Unit 1 Vocabulary: English 12
recant (v.): to take back
soporific (adj.): causing sleep
wariness (n.): cautiousness
abstemious (adj.): sparing in the use of food or drink
incorrigible (adj.): not capable of being reformed
rectify (v.): fix; correct
retort: (v.) to reply sharply, (n.) a sharp reply
synthesis (n.): the combining of separate parts to form a whole
tirade (n.): a long, harsh, often abusive speech
unbiased (adj.): without prejudice
succumb (v.): to give way to superior force
urbane (adj.): highly sophisticated
amorphous (adj.): having no shape
cynicism (n.): the belief that all human action is motivated by selfishness
esoteric (adj.): known only by a select few
exemplary (adj.): serving as example; commendable
implausible (adj.): not possible; not imaginable
levity (n.): lightness; lacking seriousness
paradox (n.): something that seems to contradict itself
prevalent (adj.): in general use or acceptance
SYNONYMS: Choose the word from this unit that is the same or close to the same in meaning as the word or expression in the given phrase.
1. retract ______
2. unmanageable ______
3. repair ______
4. comeback ______
5. rant ______
6. fair ______
7. cultured ______
8. blob-like ______
9. secret ______
10. inconceivable ______
ANTONYMS: Choose the word from this unit that closest to the opposite in meaning to the given word or phrase.
1. stimulate ______
2. impulsive ______
3. gluttonous ______
4. divide ______
5. conquer ______
6. optimistic ______
7. wrong ______
8. solemn ______
9. limited ______
10. something that makes sense ______
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE: Other forms of the word could be used.
1. Chelsea wrote an ______speech about the Gratz Fair.
2. James offered a quick ______after Chyloh made fun of his truck.
3. Mr. Herman disapproved of Atalie’s display of ______during the assembly.
4. Carly tried to ______the doughnut shortage problem before Chelsea arrived at the team breakfast.
5. The ______heat of summer makes it hard for me to pay attention in class.
6. Bev Bighead has an ______physique that rivals Homer Simpson.
7. It is important for teachers to have ______opinions about new students.
8. Braces are quite ______among middle school students.
9. The ______society had only four members, and met just once a year in the basement of the post office.
10. Patty Pat will never be able to ______his negative statement about cheerleaders.
11. Kelsey foolishly set himself an ______goal to do 900 sit-ups every morning before school.
12. People will be shocked when Emily finally snaps, and delivers a ______the world will never forget.
13. Zach will never ______to the Greenwood defense.
14. Loagan is an ______diner who avoids all-you-can-eat buffets.
15. It is a ______that computers need maintenance so often, considering the important function they have in the field of medicine.
PREFIXES/SUFFIXES: Find the meaning of each.
1. An- ______
2. Ab- ______
3. Ad- ______
4. –agog ______
5. –cide ______
COMMON USAGE PROBLEMS: Use each word or phrase CORRECTLY in a sentence.
1. oppose to / opposed to / supposed to
2. former / latter
3. farther / further