Union of National Defence Employees
Union Local 60303
PO Box 306
RPO Oromocto Shopping Mall
Oromocto, NB E2V 2H9
07 July 2015
Chairperson, President, Edan Welch
Executive Members in Attendance:
President: Edan Welch
1st Vice President: David Meade
2nd Vice President: Steve Butler
Treasurer: Donna Somerton
Health & Safety Officer: Greg James
Chief Shop Steward: Jim Messer
Secretary: Dawn Kavanaugh
Communications Officer: Heather McKinnon
1)The meeting was called to order @ 4:41 pm by Edan Welch
2)The harassment policy was read by Nancy Cashin
3)A motion to adopt the agenda by Wendy Burns and seconded by Dollard LeBlanc. Motion carried.
4)A motion to adopt the minutes by Wendy Burns and seconded by Roy Smith. Motion carried.
Sister Heather McKinnon has been appointed as our Communications Officer.
Thank you to Sister Lisa McLean for picking up the Pizzas. Sister Lisa McLean has also opened up a Facebook page for our local 60303 for members in good standing.
LMCC- Steve Butler briefed the members on the LMCC meeting.
CHRO move to Mirimachi- Maj Hanley will be handling calls and details to ensure it goes smoothly. Dave Meade inquired about Bulletin Boards to be put into shops & electronic boards to get our Local 60303 information out to members. Greg James made and inquiry to a DWAN account for UNDE as it will make it easier for members to touch base with Executives- incoming and outgoing. Answer was No.
Health & Safety:
B9- DCC has incorporated lessons learned from the B9 project and has generated a more stringent tender on documents for projects that will create dust. Ie: Installation of dust barriers, develop and implement a dust control plan, inspection of dust barriers at various intervals during each work shift, sealing off air ducts from contaminated areas, vacuum of areas once completed to remove accumulated dust, etc…
We had 12 members attend LMCC trg which was given by our National Vice President, June Winger. There is a summer / fall schedule on our website.
Communication: Nil
Social Committee: Nil
Financial Statement: Review and adoption of the financial statements for March 15 and April 15.
A motion to adopt the financial statement for end of March 15, by Colin Garagan, seconded by Helen Filmore.
A motion to adopt the financial statement for end of April 15, by Helen Filmore, seconded by Kathleen Ryan.
New Business: Scholarships- Brothers Dave Meade and Dollard LeBlanc were very glad to pick the names of the following recipients for the scholarships as follows:
$1000- Ryan Knorr - Oromocto High School-
$1000- Sara Blackmore- Outside of Oromocto
$500- Alex Miller- Steve Byers Honorary Scholarship
$500- Alex Boulard- Ivan Hector Honorary Scholarship
$500- KydraDesRoches- Debbie Graham Honorary Scholarship
Recurring Business:
We are asking our Sisters and Brothers to join us at the front gate for our own Day of Action at the Main Gate and to boycott the BBQ held at D22 given by ??
Special Business: On June 18, UNDE is holding a teleconference call. They are asking all members to take part and let your voice be heard.
There will be a special meeting date which our UNDE National President, John MacLellan will be a guest speaker as well as UNDE Exec VP June Winger, and UNDE VP NL/NB Dan Frost. More to follow as they are doing a cross Canada speaking engagement and we are asking them to come talk to us.
Announcement of next Meeting: 9 Sept 15, 4:30 pm at the Days Inn.
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was brought to the floor by Wendy Burns and seconded by Helen Filmore. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm.
// Original signed by//Secretary, Dawn Kavanaugh
President, Edan Welch
UNDE Local 60303