Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property

This Unit is about storing luggage, coats and other items. It also covers moving things such as furniture and electrical equipment and keeping them secure.
When you have completed this Unit, you will have proved you can:
1FOH5/10.1 Receive customer property
1FOH5/10.2 Handle, move and store customer and organisation property
What some of the words in this Unit mean:
Appropriate member of staffThe person who supervises you or is responsible for dealing with the customer.
CustomersThese could be people staying at the place where you work or people using the place for events such as conferences, banquets, meetings, etc.
Customer propertyFor example, luggage and other belongings that customers wish to be stored safely until they collect them.
HygienicFor example, no spilt food or drink, no evidence of pests such as mice, rats or cockroaches.
Storage areasPlaces where you store property.
Suspicious itemsAnything you think could be illegal or cause harm and damage.
Assessor feedback on completion of Unit

Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property

I confirm that the evidence detailed in this Unit is my own work and meets the requirements of the National Occupational standards.

Candidate SignatureDate

I confirm that the candidate has achieved all the requirements of this Unit.

Assessor SignatureDate

Countersigning Assessor Signature (if applicable)Date

I confirm that the candidate’s sampled work meets the standards specified for this Unit and may be presented for external verification.

Internal Verifier SignatureDate

Countersigning Internal Verifier (if applicable)Date

External Verifier Initial and Date(if sampled)

Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property

What you have to do / What you must cover
The assessor must assess statements P1–P3 by direct observation.
Element 1 — Receive customer property
P1Deal with your customers quickly, politely and helpfully.
P2Take customer property and give them a receipt when necessary.
P3Keep customer property secure.
P4Report any suspicious customer property to an appropriate member of staff.
The assessor must assess statements P5, P6, P8 and P11 by direct observation.
Element 2 — Handle, move and store customer and organisation property
P5Choose the safest and best way to move the property.
P6Lift and move property safely without injuring yourself or others or causing damage.
P7Make sure you do not lose any property.
P8Move property to the right place at the right time.
P9Make sure no-one takes the property without permission.
P10Fill in any storage records correctly.
P11Keep your storage area secure, clean, tidy and hygienic. / Element 1 — Receive customer property
There must be performance evidence, gathered through observing the candidate’s work for:
C1Customer property (at least two from)
(b)coats and other items of clothing
Element 2 — Handle, move and store customer and organisation property
C2Property (at least three from)
(a)customer property
(c)electrical equipment
(e)other property
C3Ways of moving property (at least one from)
(a)carrying it
(b)using a trolley
C4Places to which property is moved (at least two from)
(a)customer accommodation
(b)public areas
(c)storage areas
Evidence for the remaining points under ‘what you must cover’ may be assessed through questioning, witness testimony or simulation.

Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property

Evidence number / Evidence description / Date / What you have to do / What you must cover
P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6 / P7 / P8 / P9 / P10 / P11 / At least two observations from / At least three observations from / At least one observation from / At least two observations from
C1 a / C1 b / C1 c / C2 a / C2 b / C2 c / C2 d / C2 e / C3 a / C3 b / C4 a / C4 b / C4 c

Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property

What you have to know
Knowledge Statements marked by cannot be inferred / Completed date or appendix
For Element 1FOH5/10.1
K1*Your organisation’s responsibilities for storing customer property.
K2*Why it is important to deal with customers quickly, politely and helpfully.
K3*The right way to greet and deal with customers.
K4*The right way to take property from the customer.
K5*Why it might be important to give the customer a proper receipt for their property.
K6*How to recognise a suspicious item of property and what you should do about it.
For Element 1FOH5/10.2
K7*How to decide whether to move property by carrying it or by using a trolley.
K8*The types of injuries that could happen when lifting and moving different types of property.
K9*Lifting and handling techniques you should use to stop you injuring yourself and others and damaging property.
K10*Appropriate clothing and footwear when handling heavy or dirty property.
K11*How to avoid losing property when you are moving and storing it.
K12*How to avoid someone taking property without permission.

Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property

What you have to know (cont)
Knowledge Statements marked by  cannot be inferred / Completed date or appendix
K13*Where you should store customers’ property.
K14*The types of problems that may happen when you are moving property and what to do about these.
K15*Why it might be important to keep storage records and how to fill these in.
K16*Why you should keep storage areas secure, clean, tidy and hygienic and how you should do this.
K17*The types of problems you might come across with storage areas and what to do about these problems.

Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property

Supplementary evidence

Evidence/Question / Answer / Date

Evidence must come from candidate’s work in the associated work area. There must be sufficient evidence for the assessor to judge that the candidate can achieve the required standard on a consistent basis.

Unit 1FOH5/10 (F95X 04)Receive, Move and Store Customer and Organisation Property1

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