Name ______

Mammal Questions

Chap 45 pp 881-896

Which of the following characteristics is shared by ALL MAMMALS?

A.  presence of a cecum C. presence of a rumen

B.  females produce milk D. viviparity

Monotremes are mammals that ______.

A.  lay eggs C. have flipper-like limbs

B.  use echolocation D. have hooves

The heart of a mammal ______.

A.  contains two chambers like a fish

B.  contains three chambers like an amphibian or reptile

C.  has two completely separate ventricles like a bird

D.  allows deoxygenated blood to mix with oxygenated blood

Early mammals were thought to have avoided competing with dinosaurs by feeding on ______.

A.  insects at night

B.  plants at night

C.  plants during the day

D.  small vertebrates during the day

One place you would expect to find mammals but NOT reptiles is ______.

A.  a desert C. a rain forest

B.  the Arctic D. the ocean

At hatching, a marsupial is ______.

A.  very small and only partially developed

B.  small but fully developed

C.  nearly adult sized but partially developed

D.  nearly adult sized and fully developed

The human appendix is a vestigial ______.

A.  placenta C. cecum

B.  septum D. rumen

Reproduction in monotremes is similar to reproduction in reptiles because both ______.

A.  show only viviparity

B.  feed milk to their young

C.  lay amniotic eggs

D.  have external fertilization and direct development

The diaphragm allows mammals to ______

A.  carry their developing young in their uterus

B.  provide nourishment for their newborns

C.  breathe efficiently

D.  have a divided ventricle

The only MARSUPIAL native to NORTH AMERICA is the ______.

A.  porcupine C. opossum

B.  platypus D. kangaroo

Which of the following in NOT part of a mammalian heart?

A.  Ventricle C. septum

B.  Atrium D. conus arteriosus

Humans are ______mammals.

A.  placental B. monotreme C. marsupial

You would expect an herbivore to have many large flat ______for grinding plants.

A.  Incisors C. premolars

B.  Molars D. canines

In mammals the largest part of the brain is the ______.

A.  Cerebrum C. optic lobes

B.  Cerebellum D. medulla oblongata

The cecum in a mammal contains ______.

A.  acid to dissolve carbohydrates

B.  microorganisms to digest cellulose in plants

C.  bile to breakdown fats

D.  trypsin to breakdown proteins

Ungulates are mammals that ______.

A.  are carnivores C. have hooves

B.  have flippers D. use echolocation

Humans belong to the ORDER of Mammals called ______.

A.  Carnivora C. Chiroptera

B.  Cetacea D. Primates

The breakdown of food in the digestive system in a mammal begins in the ______.

A.  stomach D. crop

B.  small intestine E. mouth

C.  cecum

ALL of the following are characteristics of PRIMATES except ______.

A.  forward facing eyes for depth perception

B.  grasping hands

C.  larger brain

D.  oviparity

Fossil skeletons of early mammals had large eye sockets suggesting that they were NOCTURNAL. WHY would hunting at night be an advantage to early mammals?


Tell 2 ways the jaw of a mammal is different from the jaw of a reptile.



Look in your book on page 898 and answer question #25. A or B

(Hint: look at your answer to the previous question)



In a famous study conducted 200 years ago, the Italian scientist Lazzaro Spallanzani showed that a bat that COULDN’T SEE could still fly, but a bat whose EARS HAD BEEN PLUGGED could neither fly nor hunt. Explain how this is possible.



WRITE YES or NO in the box for each statement:

Embryo grows in amniotic egg outside mother
Embryo grows inside mother attached to a placenta
Baby is born small and not fully developed and spends time in a pouch until mature
Baby is nourished with milk after birth

Mammals cannot produce enzymes that break down cellulose in plants, yet many mammals eat plants.

Adaptations for
digesting plant material: /
WHAT IS IT? / Give examples of 3 animals with this adaptation

Tell 2 functions of hair/fur in a mammal. ______

Tell 3 functions of the cerebrum in a mammal.


Look of p 881 and list 6 characteristics of mammals.




DESCRIBE the different functions of the following teeth and COLOR THE PICTURE to show their location (Don’t forget to color BOTH top and bottom teeth!)

Incisors (color blue) ______

(two pairs in front)

Canines (color red) ______

(between incisors and premolars)

premolars (color orange) ______

(between canines and molars)

Molars (color green) ______

(behind premolars)


Circle T if the statement is TRUE. Circle F if the statement is FALSE.

MAKE CORRECTIONS to change the false ones to true.

T F Mammalian lungs have villi to increase surface area.

T F Like birds, the conus arteriosus and sinus venosus are missing in mammalian hearts.

T F Rodents, like rats, have 4 pairs of incisors that grow continuously.

T F The order CETACEA includes bats, the only mammals that can fly.

T F Mammals are ectothermic.

T F 95% of all mammal species are marsupial.