THIS AGREEMENT is made on …… …………………………….by and between
………………………………...... (Name/names) of ………………………………………………………………………………………..(Address)
(hereinafter referred to as RECIPIENT)
and Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (hereafter IADT) for the purpose of transfer of MATERIAL.
The RECIPIENT and IADT agree the following Terms and Conditions
- The MATERIAL covered by this agreement includes all compounds delivered by IADT for testing as …………………………………………………………………..which could not be made without the MATERIAL, and any related Know-how which will be transferred to the Recipient with the MATERIAL under this agreement.
- The MATERIAL will be used by the RECIPENT solely for the purpose of the project entitled………………………………………………………….. under the direction of
(hereinafter referred to as Recipient Scientist), and may not be used for commercial purposes, without written approval from IADT.
- The MATERIAL shall not be used in human subjects or for clinical trials involving human subjects without the written approval of IADT.
- The MATERIAL is and shall remain the property of IADT and therefore will not be distributed or released to any third person other than the Recipient Authorized Representative, and his/her directly supervised co-workers.
- IADT reserves the right to use the MATERIAL for its own purposes and to distribute the MATERIAL to any other parties.
- RECIPIENT shall inform IADT, in confidence, of research results related to the MATERIAL by providing a written manuscript to IADT describing the results, prior to submission for publication. If publications arise from using the MATERIAL, acknowledgement of and/or credit will be given as is scientifically appropriate.
- The MATERIAL is provided to the RECIPIENT on the understanding that the MATERIAL shall be used and disposed of in compliance with all laws and regulations that are relevant to said MATERIAL its, use, transfer and disposal and that the RECIPIENT will not attempt to or reverse engineer the MATERIAL.
- At the request of IADT unused MATERIAL shall either be destroyed or returned to IADT.
- The MATERIAL is experimental in nature and is supplied to the RECIPIENT without any WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. IADT makes no representations that the use of the MATERIAL will not infringe any patent or proprietary rights of third parties.
- The RECIPIENT agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless IADT, its employees or agents, for all liabilities, demands, damages, expenses, and losses arising out of or as a result of the use, handling, storage or disposal of the MATERIAL for any purpose, by the RECIPIENT, its customers or any third parties.
- Any inventions, discoveries or developments (hereinafter referred to as INVENTIONS), whether patentable or not, made by the RECIPIENT arising out of the studies, evaluations/or research directly to the use of the MATERIAL, shall be disclosed to IADT. IADT may enter into negotiations in good faith to grant a non-exclusive licence to the RECIPIENT for the use of MATERIAL in the development of new INVENTIONS. Ownership of INVENTIONS, shall be determined by any applicable laws and regulations related to ownership and by mutual agreement between the RECIPIENT and IADT, taking into account the role and contribution of individuals involved in the research.
- This agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulation of Ireland. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be settled in the first instance by the relevant court in Ireland.
- The RECIPIENT understands that no other right or licence to this MATERIAL or to its use is granted or implied as a result of providing the MATERIAL to the RECIPIENT.