From Which Country Did Indonesia Gain Independence in 1949?
- Name the actor and actress who starred in the TV series ‘Edward and Mrs. Simpson’.
- What type of fruit is a bullace?
- From which country did Indonesia gain independence in 1949?
- What is the real name of London’s Petticoat Lane?
- Who were the first-ever Scottish Rugby Union Champions?
- The dance the Rumba originated in which country?
- Norman Mailer’s novel ‘The Naked and the Dead’ was set during which war?
- Which Egyptian President was assassinated in 1981?
- Which Scottish football team were originally nicknamed ‘Wee Alpha’? Motherwell F. C.
- In which month is St. Swithun’s Day?
- What are the two smallest U. S. states in terms of area?
- Who wrote the songs ‘Keep Right on to the End of the Road’ and ‘Roaming in the Gloaming’?
- What type of creature is a Sooty Mangabey?
- Kilmarnock stands on which river?
- What roles did Polly James and Nerys Hughes play on TV?
- What term is given to vegetables cut thinly and slowly cooked in butter?
- Which English city has rail stations called Oxford Road, Victoria and Piccadilly?
- In which war were the Battles of Agincourt and Crecy?
- Which guitarist joined the Rolling Stones after Rod Stewart and the Faces?
- Which country was the location for the second series of ‘Auf Wiedersehen Pet’?
- Name the year: two planes crash into the World Trade Centre, Celtic win the Scottish F. A. Cup defeating Hibernian 3-0 and Westlife have a U. K. No.1 single with ‘Uptown Girl’.
- Apart from Annan Athletic and Elgin City, name two of the three teams Raith Rovers have not played in the Scottish F. A. Cup.
- Which pop singer played the Acid Queen in the rock opera ‘Tommy’?
- What is the capital city of Costa Rica?
- Which Scottish king succeeded Alexander I?
- Which Rogers and Hammerstein musical begins in heaven?
- To 2009, how many times has Michael Schumacher won the Formula One championship?
- ‘E. R.’ was set in which U. S. state?
- Name both the Greek and Roman goddesses of wisdom.
- Belgium has land borders with France, the Netherlands and which two other countries?
- Which British author has published over seven hundred books and sold more than sixty million copies about the same character?
- The ‘malleus’ is in what part of the human body?
- Now berthed in Leith, what three letters did Britannia have before her name?
- Anubis was the Egyptian god of what?
- In which American state is Dodge City?
- In music, what note is written above the bottom line in a stave?
- What is the capital city of Libya?
- What is photophobia a fear of?
- What credit card was advertised as ‘your flexible friend’?
- Name Helen Shapiro’s two U. K. No.1 singles of 1961.