Minutes of Hellifield Parish Council Meeting
Held On Thursday12th May2016
Hellifield Village Institute- Yorke Room
Present: Councillors B Hugill,D Statt, J Sleath, B Moore, D Gooch, J Thwaite, K Hanning,M Blackwell(Clerk),District Councillor Moorby, County Councillor Welch (part), Members of the Public:2
Councillor Hugillopened the meeting at 7.45pm and welcomed everyone.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair and Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Gooch proposed Cllr Hugill to continue as Chairman. Cllr Hanning seconded. All voted in favour. Cllr Hugill accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Hugill proposed Cllr Statt to continue as Vice Chair. Cllr Moore seconded. All voted in favour. Cllr Statt accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Hanning proposed a Vote of Thanks to Cllrs Hugill and Statt. Cllr Moore seconded. All voted in favour.
Resolution: Cllr Hugill and Cllr Statt to continue as Chairman and Vice Chair respectively for a further year.
- Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 3rd March and 10th March 2016were approved.
- Apologies – no apologies received.
- Declaration ofMembers’ interests:Cllrs Gooch and Moore declared an interest in agenda item 11.
- Public Participation – None.
- Village Matters
5.1 To receive any reports of antisocial behaviour and consider appropriate action as required.Cllr Gooch reported that numerous dens were being made in Station Road playground by children pulling down branches and getting sticks and bricks from top right hand side of field. He has asked them not to destroy trees and hedges.
5.2 To receive updates from NYCC Police on crime.No police update had been received.
5.3 To receive an update on the Play Areas and approve expenditure for anti-parking posts outsideStation Road playground Cllr Moore said the grass cutting is much improved since the appointment of the new contractor. Thanks to Cllr Hugill and James, the handyman, for putting in place the posts and chain in front of the Station Road playground gate. Cllr Moore and James have recently spent some time cutting back trees, branches and brambles on Station Road playground. Two new toddler swing cradle seats have also been ordered to replace two that are broken.
5.4 To receive an update on theParish Liaison Meeting – The Chairman gave a short outline of the CDC Parish Liaison meeting held in March which Cllr Moore and the Clerk attended.
5.5To receive an update on the recent Asset Review – Cllrs Statt, Moore and the Clerk undertook a review of the village assets early in May. There is some repainting of benches required and a few minor repairs but nothing needs replacing at present. The handyman is to undertake the work during the summer.
5.6 To consider a response to the Draft Local Plan. Cllr Hanning said the most worrying aspect was the increase in development areas. Cllr Moore has been advised all sites across the district have come back into the frame unless one of the agencies, such as Environment or Highways, object. Public consultation has been extended to the end of May. Cllr Hanning felt more comments from HPC should be put forward and he is happy to coordinate this and forward to the Clerk for onward transmission to CDC.
- Reports to and from District and County Councillors
District Cllr Moorby reported that as regards the Local Plan, you don’t have to be the landowner to put forward an area of land for development.
County Cllr Welch reported he has stood down as a member of CDC planning committee after 8 years. This was due to several threats and accusations he has received which he is no longer prepared to tolerate.
7. Correspondence – nothing to report.
8.Street Lighting – nothing to report.
9. Highways: Two items to report to Highways: A sunken manhole cover on the A65 between Highground Farm and Tenley Farm. Also, the drains outside Eastview keep on blocking. The Clerk to report.
Cllr Welch gave his apologies and left the meeting.
10. Planning items:
10.1 ––42/2016/16808 – Two storey side extension to provide additional bedroom & en-suite over enlarged kitchen & single storey rear sunroom/Wc extension to replace existing conservatory – 22 Park Avenue, Hellifield.- No Comments.
11. Allotments– Majority of annual rentals have now been paid Three vacant plots remain. Cllr Gooch reported some other allotment holders were concerned at spread of weeds from the vacant plots but were willing to strim down the weeds. All agreed this was a good idea.
12. Finance
12.1 Statements
Finances as at 31stMarch 2016
Current Statements
Lloyds TSB Account / £ 2,473.27 as at 31stMarch 2016Skipton Building Society / £ 20,262.26 as at 31stMarch 2016
Receipts / SBS Interest / £9.73
Payments / Village Maintenance - March / £197.93
Administration – March / £364.80
HMRC – Income tax for March / £140.60
E-on - Street Lighting February / £195.92
First Responders Donation / £250.00
Yorkshire Local Councils Association – Annual Subs / £398.00
Hellifield Institute Room Hire / £225.00
Mary Blackwell – 2 x Reflectors for Fence Posts / £17.98
Timberworks – Fence posts / £85.64
Finances as at 9th May 2016
Current Statements
Lloyds TSB Account / £ 14,484.18 as at 9th May 2016Skipton Building Society / £ 20,262.26 as at 9th May2016
Receipts / Allotment Rent – Plot 12 / £19.41
Allotment Rent – Plot 11
Allotment Rent – Plot 8b
Allotment Rent – Plot 17a,18
Allotment Rent – Plot 16
Allotment Rents – Plots 7a,6,8a,20, 19
Allotment Rents – Plots 3,4a & 4b
Allotment Rent – Plot 13
Allotment Rent – Plot 9, 10b / £29.17
VAT Repayment
Precept – first payment / £1,484.10
Payments / Village Maintenance - April / £185.69 / BACS
Administration – April / £364.80 / BACS
HMRC – Income tax for April / £126.20 / BACS
E-on - Street Lighting March & April / £412.19 / BACS
Settle DIY – Weedkiller & Keys / £100.70 / BACS
Merritt & Fryers – Stakes & Tape / £25.25 / BACS
J Bownass – Accountancy Services – Internal Audit of Annual Return / £120.00 / Cheque
Mary Blackwell – Reimbursement for boxfile, tags and folders / £9.17 / BACS
JC Cowgill – Grass cutting April / £400.00 / BACS
The Courtyard Potting Shed – hanging baskets and flowers / £108.40 / Cheque
Network Rail – wayleaves / £121.70 / Cheque
Lloyd Popay – reimbursement for fuel / £15.00 / Cheque
RH Moore – reimbursement for compost / £10.00 / Cheque
Resolved: That the receipts and payments be approved as scheduled
12.1 To agree and sign off the Governance Statements on the Annual Return. Cllr Hanning proposed the Governance Statements as a true record, Cllr Hugill seconded, all voted in favour.
Resolved: The 2016 Governance Statement to be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
12.2 To approve the Accounts Statements on the Annual Return. Cllr Hanning proposed the Accounts Statement be approved, Cllr Hugill seconded and all voted in favour.
Resolved: The 2016 Accounts Statement be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
The Chairman and Clerk signed the Annual Return which will now be forwarded to the external auditors.
12.3 To review the HPC Risk Assessment schedule.The Risk Assessment was reviewed and one minor amendment is required to add the Institute Noticeboard to the potential risks.
13. To receive items of information and proposals for the agenda of future Meetings.
Cllr Thwaite Distributed a copy of Gargrave’s Neighbourhood Plan which he thought was very well presented.
Cllr Gooch Nothing to report.
Cllr StattAsked that thank you letters be sent to the Rounders Team and Gala Committee for their help at the Beacon. Also a thank you to the local landowners, Mr Hall and the Waltons, will be given by the Chairman.
Cllr SleathNothing to report
Cllr MooreThanks to Cllrs Thwaite and Sleath for removing the gate. Hanging baskets and troughs will be going out early next week.
Cllr HanningAsked that HPC should request that the Appeal by Craven Cattle Marts is heard in front of the Inspectorate and not by written representations. He said he would put a request together. All agreed.
Cllr HugillAdvised he would check out a pothole reported near the top of Haw Grove.
The meeting ended at 8.50pm. Date of next meeting : 7th July 2016
Signed ………………………………………… Dated………………………………………….
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