Unified School District # 286 Board of Education held its Regular Meeting on September 8, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the District Office. President Jill Gray called the meeting to order with the following present:
Jennifer UnruhRandy ClarkHeath Joslin Patrick Steward
Rodney DickensJack RutledgeNathan Hinrichs, Supt. Jenny Loyd, Clerk
Chris Jeffery, GS PrincipalKay Hill, MS/HS Principal
Motion was made by Rodney Dickensto approve the Agenda as amended. Motion seconded Heath Joslin. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Randy Clark to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of August 11, 2014 as presented. Motion seconded by Jack Rutledge. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Jennifer Unruh to approve the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Randy Clark. Motion passed 7-0.
Comments from Audience.
Chelsy Champlin, FFA Advisor reported on the National Convention the FFA wants to attend in Louisville, KY on October 28 to November 1st. and requested approval to attend.
Rosie Sweaney, Band Sponsor reported on the band attending a bowl game in Jacksonville, Fl over Christmas break and the cost to each student.
Principal Reports
Chris Jeffery, Elementary Principal reported on elementary activities.
Kay Hill, MS/HS Principal reported on items and activities for the middle & high school.
Superintendent Report
Nathan Hinrichs, Supt. reported on the issue of the lights at the ball fields and various other building and grounds projects that have been completed. He also talked about ala carte prices in the lunch room.
Unfinished Business
Nathan Hinrichs, requested input from the board on a goal setting workshop with KASB. He will check into various times and get back to the board.
New Business
Motion was made by Heath Joslin to approve facility requests from the following:
Little Scholar Preschool fundraiser on October 14th and November 15th, John Warring with Ministerial Alliance on October 7, 8, 9th for a revival and John Warring with Lyons Club for October 18th for wrestling and Jenny McDaniel with the 4-H Council on November 15th for a fundraiser. Motion seconded by Jennifer Unruh. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Jennifer Unruh to approve Site Council Members at the elementary
of Chris Jeffery, Shannon Simmons, Joyce Moreland, Mary Kaiser and Cynthia Leniton and at the high school of Kay Hill, Matt Phillips, Nate Thompson, Dana Halderman and Danya Thorne. Motion seconded by Rodney Dickens. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Heath Joslin to approve the request from FFA to attend the National Conference. Motion seconded by Jack Rutledge. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Patrick Steward to approve the band trip to Jacksonville, Fl to a bowl game. Motion seconded by Heath Joslin. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Jill Gray to accept the resignation from Sally Kennedy as Play Sponsor. Motion seconded by Rodney Dickens. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Heath Joslin to go into Executive Session with the Board, Nathan Hinrichs and Jenny Loyd to discuss nonelected personnel to protect the privacy interests of the individual for 30 minutes. Motion seconded by Jack Rutledge. Motion passed 7-0.
The meeting went into Executive Session at 8:25 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at the proper time and place of 8:55 p.m.
Motion was made by Jack Rutledge to go into Executive Session for 20 minutes with the board, Nathan Hinrichs and Jenny Loyd to discuss nonelected personnel to protect the privacy interests of the individual. Motion seconded by Jennifer Unruh. Motion passed 7-0. The meeting went into Executive Session at 8:56 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at the proper time of 9:18 p.m.
Motion was made by Patrick Steward to approve the following as substitute teachers for 2014/2015:
Beverly Aiken, Jay Anderson, Karen Anderson, Lindsey Carter, Kathy Chamberland, Zach Freisburg, Nancy Gronau,William Harrington, Gary Heath, Mary Kaiser, Pat McKinley, Linda Mays, Chrissy Nordell, Jim Owen, John Pray, Robyn Sutton, Franny Wade, Roxanne Walker, Theresa Wilson, Betsy Zadoronzy-Jenny Ford, para.Motion seconded by Jennifer Unruh. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made to by Heath Joslin to approve Matt Phillips for after school tutoring in the high school. Motion seconded by Randy Clark. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Jack Rutledge to adjourn. Motion seconded by Heath Joslin. Motion passed 7-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
The next Regular Meeting will be October 13, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the district office.
Jill Gray, President
Jenny Loyd, Board Clerk