January 15, 2014
Township of Strong Municipal Office

Present:Sundridge – Elgin Schneider, Bill deVries
Strong – Merlyn Snow (arrived at 9:20 a.m.)
South River – Jim Coleman
Machar –Ron Bennison, Bill Russell
Business Reps – Gary McLaren, Martha Jacobs
MNDM – Carole Mantha (arrived at 9:15 a.m.)

Absent:Doug Maeck, Jeff Dickerson, John Newstead, Peter Kidd, Ron Begin/Gerry Spooner

Delegates:Luke Preston, G.F. Preston

Guests:Jennifer Farquhar, Mac Lang

Staff Present:Caitlin Haggart – Recording Secretary
Laura McNeice – Economic Development Intern

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by Chair Jim Coleman and the guests were welcomed.

Delegate: Luke Preston was invited to the meeting to share his experience with using the trial version of the Humaniqa service. Mr. Preston advised that Mac Lang has also been using a trial version. Both were impressed with the amount of content and the speed and ease of use. Humaniqa has fillable word document forms and is continually updated to current labour laws and regulations. Location for use was discussed: it would be available for businesses at the Sundridge – Strong Union Public Library, the South River – Machar Union Library, the Burk’s Falls-Armour-Ryerson Union Public Library, Employment North and Laura McNeice’s office (by appointment). It was suggested that each location log users for review at the end of the two year contract. CAEDA’s contribution to the Humaniqa project is $403.64.

Resolution 2014-01
Moved by:Bill deVriesSeconded by: Ron Bennison
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby recommend that the Township of Strong enter into an agreement with Humaniqa Enterprises Limited for a two year provision of human resources services, at a cost of $2380.00 plus applicable taxes, on behalf of CAEDA. The first year of the contract will be funded by the Labour Market group and the second year will be jointly funded by CAEDA, Burk’s Falls/Armour/Ryerson and Employment North. Carried

General Discussion:

NOHFC Update – Carole Mantha thanked those who attended the teleconference last month with McSweeney & Associates. The project was considered complete so the funding payment has been processed. The Community Profile is a live document so Laura is able to edit, as required. The Northern Opportunity Program’s lifetime limit for funding has been removed, so all companies who previously received funding are able to use it again for up to $1 million of all eligible costs. Ms. Mantha will be visiting any businesses who may benefit from program changes, such as the Youth Intern Program.

FedNor Update – NIL

Business Rep Report: see attached report summary from Gary McLaren. The tradeshow was further discussed – MNDM may have special event funding available to supply catering at the event, a donation from admission fees could also go to the Splash for Stacey Campaign, and it was suggested that Great North Arrow Newspaper and Explorer’s Edge be contacted regarding participation in this event. A sub-committee of CAEDA was formed for the trade show steering committee to communicate with.

Resolution 2014-02
Moved by:Elgin SchneiderSeconded by:Merlyn Snow
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby support the spring trade event budget as presented in the amount of $15,000.00. Carried

Luke Preston & Jennifer Farquhar left the meeting at 10:30a.m.

Intern Report :

  • Community Improvement Plans – Laura McNeice had a meeting with council members in South River who are interested in looking at a plan. There may funding available through the Rural Economic Development Program if it is carried through the Central Almaguin region.
  • Cottage Life Show – Laura is asking for volunteers to attend the show with her at the end of March. She was informed that she cannot showcase any other business related items but members of the business community could work in her booth if they discuss the merits of Central Almaguin only. Laura is planning to order more print material from Sofa Communications to take with her. The committee suggested looking into having a van provided from a local dealership to transfer items for the show.
  • Domain Name – CAEDA would like to purchase the domain CentralAlmaguinSurvey.net for future use but would like Sofa Communications to confirm the transfer of ownership in writing.
  • Almaguin Highlands Highschool – Laura is proposing holding a job fair at the highschool in September with grades 11 and 12 to demonstrate what jobs are available in the region and what education is required. This will also be discussed at the Educators and Employers lunch on January 16th.
  • Multicultural Centre: The NBDMC is offering information sessions in February. CAEDA would like to invite a representative to the February meeting.

Correspondence: A letter was copied to CAEDA from Bill deVries to the MTO regarding guardrails from Hwy 124 to Hwy 11. The Township of Strong brought it to the attention of Gordan Rennie – MTO, Eric Doidge – MTO and Norm Miller – MPP at a meeting they held on January 10th.

Gary McLaren & Martha Jacobs left the meeting at 11:00a.m.

Adoption of Minutes:

Resolution 2014-03
Moved by:Ron BennisonSeconded by:Elgin Schneider
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adopt the minutes of December 18, 2013, as amended. Carried

Approve CAEDA Expenses:

The FedNor funding budget, to date, was circulated to the CAEDA members for review. Ms. Mantha advised that CAEDA look at the EDO position – funding is an option for a 3rd year if it is based on planning and key initiatives. The application should focus on items developed in the NCIR project which include business relationship development, inventory of assets/land, and tourism development. Ms. Mantha also recommended revising the current Strategic Plan to include these items, which could help to substantiate the application to NOHFC.

Resolution 2014-04
Moved by:Bill deVriesSeconded by:Bill Russell
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby approve expenses between December 19, 2013 and January 15, 2014in the amount of $828.31, and authorize the administrator to issue cheques for the same. Carried

New Business:

The Terms of Reference was discussed – the secretary will make the necessary revisions for review next month.


Resolution 2014-05
Moved by:Merlyn SnowSeconded by: Elgin Schneider
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby adjourn at 11:35 a.m. until the next regular meeting on February 12, 2014 at 9:00am at the Township of MacharMunicipal Office, or at the call of the chair.

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Chair, Jim Coleman Recording Secretary, Caitlin Haggart