The Wrap Around Care Program is an extended care opportunity for children who attend the preschool portion of Discovery Preschool. The program is available between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM for an additional charge above the preschool fees.The Wrap Around class room does not have diaper changing facilities. For this reason children in Wrap Around Care need to be toilet trained. Children not attending the preschool program may attend Wrap Around Care based on availability.

The daily activities of the Wrap Around Care Program focuses on the care and implementation of programs to ensure that each child has a balance of active and quiet activities in their day.

Some of the Wrap Around Care activities may be an overlapping of preschool learning centers and games. The goal is for the Wrap Around Care curriculum to not be a repetition of the preschool day, but rather, an enrichment or further exposure of the current preschool theme. The Wrap Around Care Program will have the opportunity to further explore topics that children show an interest in, or have demonstrated a need for reinforcing. The preschool teachers and Wrap Around teacher will work as an educational team sharing ideas and materials to provide a seamless educational experience.

The same Discovery Preschool philosophies, policies and state guidelines apply to the Wrap AroundCare Program. Please refer to the Parent Handbook available online at discover.discovery.org or ask a teacher for a hard copy.

PROPOSED DAILY CURRICULUM : This is a whole new endeavor and will probably change multiple times before we find the best balance.

7:30 AM– 8:00 AMGreet children, assist with hand washing, hanging up coats, storing lunches and signing in.

* some children may arrive with a breakfast food7:30 AM-

ACTIVITY: Center Explorations, math tables, sorting games, puzzles, in circle time classroom or Wrap Around Classroom

8:15 AM prepare students for preschool -- toilet

8:30 AM students attend preschool

8:30- 9:00 or 9:15 AMThe remaining children in Wrap Around Care may use the circle time classroom or Wrap Around classroom

ACTIVITY: Teacher InitiatedLiterary Experiences with books, puppet show, flannelboards, music and movement

9:15 AM– toilet and handwashing

9:30 AM

ACTIVITY: Snack in Wrap Around Classroom

10:00 AM

ACTIVITY: Free time art exploration, science, center explorations, clay,etc

10:30 AM

ACTIVITY: Outdoor play, weather permitting or gym time

*Activities at 10:00 and 10:30 could be reversed according to the needs/interest of the children.


ACTIVITY: Toilet, wash hands and lunch in wrap around classroom

11:45 AM

ACTIVITY: -Rest or Nap

12:30PM Preschool PM class in session

1:00 PM

ACTIVITY- Quiet games, listening center, books, toilet and wash hands

1:30 PM

ACTIVITY -snack- w/ PM class

If children are sleeping they are allowed to wake up at their own schedule. Snack will be served after a child wakes from his/her nap.

1:30 – 3:00 PM

ACTIVITY: Wrap Around children may join the PM classfor the remainder of day or stay in the Wrap Around classroom – Activities would include file folder games, building blocks,miscchild directed activities

3:00 PM

ACTIVITY:toilet, then gym or outdoor play

3:30 PM preschool dismisses--

3:30 - 4:30 PM

ACTIVITY: Free play in toy room or outdoors

4:30 - 6:00 PM

ACTIVTY: Prepare for various student departures