Lou Gehrig Outlaws
16 &18U Travel Baseball
You are invited to the age appropriate (Summer 2011 age) try-outs listed below.
Tryouts will be held at Lou Gehrig Complex.
Participants may be asked to attend other try out dates to ensure the most accurate evaluation.
16U and 18U
Wednesday, September 1st 5:30 - 8:00pm
Saturday, September 11th 9:00am -11:30am
Please fill out and bring player/parent information sheet
To: All potential Travel Players and Parents
With the 2011 player tryouts fast approaching, we would like you and your sons to carefully read this information BEFORE committing to the Lou Gehrig Travel Baseball Program. While, the Travel Baseball Teams are vastly rewarding and fun for all it requires a level of commitment from players and parents both.
For the players that make either of the teams your commitment and fees get you:
Weekly indoor practices, hitting, fielding, and pitching with our experienced coaching staff.
After a very successful 2009 and 2010 season with our 16U and 18U team we would like to continue to expand and extend our baseball programs for all levels of play including the Showcase and tournament level of baseball for the older boys once they age out and leave the house programs. Teams will be established based on player interest at each level and age. Typically these teams will play 4 - 7tournaments - local and/or out of state, with at least one or more showcase tournaments at the HS level.
We are looking to form several tournament teams ranging from 16 and 18U in both Travel (moderate competitiveness) to 16-18U Elite travel teams (higher levels of competition with exposure to college level play).
Travel baseball requires your commitment!
Parent involvement and participation is a critical requirement on every travel team. With your son’s selection to a team, you as a parent are also joining the team. When determining your vacation plans or other activities, you will need to consider the team’s home and tournament schedule.
The 2010 season was very active with very little rainouts and 2010 will be very similar to a slightly lesser degree.
Individual Player Fee (16U -18U) -$600 -$800 total (to be discussed at team manager meeting prior to committing).
** Please note that new players will be required to purchase a jersey, this is optional for returning players.
Winter and off season training will be at the discretion of the team manager and be determined by the expected level of play for the team you play for.
Uniforms are typically purchased every two years; we are currently in the second year with our uniforms. New players will be required to purchase a uniform. Returning players may purchase a new uniform if desired. Payments for the new uniforms are due by December 1st.
The 2010 Outlaws competed in 8 tournaments throughout the Northeastern, Mid-Atlantic and central United States during the months of June, July and August. Additionally, each team participated in a minimum of 16 game travel league schedules in the Western New York or Hamilton, Ont.
2011 schedule will be similar to last year our tournament schedule (below)
2010 LG Outlaws Tournament Schedule.
June 18-20– Niagara University Showcase
July 2-4 – Cincinnati Ohio
July 9-11 Hamilton, Ont
July 16-18 – Lancer Classic, Lewiston NY
July 22-25 - Dan Duquette Sports Academy, Hinsdale, MA
July 31-Aug 1 – New Era Showcase, Buffalo NY
Aug 6-8 Pocono’s Showcase, Poconos, PA
Aug 13-15 Lou Gehrig Home tournament, Amherst, NY
Travel baseball practice begins for most teams in November with some limited indoor practices. All teams are scheduled a minimum of twice monthly for practice times at the North Amherst Recreation Center, Sports Performance park or other near by locations. We encourage boys to play other sport! s, however missing practices, WNY Travel/Boys of Summer, and tournament weekend games can affect how much you will play, the position you may play, and your selection for a team the following year. Travel baseball is a team commitment and continued absences affect the overall ability of the entire team. Between May and August, players can expect to play between 30 and 60 games at the travel level.
BoundariesThe boundaries for players on the Lou Gehrig teams differ from the 6-15 year old Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth Seniors division. The boundary’s for 16-18U are open to anywhere in WNY.
Tryouts will occur at Lou Gehrig. Boys will be evaluated in the areas of hitting, fielding, throwing and running. Evaluators will consist of Lou Gehrig Board Members and possibly outside evaluators with a very good knowledge of baseball fundamentals.
During tryouts, parents are asked to stay in the bleachers and away from the players unless requested. This will minimize the distraction to the boys and allow the evaluators to do their jobs.
Selection process:
The number of teams Lou Gehrig will field is directly related to the number of boys that tryout for our teams. Our goal is to assemble competent teams at each level of play with the purpose of playing competitive baseball. We typically have a large number of boys that tryout every year, and unfortunately, some boys will not make a LG baseball travel team for their particular level. If your son does not make the travel team, we strongly encourage him to continue with the house program and continue to develop his skills. Lou Gehrig offers many off season clinics to help develop skills
Lou Gehrig is one of the few travel leagues that allows open tryouts, as many have gone to invitation only. At some age groups, developmental teams may be selected but may be limited to the number of tournaments they play.
The Baseball Travel Team Director oversees the selection process for all teams. Teams will not necessarily be comprised of the top players, but rather the players that the manager and coaching staff feel will comprise the best team. Some or all of the factors described below will be taken into consideration when selecting a player to a team.
· Prior year’s performance and commitment on a travel team, if applicable.
· Attitude & hustle
· House league evaluations from the prior season, if applicable.
· Interviews with the previous team manager and assistant coaches, if applicable.
· Tryout scores following the skills evaluation at tryouts
Those involved in the selection process include the Team Manager, Travel Team Director, Lou Gehrig VP for Travel / Tournaments and Baseball President. The best advice we can give you is to work with your son every day to improve his skills.
Roster Announcements
We anticipate that the final selection process will be complete four (5) days after the completion of the final day of tryouts. It is the responsibility of the player’s parent/guardian to ensure that the league has been given the proper email/phone number etc.during or prior to tryouts. The final rosters will be placed on our website at www.lgtravelbaseball.com Each team will consist of 12 to 16 players.
Once the rosters are announced the decision of the selection committee will be final. Any questions following the selection process can be addressed to
Travel program team requirements:
Each Lou Gehrig travel baseball team will typically play a minimum of 5 tournaments. One may be hosted at the Lou Gehrig complex and two to four may be an away tournament (outside WNY) and will require 2-3 nights of over night accommodations in addition to the team assessment fee. The Team Manager will make the tournament selection, with input from the Travel Team Director.
Each travel team may be registered to play in the WNY Travel, Clarance, and/or Boys of Summer Leagues. Each league consists of approximately 16 games plus possible playoffs. Missing a few games or a tournament for family vacations or other obligations is understandable but for the most part we expect all players to be at every game and tournament unless arrangements are made at least 1 or 2 weeks ahead of time if possible
Player development:
The Lou Gehrig Travel Baseball program has reserved several hours of practice time and the North Amherst training facility, Clearfield, and the sports Performance Park for the use by the baseball program. Each team will typically have 2-3 hours per week of dedicated use. The frequency and attendance requirements for these sessions are determined by the coaching staff for each team. Outside batting and/or pitching instruction is not included with this facility and is obtained and funded for by the individual team.
Individual costs:
For the upcoming season your payment to cover the cost of the Field Maintenance, professional baseball clinics, indoor training facilities, local league games, and a portion of your teams’ local tournament costs. Additionally, this will cover the cost to fund for concessions there will not be a mandatory fee or obligation for concessions in the upcoming season.
Payment schedule:
1) $250.00 – due within 3 days of being accepted to a team (1st of Oct/Now)
This deposit is nonrefundable and payment can be made online using a credit card at www.lgtravelbaseball.com
2) The remaining team assessment fee will be paid directly to your team manager in equal monthly installments so that full payment is received by March 1st.
Each team will have funds to cover their league play, plus 5 to 7 tournaments (including one Lou Gehrig) which is the majority of their tournament costs.
All payments are non-refundable and families may participate in different fundraising or sponsorship activities to defray up to 100% of their fee.
Questions and inquiries may be directed to the baseball Travel Team Director at
Thanks to all for participating!
Lou Gehrig Travel Baseball Committee
Please complete Player/Parent information sheet below to bring try outs.
Lou Gehrig Outlaws 16U and 18U
Players’ Name: __________________________________________________
Age Group (check one) ___16U ___18U
Parent/Guardian Information
Father:_________________________ Cell ph:_____________________ Work ph:____________________
Mother:_________________________ Cell ph:____________________ Work ph:_____________________
Address:___________________________________________________ Hm ph:______________________
City:_______________________________________ State:_______ Zip:______________
Email 1:______________________________ Email 2:_____________________________
(Please put at least one email that is checked regularly, WRITE CLEARLY!!)
Player Information
Date of Birth: _______________ Grade:__________ School:______________
Height: _______ Weight: ______
Throws: ___R ___L Bats: ___R ___L ___Both
Positions played: (check all that apply) __P __C __1B __2B __3B __SS __OF
Years at each position
Position Preferance: #1:___________ #2:_________ #3__________
Please list past team playing experience; include team name, level, years of playing at each position.
Please list all Activities (school, clubs, and other sports) in which you are involved.
Will any of these activities conflict with LG Outlaws Baseball? If yes what will be your priority?
Are there any days of the week in which you are unavailable for practice or games?
I the undersigned herby give permission for the child noted as “player” to participate in the try out noted above sponsored by the team. It is understood that participation in this try out may result in injury and preventive equipment should be worn but does not prevent al injuries to participants.
I do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnity, and agree to hold harmless the team, volunteers, and staff.
Signature:____________________________________ Relationship:______________________ Date:__________