Course Description:World History Prep incorporates history, culture, and geographical themes in a global study. The course incorporates material from the beginning of civilization through the developments of civilizations and world religions. The course will include a study of significant events, people, issues and perspectives from across the globe.
Course Content: When discussing issues relating to war, government, and religion it is expected that students will have differing opinions and concerns. Students will be encouraged to share opinions with each other and the class and ask questions of their classmates, it is imperative that students do so in a respectful manner. Students will be instructed in conduct of discussing sensitive issues and are expected to adhere.
Unit 1- Foundations of World Civilizations
Unit 2- World Religions
Unit 3- Medieval Europe
Unit 4- South American and African Empires
Learning Targets:For each unit students will be graded on their ability to master a set of learning targets. The learning targets for each unit can be found below.
Unit 1: Foundations of World Civilizations
1-1.I can define the Neolithic Revolution and explain how it encouraged change in all aspects of human civilizations.
1-2.I can detail the differences between the Mesopotamian and Egyptian and civilizations.
1-3.I can discuss the success and failures of the early Chinese and Indian civilizations.
1-4.I can explain how the development of Greek City states encouraged the creation of new government systems.
1-5.I can explain the development and decline of the early Roman civilizations.
Unit 2: World Religions
2-1.I can distinguish leaders and histories of the world’s major religions.
2-2.I can explain and compare the ideals and belief structures of Hinduism and Buddhism.
2-3.I can explain the ideals and belief structures of Confucianism.
2-4.I can explain and compare the ideals and belief structures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
2-5.I can compare and contrast the values and beliefs of the world’s major religions.
Unit 3: Medieval Europe
3-1.I can identify the causes and characteristics of the European Dark Ages.
3-2.I can detail the practice of Feudalism and explain how it has been used by different people.
3-3.I can describe the causes for the Crusades and how they influenced European society.
3-4.I can explain how the Black Plague changed Europe politically and socially.
3-5.I can discuss the social and philosophical changes that resulted in the European Renaissance.
Unit 4: African and South American Empires
4-1.I can detail the rise of the Kingdom of Mali and identify its political importance.
4-2.I can explain the significance of Islam in the development of West African Kingdoms.
4-3.I can describe the Inca and Mayan Empire and detail elements of each civilization.
4-4.I can detail the rise of the Aztec Empire and describe its interactions with European explorers.
4-5.I can explain the Columbian Exchange and detail the viewpoints of groups involved.
Course Long Learning Targets:
C-1.I can use historical sources to create a thesis about the past and support it with evidence.
C-2.I can evaluate an interpretation of history using historical source.
Grading Policy and Procedure: Course grades will primarily be based on mastery of learning targets. There are 100 available points in this course that will come from the following categories:
Learning Target Mastery 60 points
Historical Thinking Projects40 points
The course will be divided into 4 units - each covering a 3 week period and containing 25 points. At the end of the 3 week grading period a grade and .125 credits will be awarded to all students that earned more than 70% of the possible points.
Learning Target Mastery -60% of your grade will come from your mastery of the 20 course learning targets. Each learning target is worth 3 points
- Near the middle of each unit you will take a test with sections dedicated to each of the unit’s learning targets. Each learning target will be graded separately.
- To achieve mastery and earn 3 points, you must correctly answer 70% of the questions in that learning target. Any score 70% and above equals a score of 3 points representing mastery for that learning target, any score below 70% will earn 0 points representing non-mastery.
For example:
Unit 1 Test Score:
Learning Target 1-16/7= 85% - mastered - 3 points
Learning Target 1-22/5= 40% - not-mastered- 0 points
Learning Target 1-34/7= 57% - not-mastered- 0 points
Learning Target 1-46/6= 100% - mastered- 3 points
Learning Target 1-53/4= 75% - mastered - 3 points
- After each test students will evaluate their results:
- You will be given an in class opportunity to re-test any learning targets you did not master approximately one week after the original unit test. The re-test will only be on the section(s) you failed to master and will be graded as follows:
- 70% and up= 3 points
- 50% - 69%= 2 points
- 25% - 49% = 1 point
- below 25% = 0 points
- You may only re-test when you meet the following requirements:
- You completed ALL of the required unit work. A list of required work can be found on the front of your unit packet.
- You have completed the required remediation work, which can be found in the crate in the front of the classroom and will be passed out after the test.
Projects-40% of your grade will come from the four class projects we will complete over the trimester. During the third week of each grading period we will focus on the completion of each project and focus on the course long learning targets. Directions and due dates will be given when each project is assigned.
Grade reports: Individual reports will be available online via A-H Connect. Each student will also have a log representing their course progress kept in their course folder. You are expected to keep this up to date and will be given time after each test to update your log.
Makeup work/Absences: Students who miss class are responsible for finding out what they missed. - If absent, check the calendar in the room and the file crate for missed information or papers, then see Mrs. Lee.
- All course work can be found on Mrs. Lee’s website, if you are absent please use the site to find information you missed.
- It is expected that if you know in advance that you will be gone, you will get your work ahead of time.
- If you miss a test or a re-test, see Mrs. Lee immediately to schedule a make-up test.