UCF Undergraduate Research Journal
Editorial Board Agenda
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
1:00 p.m., MH 395E
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Penny Beile, Will Crampton, Debbie Hahs-Vaughn, Kerstin Hamann, Bernadette Jungblutt, Daniel Leventhal, Tison Pugh, Kim Schneider, John Venecek, Elizabeth Wardle, Ross Wolf
I. Welcome and Introduction of Board Members
II. Announcements (Please promote the following dates around your departments)
a. Academic Publishing Workshop for HIM
Feb. 11, 2009 1:00-2:00 p.m. BHC 130
b. How to Publish Workshop
Feb. 18, 2009 2:00-3:30 p.m. SU 220
c. Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence (SURE)
April 2, 2009 1:00-5:00 p.m. SU Pegasus Ballroom
d. Kim Schneider will present the Undergraduate Research Important Dates flyer
III. New Initiatives
a. Increase and publish more student research
English Department- 1st year composition classes are introducing academic peer reviewed publication and research. Will be required to generate an original research paper throughout the course
Should encourage top students to publish in URJ
May consider having a separate site for other first year submissions to be peer reviewed
Make a powerpoint or handouts of URJ information for classes
b. Facilitate greater collaboration between faculty mentors and students
IV. Semester Goals
a. Complete website update
PDF print out of manuscripts
Look at English and Biology formats and combine them
Considering continuous pagination for PDF’s
Create description of journal on website
Publication rate, double blind review, etc.
b. Develop website function to print out published essays in pdf format
c. Recruitment
New board members
Members needed from: Engineering, Medicine, Digital Media, Arts & Humanities
Look for faculty who are already mentors for undergraduates
“Design improvements and construction of an Electric Fish Finder” (Electrical Engineering/Biology)
“A Comparative Study of the Great Powers’ Space Policies” (Political Science)
V. Open Discussion: Suggestions to Improve Board and Journal
Get ISSN number for the journal- Penny Beile John Venecek will look it up
Student Editor will work on URJ statistics breakdown
Where are submissions coming from, how many, etc?
Announce final publications somewhere prominent?
Facebook, Press Releases, at SURE, etc.
Increase knowledge of mentoring students for research projects to faculty in under respresented fields
Target SURE participants for submission to URJ
Send an invitation to submit, shortly after participant signup for the showcase
Look to outside department possible faculty reviewers for manuscripts to get more faculty involved.
VI. Manuscript Update
a. Update from Daniel
b. Outstanding Needs
1) “Persistence of Self” manuscript under editorial review- Philosophy/Personal Identity
2) Review returned to student for “Exploring the Representation of Gifted Students in Award-Winning Caldecott Books” manuscript- Education/Children’s Literature
3) Colombo manuscript in final stages
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 from 2:00-4:00 pm, Location TBA