
Napoleon Essay DBQ

The Essay Question

Should Napoleon be considered a hero or a despot?

Document Based Question (DBQ) Teacher Rubric

Criteria / 5 – 100% / 4 – 85% / 3 – 75% / 2 – 65% / 1 – 50% / 0 / Score
Answers question / Identifies and develops a comprehensive thesis that directly responds to the question and addresses all parts of the task. / Identifies and develops a coherent thesis that responds to the question and addresses all parts of the task. / Identifies and develops a thesis that responds to the question and addresses most parts of the task. / Attempts to identify a thesis that is limited or partially developed, but may not directly respond to the question. Addresses some parts of the task. / Lacks a thesis or the thesis does not address the question. Few parts of the task are addressed. / No answer, or response that is not relevant or original
Use of sources as evidence
(documents, etc.) / Uses, cites, and analyzes all of the sources completely and accurately.
Exemplary analysis of point of view. / Uses, cites, and analyzes most of the sources accurately.
Ample analysis of point of view. / Uses, cites and analyzes some sources accurately.
Moderate analysis of point of view. / Uses, cites and analyzes few sources accurately.
Limited analysis of point of view. / Uses, cites and analyzes no sources accurately.
No analysis of point of view. / Ignores or misuses the sources
Use of outside knowledge to defend thesis / Cites considerable, relevant information from outside knowledge to support thesis. / Cites ample relevant information from outside knowledge. / Cites moderate relevant outside knowledge to support answer. / Includes little relevant information from outside knowledge. / Does not use relevant information from outside knowledge. / Includes no information beyond the documents
Thinking skills / Displays a thorough understanding of the topic with the use of higher level thinking skills and inferences that is more analytical than descriptive. / Displays an accurate understanding of the topic with the use of some higher level thinking skills and inferences. / Displays a moderate understanding of the topic with moderate use of higher level thinking skills. / Displays a basic understanding of the topic with limited use of thinking skills. / Displays little to no understanding of the topic and poor use of thinking skills / Shows no understanding of the topic.
Mechanics (Grammar, spelling and usage) / Superior mechanics; no errors in grammar, spelling or usage. / Good mechanics; minimal errors in grammar, spelling or usage, does not detract from overall content or meaning. / Moderate mechanics; few errors in grammar, spelling or usage, barely detracting from overall content or meaning. / Fair mechanics; some errors in grammar, spelling or usage that reduces understanding of the overall content or meaning. / Poor mechanics; many errors in grammar, spelling or usage that cause difficulty in understanding overall content or meaning. / Response is illegible or incoherent.
Organization / Effective organization including a strong introduction, comprehensive argument and meaningful conclusion, that logically and convincingly supports the thesis. / Clear organization including a strong introduction, detailed argument, and conclusion, that logically supports the thesis. / Moderate organization including an introduction, argument, and conclusion that goes beyond a restatement of the thesis. / Limited organization that attempts an introduction, argument, conclusion, and minimal support of the thesis. / Ineffective organization that may lack an introduction, argument or conclusion. May fail to provide or support the thesis. / No organization to the response.

Scoring based on rubric points:

30-27 = 5 points 26-21 =4 points 20-15 = 3 points 14-9 = 2 points 8-3 = 1 point 2-0 = 0 points