PLANNED Allocation of PE and Sport Grant 2015-2016 May 15 to April 16
Total number of pupils on roll at time of allocation / 162
Basic grant
Amount allocated per pupil (162 x£5) / £810
Total allocation / £6391
Summary of PE and Sport Grant
Continue to improve pupils attitude towards sport, physical activity and healthy life styles
Continue to provide specialist CDP for the whole teaching staff
Continue to promote inter schools sports activities
Continue to broaden after and before school activities and experiences for children
Record of PE and Sport Grant spending 2013-2014
Intervention/provision / term / £ / Impact/outcome
Innovation in Motion
CPD OAA, Dance, Early years, PE curriculum leaders, MTAs, TAs and governors / Sept 14 – July 15 / 845 / It is continuing to raise the profile of sport and being active and healthy in our school community. A year 2 child with cerebral palsy quoted PE(gymnastics) as her favourite subject in school.
Premier sport CPD
Games KS2 / 960
Premier Sport - Start Active performing Arts – Rec to Year 2 / Summer/Autumn / Partly funded
330 / Pupils have been given a term of free participation, will increase payments over the year to be able to continue when the funding runs out.
Sports Leaders / continuing / free / Year 6 children are enjoying being responsible for leading activities under supervision and being responsible for the equipment.
Energy Club / continuing / free / Pupils are now asking if they can run the club next term, lots of children both active and inactive are volunteering.
Start Active – KS2 / Summer/Autumn / Partly funded
330 / Pupils have been given a term of free participation, will increase payments over the year to be able to continue when the funding runs out.
Lunchtime club – yr 6 netball / free
Management release time
1 full day
2 x ½ day / 250
Playground markings / 700
Staff training costs, supply and overtime / Summer/Autumn / 1000
PE kits for spare
Gala – fee and trial / 200
Exeter Ethiopia Link project – gardening projected suggest by partner school. Growing and eating and selling our own produce / Summer/Autumn / 100