Bob Gillett’s

Underwater Kicking and Mono Fin Clinic

Clinic Cost: $75 per swimmer (includes a new mono fin for each swimmer).

Minimum Clinic Size: 50 Swimmers.No Fee for Coaches

This Underwater Kicking and Mono Fin Clinic will provide a quick study learning method for coaches and swimmers. The clinic provides very specific information and recommendation based upon years of use with considerable success at all levels. The clinic provides a great motivation to really incorporate underwater techniques into each swimmer’s competitive efforts. IT IS A QUICK START IN KICKING DEVELOPMENT THROUGH VIDEO PRESENTATIONS THAT WILL CUT THE LEARNING CURVE BY WEEKS OR EVEN MONTHS!

This clinic will provide classroom presentations on:

-- The “conceptual model” of the foil movement used in butterfly, backstroke and freestyle kicking (with slow motion, stop action and graphic overlay);

--Why underwater kicking is faster than swimming on top of the water; “DO THE MATH!!!!”

-- Motivational and teaching video to show the power of using extended underwater breakouts in competitive situations and provide the bases for the study and work on underwater kicking;

-- What the fish scientist tells us about the foil movement;

-- What are the quantitative values in underwater kicking vs. swimming performance;

-- Understand distance per kick, with values that will help define your performance,

-- Understand kicking tempo (and how coaches can measure it), with values that will help define your performance, and a very simple method of coaching to develop the exact tempo match-up.

-- The interaction between distance per kick and tempo in relations to body movement (using core body strength to obtain more distance per kick);

-- How to work on the problem of losing velocity at the end the kick out;

-- The use of underwater drills and a skills teaching type mono fin to develop perfection in the foil movement;

-- Focus points and methods of coaching the development of the foil movement.



Underwater Kicking and Mono Fin Clinic Schedule:

120 minutesCoaches Presentation of Clinic Material

120 minutesOlder Swimmers Classroom Session: Videos and Presentation.

120 minutesYounger Swimmers Classroom Session: Videos and Presentation.

50 minutesPool Session: Underwater Kicking “The Foil Movement” w/out fins. (Older 4-4:50pm, Younger 6-6:50pm)

50 minutesPool Session: Underwater Kicking with Mono Fin. (Older 4:50-5:40pm, Younger 6:50-7:40pm)

20 minutesSwimmers back in classroom, video and closure. (Older 5:40-6:00pm, Younger 7:40-8:00pm)