divine Services and activities will take place in the Church and on the grounds of Assumption BVM Church on the mountainside above the Borough of Centralia, PA. Prayers begin at NOON with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom lead by Archbishop Soroka joined by local clergy. The homilist at that Liturgy will be Very Reverend Vasyl Kharuk, an approved Extraordinary Minister of Mercy during the Jubilee Year, and Spiritual Director at St. Josaphat Seminary in Washington, DC. There will be a “Living Rosary” recited in the outdoor chapel beginning at 2:30 PM. At the conclusion of the rosary, there will be a reflection given by Reverend John Szada, a priest of the Harrisburg Diocese and Chaplain to the Carmelite Sisters in Elysburg. Confessions will be heard throughout the day by clergy of the South Anthracite Deanery. Concluding ceremonies will begin at 4:00 PM with a Candlelight Procession from the outdoor chapel to the Church. Along the way, the procession will pause at the Grotto for a solemn blessing of water celebrating the Jubilee Year of Mercy, continuing into the Church. Once in Church, Archbishop Stefan will lead the singing of the Moleben to the Mother of God as well as delivering the homily. Following the Moleben, oil will be blessed and prayers recited for the healing of body and soul. After which all are invited to come forward to receive the anointing. There will be light be light refreshments available and religious items on display for purchase. Any items purchased that day will be blessed at the conclusion of the “living rosary”. Assumption BVM Church has been designated as an Archieparchial Holy Door of Mercy. All pilgrims are encouraged to walk through the door and obtain special blessings of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. This is a rain or shine event. ALL ARE WELCOME!