Paignton Community Academy 54333

UNIT 10- F919:


The portfolio work you produce for this assignment will be assessed to decide your mark for this unit.

You need to carry outan investigation to show how demographic factors influence the planning and provision of health, social care and early years services in the local area, evaluating how two different local services and practitioners who work there meet the needs of one person who uses services [50 marks].

Evidence needs to include:

AO1: information about how two demographic characteristics influence the provision of services in the local area [10]; due 8/9/14

AO2: the impact of one national policy or one piece of legislation on care practice and provision [10]; Due10/11/14

AO3: research and analysis of quality assurance methods used by the two services for the person who uses services [15]; Due6/10/14

AO4: an evaluation of how two different services meet the needs of one person who uses services and the approaches used by practitioners who work within them, how they work in partnership and the impact on the person who uses services [15]Due 29/9/14 – Mr Love’s and my birthday!!

For AO2, AO3 and AO4 you will chose a case study. Using this case study and information you have researched you will need to access the provision of two different services that the case study client would use.

AO1 / 8th September
AO4 / 29th September
AO3 / 6th October
1st Draft / 17th November 2014
2nd Draft / 8th December
Final copy / 5th January 2015

There are some exemplar portfolios on the shared work area for you to read to get an idea of what you need to do. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO COPY AND PASTE THE MATERIAL AS THE DATA WILL NOW BE OUT OF DATE.
The portfolio work you produce for this assignment will be assessed to decide your mark for this unit.

AO1:Planning and provision of services - information about how two demographic characteristics influence the provision of services in the local area (10 marks)

Due 8th Sept 2014

Task 1: Preparation for AO1

  • Use the internet and shared work area to find the most up to date versions of the relevant documents including:
  • Director of Public Health for Plymouth Annual report
  • Plymouths Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
  • Operational Plan NHS Plymouth
  • Plymouth’s Health, Social Care and Well-being Strategy
  • Clinical commissioning group for South Devon and Torbay
  • NICE and health profiles
  • Local strategic plans

You will also find some other useful documents on the shared work area.

  • Save these documents to your work area.
  • Explain what the Director of Public Health for Plymouth Annual Report is. What are its aims and functions? What does it do in terms of using data to plan the provision of services?
  • Explain what Plymouths Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Operational Plan NHS Plymouth is. How is it produced? What does it do in terms of using data to plan the provision of services?
  • What is NICE
  • Look at the health profile of either Plymouth or Torbay and write a brief review of your findings.

Task 2 (AO1a)

Task: Choose two demographic influences which have influenced the organisation and provision of services in the local area from the following:

Health needs: these can be assessed using statistics of incidences of disease and illnesses, hospital admissions, A&E admissions. Lifestyle choices of smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet, drug abuse, stress and lack of exercise also contribute to the health needs of the local population which have to be planned for.

Disability: there has been a decrease in the numbers of certain infectious diseases due to the effectiveness of the immunisation programmes; however there has been an increase in the numbers of degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease and strokes. Some areas may have higher incidences of inherited conditions which would put pressure on the local provision

The number of older people in the population : the number of older people in the population rose rapidly over the last century. In 1901, there were less than 2 million people over the age of 65. The number of over-65s is now over 9 million. This growth is projected to continue. By 2051 there are projected to be over 15 million people over the age of 65. The care needs for older people are significantly more than those of younger people, the average treatment cost per person among the over 85s is more than five times that of 45-64 age group therefore, a local area must consider this aspect when planning the provision of services. The number of older people in the local population could have an impact on the provision of residential and nursing homes, domiciliary care provision, day centre, mental health services, intermediate care provision, and community care services.

*The 2 required could relate to your case study.

  • Research your two chosen demographic influences using the internet, National Trends, local information sources such as Director of Public Health for Plymouth Annual report and the Local delivery Plan for Plymouth NHS/PCC, social trends, Plymouth City Council, Health profile…
  • Copy and paste 4 charts and graphs for each of your two chosen demographic characteristics into your work. Remember to put the reference for each chart/graph directly under it.
  • Under each chart or graph analyse what it suggests about the demographic characteristic.
  • Under each chart or graph explain how each demographic characteristic/trend is used to assess needs, and contribute to the planning and provision of local services. You will need to refer to the Director of Public Health for Plymouth Annual report and the Local delivery Plan for Plymouth NHS/PCC

Task 3 (AO1b+c)

Write a factual account of the stages in local planning of services which includes information about:

• How the planning of local services is carried out/produced

• How demographic characteristics/trends are used to assess local needs

• A description of the involvement of local stakeholders who contribute to the plan– i.e. Which organisations/who are involved in the planning and delivery

• The influence of national and local targets or objectives on the planning and provision of services. (National minimum standards; national service frameworks; strategic health authority targets; local health strategy targets)

• How local services are organised

• The processes of monitoring and evaluating service provision.

Task 4

Write a reference section for this AO

General advice: Remember this is only worth 10 marks so keep it concise.

Unit F919: Care practice and provision Assessment Objective 1
Mark Band 1 / Mark Band 2 / Mark Band 3
You demonstrate basic knowledge by outlining two demographic characteristics and showing how these influence the planning and provision of services in the local area; [0 1 2 3 4] / you demonstrate sound knowledge by describing two demographic characteristics and showing how these influence the planning and provision of services in the local area; [5 6 7] / you demonstrate in-depth knowledge by describing in detail two demographic characteristics and showing how these influence the planning and provision of services in the local area. [8 9 10]
  • Select two demographic factors [health needs; density of age of populations, unemployment; numbers of single parent families; the number of older people in the population and disability] which have influenced the planning and provision of services;
  • Produce an outline of the planning of services which makes links between the demographic factors and the planning and provision of services
  • Give a basic explanation of the influence of national or local standards/targets or objectives on the planning and provision of services;
  • Select two demographic factors [health needs; density of age of populations, unemployment; numbers of single parent families; the number of older people in the population and disability] which have influenced the planning and provision of services;
  • Produce a sound description of the planning of services; include a sound description of how relevant demographic characteristics/trends are used to assess local needs, and contribute to the planning and provision of services;
  • Give a sound explanation of the influence of national and local standards, targets and objectives on the planning and provision of services
  • Select two demographic factors [health needs; density of age of populations, unemployment; numbers of single parent families; the number of older people in the population and disability] which have influenced the planning and provision of services;
  • Produce a comprehensive description of the planning of services;
  • Use written expression which uses appropriate specialist vocabulary to comprehensively describe how relevant demographic characteristics/trends are used to assess local needs and inform the planning and provision of services;
  • Give a comprehensive explanation of the influence of national and local standards, targets and objectives on the planning and provision of services;

  • General advice - Emphasise the process of planning of services; Emphasise the impact of demographics to the planning of services; Emphasise the influence of national and local standards, targets and objectives on the planning and provision of services

Report to centres June 2013

For AO1 best portfolios had evidence that was applied to the planning of services in the local area, not focused on explicit settings. Where candidates focused on explicit settings candidates’ ability to meet the requirements of the assessment criteria was restricted. Candidates were expected to select two demographic factors carefully to ensure that there is sufficient evidence to show how they have actually influenced the planning and provision of services.

Candidates must include a description of the process of the planning of services in the local area. A diagram is not in sufficient depth to meet the requirements of ‘describe’.

When explaining the influence of national and local standards, targets and objectives on the planning and provision of services, candidates should consider explicit examples that are relevant to the planning and provision of services in the area considered. Influences should be considered in terms of both positive and negative impact.

Centres are not expected to cover all aspects of national and local standards, targets and objectives, as a minimum requirement they should cover at least one national and one local standard, target or objective. It is acceptable for centre’s to use an area other than their own if there is a lack of supporting evidence – for example some local delivery plans are more detailed than others.
AO2: The effects of national policy and legislation on care practice and provision (10 marks)

Due 10th November 2014

Task 1 (AO2a)

Choose and introduce one national policy or piece of legislationon care relevant to either chosen service.

Task 2 (AO2b)

Evaluate the effects of the national policy or piece of legislation you have chosen from:

(i) The person who uses service’s perspective – rights, entitlement, access, consultation

(ii) The practitioner’sperspective – roles and responsibilities, accountability, working collaboratively and in partnership with others, being more responsive to the needs of people who use services, changing existing provision, greater accountability

(iii) And/or the services. – Improving quality, encouraging ‘joined up thinking ‘changing the level and pattern of provision and using funding to target national priorities.

You must:

• Identify the strengths and weaknesses

• Make reasoned judgements

• Draw valid conclusions of the effects.

• Focus on relevant and current national policies such as ‘our health our say’ 2006, the NHS plan the Care Standards Act 2000, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Health and Social Care Act 2008.

Task 3

Write a reference section for this AO


  • Outline the Human Rights Act [HRA] – keep it brief
  • Take each relevant Article of the Human Rights Act and explain its impact on the care practice and provision within each of the settings that your client uses
  • For each service explain the effect of the HRA on your client and the care workers in each setting
  • Write a reference section for this AO

Useful Web sites

Unit F919: Care practice and provision Assessment Objective 2
Mark Band 1 / Mark Band 2 / Mark Band 3
With guidance, you apply basic knowledge and understanding to give a basic explanation of the impact of one national policy or one piece of
legislation on care practice and provision; Ability to communicate using some appropriate
terminology. Sentences have limited coherence and structure, often being of doubtful relevance to the main focus of the AO. Errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling may be noticeable and
[0 1 2 3 4] / With minimal guidance, you apply knowledge and understanding to give a sound explanation of the impact of one national policy
or one piece of legislation on care practice and provision; Limited ability to organise relevant material.
Some appropriate terminology used. Sentences are not always relevant with material presented in a way that does not always address the AO. There may be noticeable errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling.
[5 6 7] / you work accurately and independently when
applying in-depth knowledge and understanding to give a
comprehensive explanation of the impact of one national
policy or one piece of legislation on care practice and
provision. Ability to present relevant material in a planned and logical sequence. Appropriate terminology used. Sentences, for the most part, relevant and presented in a balanced, logical and coherent manner which addresses the AO. There will be occasional errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling [8 9 10]
  • With guidance, you use written expression which is adequate to convey meaning to give a basic explanation of the impact of one national policy or piece of legislation on care practice and provision;
  • you give a basic explanation of the impact from two different perspectives, e.g. from the viewpoint of the person who uses services, the practitioner and/or the service;
  • With minimal guidance, you apply knowledge and understanding to give a sound
explanation of the impact of one national policy or piece of legislation on care practice and
  • you give a sound explanation of the impact from two different perspectives, e.g. from the viewpoint of the person who uses services, the practitioner and/or the service;
  • You accurately and independently apply in-depth knowledge and understanding to
give a comprehensive explanation of the impact of one national policy or piece of legislation
on care practice and provision;
  • you give a comprehensive explanation of the impact from two different perspectives,
e.g. from the viewpoint of the person who uses services, the practitioner and/or the service;
  • General advice: you need to ensure that you have explained the impact of the policy or legislation on both your client and the two services at both local and national level.

OCR Report to centres – June 2013

In AO2, the best responses included an introduction of one national policy or piece of legislation. Many candidates worked around a case study and showed impact from two perspectives.

AO3:How quality assurance if promoted by services. (15 marks)

Due 6th October 2014 = task 2, Task 1 3rd November

Arrange a guest speaker to interview?

Task 1 (AO3a)

Carry out research to investigate the quality assurance systems used by the two services. You need to use at least 1 primary and 1 secondary method for each service – 4 in total! (15 marks)

Your research methods could include:

• Questioning practitioners

• Questioning people who use services

• Interviews

• Surveys

• Observation of practice

• Organisational documents

• Publications

• Textbooks

• Internet.

Briefly describe the primary methods which could be used to gain information about quality assurance in each of your chosen service settings.

Decide upon a method and justify your choice.

Design a questionnaire or interview that can be given to a practitioner in your 2 chosen services and to your client. Informed consent will be needed from participants before this is carried out.

This questionnaire should find out:

What quality assurance systems are in place in each setting.

How the data from the responses are used.

How quality assurance information is used to inform future practice.

Have a look at the exemplar questionnaire to help you.

Task 2 (AO3a)

Repeat the above task using secondary sources – at least one for each setting

You could use:

‘Your guide to the NHS’

National Service Frameworks

Star Ratings

The Charter Mark

Task 3 (AO3b)

Using the information you have gathered analyse the QA systems/mechanisms used by the 2 services. Here you need to explain each system and state the impact it has on your client’s care – do the QA systems actually improve the quality of the service?

Task 4

Write a reference section for this AO

Useful websites


Unit F919: Care practice and provision Assessment Objective 3
Mark Band 1 / Mark Band 2 / Mark Band 3
You undertake research, using a limited range of relevant sources, when carrying out a basic
analysis of the quality assurance mechanisms used by local services; [0 1 2 3 4 5] / you undertake research, using a range of relevant sources when carrying out a sound
analysis of the quality assurance mechanisms used by local services; [6 7 8 9 10] / you undertake research, using a wide range of
relevant information sources when carrying out a
comprehensive analysis of the quality assurance mechanisms used by local services. [11 12 13 14 15]
  • You undertake research, using a limited range of appropriate sources, e.g.
textbooks, magazines;
  • you use the collected information to carry out a basic analysis of the quality
assurance mechanisms used by two services;
  • the basic analysis may be generic but must link to two services;
  • the evidence may lack detail
  • You undertake research, using a range of appropriate sources, e.g. primary and
secondary sources;
  • you use the collected information to carry out a sound analysis of the quality
assurance mechanisms used by two services;
  • a detailed analysis, with appropriate examples, of a range of quality assurance mechanisms used by two services is evident;
  • You undertake research using a wide range of appropriate primary and secondary sources of information, e.g. you collected primary evidence through interviews,
  • surveys or observation and secondary evidence via the internet, organisational documents and publications;
  • you use the information gathered to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the quality assurance mechanisms used by two services;
  • an in-depth analysis, with a range of appropriate examples, of a wide range of quality
assurance mechanisms used by two services is evident;
  • General advice: Include the QA systems of both services with examples and explain the impact on your client’s care and on the practitioner’s care.

OCR Report to centres – June 2013