Gifted Program Scope and Sequence


The purpose of this Scope and Sequence for the Gifted population of this school district is to establish a definition of a gifted student and their individual programming needs.

I=Introduce D=Develop A=Apply M=Master

Creative and Productive Thinking

Students will use a variety of processes to develop unique products that conceptualize ideas.

Grade Level K-12-34-67-12

Grade Level / K-1 / 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-12
1. Demonstrate the ability to use fluency when generating ideas. / I / D / A / M
2. Demonstrate the ability to use flexibility when generating ideas. / I / D / A / M
3. Demonstrate the ability to use originality when generating ideas. / I / D / A / M
4. Demonstrate the ability to use elaboration when generating ideas. / I / D / A / M
5. Demonstrate risk taking—accept challenges. / I / D / A / M
6. Implement techniques for convergent and divergent thinking, such as deductive and analogous reasoning. / I / D / A / M
7. Utilize a variety of brainstorming processes for creative problem solving. / I / D / A / M
8. Apply the creative process to invent new products. / I / D / A / M
9. Develop a range of productions in performing fine arts, including: dance, movement, drama, music, reader’s theater, filmmaking and improvisation. / I / D / A / M
10. Infuse a range of leadership qualities while working on thinking tasks in collaborative contexts. / I / D / A / M
11. Think critically about abstract concepts, using visualization, imagination spatial perception and imagery. / I / D / A / M
12. Demonstrate skills in analysis—identify parts and recognize relationships among these parts. / I / D / A / M
13. Demonstrate skills in synthesis—arrange and combine elements to form a new whole, not previously evident. / I / D / A / M
14. Understand the nature of thinking and apply metacognitive strategies to develop concepts. / I / D/A / M
15. Produce innovative products integrating both left (organizational) and right (creative) brain thinking processes. / I / D/A / M
16. Demonstrate skills in evaluation—assess the value of an idea as related to its stated purpose. / I / D/A / M
17. Use thinking skills to solve real-world conflicts and situations. / I / D/A / M
18. Engage in opportunities to extend interests through involvement in clubs, organizations and electives that support various competitive, cognitive and creative processes. / I/D / M


I=Introduce D=Develop A=Apply M=Master

Problem Solving

Students will develop decision-making strategies, apply these concepts to real-world problems and develop innovative solutions.

Grade Level / K-1 / 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-12
1. Demonstrate mastery of content through a variety of authentic assessment methods; rubrics, portfolios, self and peer evaluation, presentations, products, and GEC assessment reports. / I / D / A / M
2. Demonstrate ability to use creative problem solving skills, such as FFOE (fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration), Scamper, DeBono’s Six Hats, Parne’s Creative Problem Solving, Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, and Hilda Taba’s Open Ended questioning, and/or Krathwohl’s Taxonomy. / I / D / A / M
3. Use problem solving in a variety of content areas, including: language arts, mathematics, logic, conflict resolution, social studies and science. / I / D / A / M
4. Produce ideas and solutions for real-world challenges. / I / D/A / M
5. Employ a variety of leadership abilities that vary within a group to solve ethical and moral dilemmas (such as introduction of Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development). / I / D / A / M


I=Introduce D=Develop A=Apply M=Master


Students will use a variety of collaborative methods to develop skills for school, family, work andhighereducationenvironments.

Grade Level / K-1 / 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-12
1. Participate in a variety of diverse groupings including: small group, whole group, buddy groups, simulations and cross-age groupings. / I / D / A / M
2. Use collaborative life-skill qualities, such as: persuasion, cooperation, humility, leadership, compromise, delegation, organization and planning. / I / D / A / M
3. Apply effective engaGECent strategies in team working situations. / I / D / A / M
4. Design collaborative products using a variety of technology and media based activities. / I / D/A / M
5. Gain an appreciation of the multi-talents of self and others; and their application to collaborative processes (such as MI theory). / I / D / A / M
6. Create a variety of products in collaboration with peers. / I / D / A / M
7. Identify appropriate problem solving processes in collaboration with peers. / I / D / A / M
8. Implement acquired collaborative work methods outside the classroom through extended projects and assignments. / I / D / A / M
9. Engage in opportunities for service work. / I / D/A / M
10. Engage in opportunities for leadership development. / I / D/A / M
11. Engage in opportunities for sports, clubs, competitions, activities and/or electives to enhance talents and collaborate with likeminded peers. / I / D/A / M


I=Introduce D=Develop A=Apply M=Master


Students will use a wide rangeof communication methods to articulate information and interacteffectively with others.

Grade Level K-12-34-67-12

Grade Level / K-1 / 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-12
1. Communicate verbally, practicing techniques in: performance, presentation and debate. / I / D / A / M
2. Participate effectively in group discussions and presentations. / I / D / A / M
3. Implement acquired communication strategies outside the classroom through extended projects and assignments. / I / D / A / M
4. Develop skills for delivery and acceptance of peer review, self-evaluation and constructive feedback. / I / D / A / M
5. Apply the Arizona state language arts standards through a variety of speaking, listening, reading and writing experiences; special emphasis on vocabulary acquisition, accelerated and enriched reading, and extending six traits of writing skills. / I / D / A / M
6. Apply the Arizona state math standards through articulation of logical problem solving solutions. / I / D / A / M
7. Develop technology skills to communicate effectively, including; email, web access, use of a flash drive, spreadsheets, publisher, power points, and word processing. / I / D/A / M
8. Demonstrate the ability to communicate by accessing a variety of technology and media based products. / I / D/A / M
9. Develop an appreciation of the multi-talents of self and others; and use this information to select appropriate communication strategies. / I / D/A / M
1. Communicate verbally, practicing techniques in: performance, presentation and debate. / I / D / A / M


I=Introduce D=Develop A=Apply M=Master


Students will make decisions on identification of information, implementation of appropriate studymethods and innovative presentation of knowledge.

Grade Level K-12-34-67-12

Grade Level / K-1 / 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-12
1. Participate in collaborative inquiry based investigations. / I / D / A / M
2. Implement acquired research work strategies outside the classroom through extended projects and assignments. / I / D / A / M
3. Utilize a variety of investigative processes. / I / D / A / M
4. Participate in opportunities to pursue personal investigative interests. / I / D / A / M
5. Design investigative products that integrate a variety of technology and media based skills. / I / D/A / M
6. Create a variety of short term and long term quality research products. / I / D/A / M
7. Use advanced investigative skills for self-directed learning. / I / D/A / M
8. Articulate research findings by creating advanced products including: writing, technology, tables, charts, graphs, labels, and artifacts. / I / D/A / M
9. Participate in interpretation and reflection of research information by self, peers, and/or experts in the field of study. / I / D/A / M
10. Apply advanced investigative strategies to research information in a variety of content areas, including social studies, geography and science. / I / D/A / M
11. Gain an evolving appreciation for real life investigators, inventors, and inquiry based careers through field trips, internships, mentoring, readings and connections with community. / I / D/A / M
12. Engage in research using multimedia formats. / I / D/A / M
13. Engage in research team leadership. / I / D/A / M
14. Organize investigative studies and projects using action plans, metacognitive tools, time manaGECent skills, study skills and documentation. / I / D/A / M
15. Analyze a range of resources for research relevancy and accuracy. / I/D / A/M
16. Understand intellectual property issues, such as: copyright, patent and use of APA style. / I/D / A/M
17. Evaluate the validity and reliability of information by cross referencing to determine the expertise of a source. / I/M
1. Participate in collaborative inquiry based investigations. / I / D / A / M

I=Introduce D=Develop A=Apply M=Master

Personal Development

Students will recognize individuality, personal strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve at

their fullest potential.

Grade Level / K-1 / 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-12
1. Explore social and emotional issues of giftedness. / I / D / A / M
2. Gain independent work skills and follow projects through to / I / D / A / M
3. Gain a respect for individual diversity, talent, ability. / I / D / A / M
3. Gain a respect for individual diversity, talent, ability. / I / D / A / M
4. Determine differences between gifted students and others in order to effectively assimilate and cooperate with peers. / I / D / A / M
5. Gain empathy for others. / I / D / A / M
6. Create unique products that demonstrate understanding of a wide range of life-skills. / I / D / A / M
7. Use appropriate advanced product and process articulation and gain skills to produce work at their highest potential. / I / D / A / M
8. Implement acquired personal work and organizational strategies outside the classroom through extended projects and assignments. / I / D / A / M
9. Engage in opportunities for leadership and goal attainment. / I / D / A / M
10. Engage in enrichment experiences to enhance personal interests. / I / D / A / M
11. Explore topics related to a variety of ethical, moral and cultural issues. / I / D/A / M
12. Engage in opportunities to develop humor. / I / D/A / M
13. Understand the unique qualities of gifted learners in a wide range of content areas and social skills. / I / D/A / M
14. Differentiate between high ability, creativity and task commitment in order to develop successful life skills. / I / D/A / M
15. Use self-monitoring and self-advocacy skills. / I / D/A / M
16. Develop understanding of Dabrowski’s theory of Over Excitabilities in order to achieve self-actualization. / I / D/A / M
17. Gain an understanding of a variety of gifted learner traits including: gifted underachievement, twice exceptional Learners and perfectionism. / I/D/A / M