/ 5/19/19
Date / Author(s) / Ver / Change Reference
10/29/2013 / Dale Robinson / 1.0 / Initial draft document
11/12/2013 / Dale Robinson / 2.0 / Draft update
11/15/2013 / Dale Robinson / 3.0 / Second draft update




1.3Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

2Location Identification

2.1Site Information

2.1.1Building Name



3Site Identification

3.1Equipment Naming

3.1.1Cabinet or Rack Naming

3.1.2Frame Naming

3.1.3Power Strip Naming

3.1.4Fiber Distribution Chassis Naming

3.1.5Network Device Naming

3.1.6Server Naming

3.1.7Tape Library Naming

1 Introduction

It is critical to the University that infrastructures within the data centers are installed and maintained in a highly organized fashion. Without guidelines to organized and standardized installations, documentation would become unmanageable.

1.1 Purpose

This document, the Data Center Naming Guidelines, provides specific information for a consistent and standardized devices neutral naming convention. The specifications set forth in this document will support typical Enterprise Infrastructure (EI) configurations.

1.2 Scope

This document addresses guidelines applicable to devices within the University data centers. This document provides details on how the teams within Enterprise Infrastructure will name their devices.

  • Data Center Services
  • Network Distribution
  • Network Engineering
  • Enterprise Storage & Computing Platforms

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Term / Definition
EI / Enterprise Infrastructure
DCS / Data Center Services
RU / Rack Units
ND / Network Distribution
NE / Network Engineering
ESaCP / Enterprise Storage & Computing Platforms

2 Location Identification

2.1 Site Information

Identify the building, floor and location within a room for any device within the core network.

2.1.1 Building Name

This is a unique identifier for all locations on Grounds that are part of the Core network. Length of Building Name

Each site is assigned a three character code. Building Name

The building naming convention is as follows.

BHIEdnam Drive (Boars Head)

BRYBryan Hall

CDCCarruthers Data Center


FRPFontaine Research Park

GILGilmer Hall


LAMLambeth Field

NFRNorth Fork Research Park

NRGNorth Ridge

RPLRepublic Plaza

SLRSlaughter (formally North Grounds)

UDCUniversity Data Center

UHLUniversity Hall (U –Hall)

UHOUniversity Hospital Main

UHWUniversity Hospital West

VLCVL Center (Telephone Exchange)

2.1.2 Floor

Vertical location within a building Length of Floor

The floor is a two character field. Floor

The floor is as follows.

##00 - 99


B#Basement level 0 – 9

2.1.3 Grid

The Data Centers use a grid axis location system to identify the location of equipment in the computer room. The grid location is based on the location of the cut tile. Where the numerical and alphabetical axes cross, this is designated as the grid assignment or location with the data center. Length of Grid

The floor grid is a four character field. Grid

The grid is as follows.

XXAlphabetical axis of the grid location (AA-ZZ)

##Numerical axis of the grid location (01-99)

In the following example, the shaded tile is grid location AC04.

3 Site Identification

3.1 Equipment Naming

All uniquely identifiable equipment must have a unique name that follows a naming standard identified in this guideline. For cable naming standards please see the Data Center Cabling Guidelines.

3.1.1 Cabinet or Rack Naming

The cabinet, four post enclosure, naming convention is as follows.


CB = All cabinets’ names start with CB

DDD =All names start with the data center

FF =Floor

AA =Alphabetical axis of the grid location (AA-ZZ)

NN = Numerical axis of the grid location (01-99)

The following example is the name of a cabinet in the University Data Center that resides in grid location AM05 on the second level of the building.


3.1.2 Frame Naming

The frame, two post open enclosure, naming convention is as follows.


FR = All frames’ names start with FR

DDD =All names start with the data center

FF =Floor

AA =Alphabetical axis of the grid location (AA-ZZ)

NN = Numerical axis of the grid location (01-99)

The following example is the name of a frame in the University Data Center that resides in grid location AA21on the first level of the building.


3.1.3 Power Strip Naming

The in-cabinet power strip naming convention is as follows. Please note that power strip numbering starts at 1 and goes from left to right and high to low from the perspective of the plug face.


PS = All power strips’ names start with PS

I =Unique power strip identifier (1-9)

U =UPS number is always proceeded with a U

C = UPS number (1-9)

DDD =Data center where the server resides

FF =Floor

AA =Alphabetical axis of the grid location (AA-ZZ)

NN = Numerical axis of the grid location (01-99)

The following example is the name of the second power strip fed from UPS #1, which resides in grid location AA21 in the University Data Center on the second level of the building.


3.1.4 Fiber Distribution Chassis Naming

Network Distribution (ND) will name all fiber distribution chassis with the following standard. The in-cabinet fiber distribution panel naming convention is as follows. Please note that panel numbering starts at 1 and goes from high to low from the perspective of the plug face.


FD = All fiber distribution chassis names start with FD

I =Unique panel identifier (1-9)

DDD =Data center where the server resides

FF =Floor

AA =Alphabetical axis of the grid location (AA-ZZ)

NN = Numerical axis of the grid location (01-99)

The following example is the name of the fourth fiber distribution chassis that resides in grid location AA21 in the University Data Center on the second level of the building.


3.1.5 Network Device Naming

Network Engineering (NE) will name all devices on the Core with the following standard.


TY = All NE devices names start with Device Type

CR = Core Router

BR = Border Router

MS = Management Switch

MR = Management Router

ER = Edge Router

ES = Edge Switch

FW = Firewall

FS = Firewall Switch

DS = Datacenter Switch

CS = Core Switch

LB = Load Balancer

TS = Terminal Server

VS = Voice Switch

VR = Voice Router

SC = Session Border Controller

MG = Media Gateway

AP = Wireless Access Point

WC = Wireless LAN Controller

OS = WDM Shelf

LA = In Line Amplifier

RA = Raman Amplifier

DC = Dispersion Compensation Module

AG = Aggregation Switch

RS =Top of Rack Switch

CC =Device identifier (01-99)

MMMMM =Model of the device

The following example is the name of the second Core Switch that resides in the University Data Center, model MX850.


3.1.6 Server Naming

Enterprise Storage & Computing Platforms (ESaCP) will name all servers with the following standard.


S = All server names start with S

T =Server type

P =Physical

V = Virtual

DDD =Data center where the server resides

O =Operating system

M =Microsoft

L = Linux

H = Hypervisor


EE = Environment

EP = Enterprise Production

ED = Enterprise Development

EQ = Enterprise QA

CP = Contract Production

CD = Contract Development

CQ = Contract QA

CC =Class of server

MS = Mail Server

SP = SharePoint Server

DC = Domain Controller

LY = Lync Server

WS = Web Server

VH = VMware Hosts

SC = System Center Server

BK = Backup Server

FS = File Server

CS = Cluster Server

DB = Database Server

OM = Operation Monitor Server

AP = Application Server

VA =Voice Mail Application Server

VD =Voice Mail Database Server

VE =Voice Mail Element Management

VG =Surge Mail Server

VL =Loki Portal

VN =Voice Mail Network Server

VP =Voice Mail Profile Server

VR =Palladion Server

VS =Voice Mail Media Server

VW =Solar Winds Orion

VX =Voice Mail XPS (Web Based Access Point)

VZ =Zhone ZMS Server

XX =Unique class of server identifier (01-99)

The following example is the name of the virtual server in the University Data Center with Microsoft operating system; in the enterprise production environment; and this is voice mail database server number five.


3.1.7 Tape Library Naming

ESaCP will name all tape libraries with the following standard.


TL= All tape library’s names start with TL

DDD =Data center where the library resides

FF =Floor

AA =Alphabetical axis of the grid location (AA-ZZ)

NN = Numerical axis of the grid location (01-99)

The following example is the name of tape library that resides in grid location AM21 in the University Data Center on the second level of the building.


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