Unit 1 Review Questions
- The truth that the Son of God became man is the ______.
a. Blessed Trinity
b. Incarnation
c. Pentacost
2. The ______is the Three Persons in One God.
a. Blessed Trinity
b. Holy Spirit
c. Incarnation
3. Because Jesus died and rose to save us from sin, he is our ______.
a. disciple
b. Blessed Trinity
c. Savior
4. The gift of God's life in us is ______.
a. grace
b. Savior
c. sin
5. The community of people who are baptized and follow Jesus Christ is the church.
6. The people who said yes to Jesus' call and followed him were his disciples.
7. The first human beings committed the first sin which is called Pentacost.
8. Stories about Jesus' life are in the books of the New Testament called the Incarnation.
9. The ______are teachings of Jesus that describe the way to live as Jesus' disciples.
a. missions
b. Beatitudes
c. baptisms
10. We learn from the Beatitudes that God offers hope to every person.
11. The Kingdom of God is the power of God's love active in the world.
12. The Church today does not continue the mission of the first disciples.
13. An attraction to choose sin is a ______.
a. commission
b. omission
c. temptation
14. Sin that hurts our friendship with God is ______.
a. venial sin
b. free will
c. temptation
15. Serious sin that breaks our friendship with God is ______.
a. venial sin
b. temptation
c. mortal sin
16. When we fail to do something good we may commit a sin of ______.
a. omission
b. commission
c. temptation
17. ______happens when we lost sight of the equality of all people and disregard their human dignity.
a. social sin
b. mortal sin
c. free will
18. ______is the freedom to decide when and how to act.
a. sin of commission
b. mortal sin
c. free will
19. The Holy Spirit can help us form our conscience.
20. The ability to know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, is called our communion.
21. Forming our conscience involves listening to trusted adults.
22. We can examine our conscience only one a year.
23. Forming a good conscience is ______responsibility.
a. Jesus'
c. the Holy Spirit's
24. A good conscience calls us to turn away from ______.
a. peace
b. sin
c. God
25. A good conscience leads us to be ______.
a. truthful
b. sinful
c. dishonest
26. God is ______ready to welcome us back to him.
a. always
b. sometimes
c. never
27. Jesus called God Abba, a word that means ______.
a. Father
b. Savior
c. Anointed One
28. In Baptism we are given ______, the gift of God's life in us.
a. Incarnation
b. grace
c. Pentacost
29. In the Beatitudes, Jesus explains that we will be happy when we love God and _____ him as Jesus did.
a. fear
b. trust
c. tempt
30. Respecting the rights of others and giving them what is rightfully theirs is ______.
a. peace
b. mercy
c. justice
31. Because we have ______, we are responsible for the choices we make.
a. Original Sin
b. social sin
c. free will
32. God gave us the gift of ______to help us know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong.
a. conscience
b. reconciliation
c. forgiveness
33. The truth that the Son of God became man is the ______.
a. Incarnation
b. Blessed Trinity
c. Beatitudes
34. Savior is a title given to Jesus because he called disciples to follow him.
35. In Baptism we are given new life and become members of the Church.
36. A temptation is a thought, word, or action against God's law.
37. A sin that we commit by not doing something is called a sin of omission.
38. A good conscience works in three ways: before, while, and after we make a decision.