Unit 2: Assessment Rubric

Honor Code Level 3

Advanced (4) / Proficient (3) / Partially Proficient (2) / Unsatisfactory or Not Evident (1/0)
Historical and
Literary Accuracy / All literary and historical content is accurate and founded on solid reasoning that shows a deep understanding of the content covered in class. Student offers sophisticated interpretation that extends beyond examples presented in class.
Connections to modern day are accurate and explicitly explained. / Most literary and historical content is accurate, but one or two small errors may exist. These errors do not detract from the overall understanding being presented.
Connections to modern day are accurate and explained. / Content’s accuracy varies throughout and student offers only basic understanding of concepts discussed in class. For example, statements may be so generic that it is difficult to see how historical information is specific to Ancient Greece or Rome.
Connections to modern day are also inconsistent or unclear. / Content is inaccurate or illogical for most information presented.
Connections to modern day lack explanation of reasoning.
All elements of the assignment may not be included, which makes them impossible to assess (0).
Use of Evidence, Analysis, and Persuasion to Support Positions / References to texts, movies and class discussions enhance the student’s responses to the prompts. At least three references are used and analyzed; two of these must include direct quotations from sources.
Student has utilized ethos, pathos, logos, in a logical and effective way to promote the argument. / References to texts, movies and class discussions effectively support the student’s responses to the prompt. Three references are used accurately and at least two of these include direct quotations from sources.
Student has utilized ethos, pathos, logos, incorrectly, or only two rhetorical appeals. / Three references to texts, movies and class discussions have not been included in the argument, or inaccuracies exist in their use so that they detract from the overall discussion. Two direct quotations are not evident.
Student has utilized only one rhetorical appeal. / Few references to texts, movies and class discussions are used in the response to the prompt.
Textual evidence is not included or appears disconnected to the argument being presented.
Student includes no examples of rhetorical appeal (0).
Professionalism / All work has been carefully edited and proofread so that no errors exist in the written elements of the assignment.
Sophisticated vocabulary is used accurately throughout work.
All required elements are present.
MLA formatting has been followed as necessary for the assignment. / One or two errors exist in the written elements of the work, but they do not detract from the content of the writing.
Academic language is used throughout work.
Most required elements are present (all but 1).
MLA formatting has been attempted with 1-2 small errors, but no omission of information. / Two to five errors exist in the written work and they interfere with the reader’s ability to understand the writing.
Informal language occasionally appears in the writing (1-2 times)
Some required elements are present (all but 2)
MLA formatting has 2-4 errors or information is missing. / Errors in the writing are prevalent and make it difficult to follow the writing.
Informal or inappropriate language regularly appears in the writing.
Three or more requirements are missing.
MLA formatting is used inconsistently or missing.