This scholarship provides 1st-5th grade SFPS teachers with FREEoutdoor science enrichment opportunities and a transportation stipend to help cover costs to our Center for your classroom! Scholarship recipients will be awarded $130 bus stipend by mail within 45 days following your program date.
If you are a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 5th grade teacher, you are eligible for three individual instructional activities with Audubon’s educators. These include a fall and spring 3-hour field visit to the Audubon Center and a 1.5 hour winter program in your classroom. You may choose from our menu of topics to compliment your curriculum. Our brochure can be viewed at . We have suggested fall and spring programs. The winter in-class topic is “All about Birds,” and includes hands-on activities to introduce and reinforce concepts of adaptations, and bird behavior.If you are a 4th grade teacher, your class will be enrolled in our 4-day Ecosystem Explorations program.
Fill out the registration form included in this packet. 4th grade teachers must use application B, all other teachers will use application A.If all classrooms in your grade level are applying, the lead teacher should fill out the main application, and all other teachers should fill out the supplemental pages with their information.
Email the completed application to Samantha Funk at by August 31st, 2016. Applying early is encouraged! For questions please contact our Education Department at 505.983.4609 or email .
Scholarship recipients will be chosen based on their explanation of how they intend to integrate Audubon’s Outdoor Science program into their curriculum and the need for science education in their classroom, as well as school income demographics.
If your application is chosen, you will receive a confirmationdocument and a contract from Audubon. Once your program is confirmed you must schedule both your fall and spring buses through the school’s transportation departmentASAP to ensure you have a bus for your field programs.
Note: The lead teacher should fill out this formif applying as a grade level, additional “Supplemental Forms” follow in the next pages for your team teachers.
Please complete ALL fields:
Lead Teacher's Name: School Name:
Email Address: School Address:
Phone #’s: Grade: Estimated class size:
3- hour field studies Program Information: Please check the programs you would like to register for. Choose one fall program and one spring program. Please provide three potential dates for both your fall and spring program choice.
Grades 1st-5th:
1 | Page
Fall Programs:
1st grade –Natures Cycles(3 hours)
2ndgrade–Super Powered Plants(3 hours) Dates:
3rd grade–Animal Adaptations (3 hours)
5th grade -Nature’s Interconnections (3hours) Dates:
Spring Programs:
1st grade –Happening Habitats(3 hours)
2ndgrade–Pollination Fascination (3 hours)
Dates: Ideally no earlier than April 18th
3rd grade–Birds of a Feather Explore Together
(3 hours) Dates:
5th grade –Birds of a Feather Explore Together(3 hours) Dates:
1 | Page
Winter “All about Birds” Program(1.5 hour in-class presentation). Please provide two potential dates and the best time of day between January 5th and February 12th, 2017 for your in-class program:
Dates: Time:
By checking this box, I acknowledge the following: If I am accepted as a scholarship recipient, I agree that the fall and spring bus stipendprovided by Audubon of $130 per visit to pay for bus transportation will be paid to my school for my field trip to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary within 45 days of attending my program. Iunderstand that cancellation of my program, under any circumstances, impacts Audubon’s ability to complete their grant deliverables and may limit my chances in the future to participate in this scholarship program. I will complete a demographic form, teacher evaluation, and write a letter to funders for our Audubon programs.
NOTE: *Each teacher will sign this portion during your first Audubon program. (You do NOT have to print and mail or fax this form.)*
Teacher’s Name Here: Date:
Needs Assessment:
Please tell us in 350 words or less how these scholarships will compliment science curriculum in your school/classrooms. Scholarship recipients will be chosen based on their explanation of how they intend to integrate Audubon field trip topics into their curriculum, and the need for science education in their classroom.
Please complete ALL fields:
Teacher's Name: School Name:
Email Address: School Address:
Phone #’s: Grade: Estimated class size:
3- hour field studies Program Information: Please check the programs you would like to register for. Choose one fall program and one spring program. Please provide three potential dates for both your fall and spring program choice.
Grades 1st-5th:
1 | Page
Fall Programs:
1st grade – Natures Cycles(3 hours)
2ndgrade – Super Powered Plants(3 hours) Dates:
3rd grade – Animal Adaptations (3 hours)
5th grade - Nature’s Interconnections (3hours) Dates:
Spring Programs:
1st grade – Happening Habitats(3 hours)
2ndgrade – Pollination Fascination (3 hours)
Dates: Ideally no earlier than April 18th
3rd grade – Birds of a Feather Explore Together
(3 hours) Dates:
5th grade – Birds of a Feather Explore Together(3 hours) Dates:
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Winter “All about Birds” Program (1.5 hour in-class presentation). Please provide two potential dates and the best time of day between January 5th and February 12th, 2017 for your in-class program:
Dates: Time:
By checking this box, I acknowledge the following: If I am accepted as a scholarship recipient, I agree that the fall and spring bus stipendprovided by Audubon of $130 per visit to pay for bus transportation will be paid to my school for my field trip to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary within 45 days of attending my program. I understand that cancellation of my program, under any circumstances, impacts Audubon’s ability to complete their grant deliverables and may limit my chances in the future to participate in this scholarship program. I will complete a demographic form, teacher evaluation, and write a letter to funders for our Audubon programs.
NOTE: *Each teacher will sign this portion during your first Audubon program. (You do NOT have to print and mail or fax this form.)*
Teacher’s Name Here: Date:
Please complete ALL fields:
Teacher's Name: School Name:
Email Address: School Address:
Phone #’s: Grade: Estimated class size:
3- hour field studies Program Information: Please check the programs you would like to register for. Choose one fall program and one spring program. Please provide three potential dates for both your fall and spring program choice.
Grades 1st-5th:
1 | Page
Fall Programs:
1st grade – Natures Cycles(3 hours)
2ndgrade – Super Powered Plants(3 hours) Dates:
3rd grade – Animal Adaptations (3 hours)
5th grade - Nature’s Interconnections (3hours) Dates:
Spring Programs:
1st grade – Happening Habitats(3 hours)
2ndgrade – Pollination Fascination (3 hours)
Dates: Ideally no earlier than April 18th
3rd grade – Birds of a Feather Explore Together
(3 hours) Dates:
5th grade – Birds of a Feather Explore Together(3 hours) Dates:
1 | Page
Winter “All about Birds” Program (1.5 hour in-class presentation). Please provide two potential dates and the best time of day between January 5th and February 12th, 2017 for your in-class program:
Dates: Time:
By checking this box, I acknowledge the following: If I am accepted as a scholarship recipient, I agree that the fall and spring bus stipendprovided by Audubon of $130 per visit to pay for bus transportation will be paid to my school for my field trip to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary within 45 days of attending my program. I understand that cancellation of my program, under any circumstances, impacts Audubon’s ability to complete their grant deliverables and may limit my chances in the future to participate in this scholarship program. I will complete a demographic form, teacher evaluation, and write a letter to funders for our Audubon programs.
NOTE: *Each teacher will sign this portion during your first Audubon program. (You do NOT have to print and mail or fax this form.)*
Teacher’s Name Here: Date:
Please complete ALL fields:
Teacher's Name: School Name:
Email Address: School Address:
Phone #’s: Grade: Estimated class size:
3- hour field studies Program Information: Please check the programs you would like to register for. Choose one fall program and one spring program. Please provide three potential dates for both your fall and spring program choice.
Grades 1st-5th:
1 | Page
Fall Programs:
1st grade – Natures Cycles(3 hours)
2ndgrade – Super Powered Plants(3 hours) Dates:
3rd grade – Animal Adaptations (3 hours)
5th grade - Nature’s Interconnections (3hours) Dates:
Spring Programs:
1st grade – Happening Habitats(3 hours)
2ndgrade – Pollination Fascination (3 hours)
Dates: Ideally no earlier than April 18th
3rd grade – Birds of a Feather Explore Together
(3 hours) Dates:
5th grade – Birds of a Feather Explore Together(3 hours) Dates:
1 | Page
Winter “All about Birds” Program (1.5 hour in-class presentation). Please provide two potential dates and the best time of day between January 5th and February 12th, 2017 for your in-class program:
Dates: Time:
By checking this box, I acknowledge the following: If I am accepted as a scholarship recipient, I agree that the fall and spring bus stipendprovided by Audubon of $130 per visit to pay for bus transportation will be paid to my school for my field trip to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary within 45 days of attending my program. I understand that cancellation of my program, under any circumstances, impacts Audubon’s ability to complete their grant deliverables and may limit my chances in the future to participate in this scholarship program. I will complete a demographic form, teacher evaluation, and write a letter to funders for our Audubon programs.
NOTE: *Each teacher will sign this portion during your first Audubon program. (You do NOT have to print and mail or fax this form.)*
Teacher’s Name Here: Date:
Note: The lead teacher should fill out this formif applying as a grade level, additional “Supplemental Forms” follow in the next pages for your team teachers.
REMINDER: The 4-day, Ecosystem Exploration Outdoor Science program is for 4th grade or 4th/5th combination classes. The program compares the ecosystems of your schoolyard to the ecosystems of the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary, and consists of 3 in-classroom lessons led by Audubon, and one field trip the Center.
Please complete ALL fields:
Teacher's Name: School Name:
Email Address: School Address:
Grade: Estimated number of children in class:
Phone: Special Needs:
***Please give three potential weeks that work for your Ecosystem Exploration program. Days 1, 2 & 4 will be classroom visits, and day 3will be the field session at the Audubon Centerfrom 9:00am-1:30pm (30 minute lunch time included, so please have your students bring a sack lunch)***
We will try to accommodate your preferences:
1. Week of Monday – Thursday(RDAC visit on Wed.)
2. Week of Monday – Thursday(RDAC visit on Wed.)
3. Week of Monday – Thursday(RDAC visit on Wed.)
Classroom Visits: If selected for a scholarship, we will work with individual teachers to select times that will work for Audubon to visit the classroom for 1.5 hour long lessons.
By checking this box, I acknowledge the following: If I am accepted as a scholarship recipient, I agree that the fall and spring bus stipendprovided by Audubon of $130 per visit to pay for bus transportation will be paid to my school for my field trip to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary within 45 days of attending my program. I understand that cancellation of my program, under any circumstances, impacts Audubon’s ability to complete their grant deliverables and may limit my chances in the future to participate in this scholarship program. I will complete a demographic form, teacher evaluation, and write a letter to funders for our Audubon programs.
NOTE: *Each teacher will sign this portion during your first Audubon program. (You do NOT have to print and mail or fax this form.)*
Teacher’s Name Here: Date:
Needs Assessment:
Please tell us in 350 words or less how these scholarships will compliment science curriculum in your classroom. Scholarship recipients will be chosen based on their explanation of how they intend to integrate Audubon field trip topics into their curriculum, and the need for science education in their classroom.
REMINDER: The 4-day, Ecosystem Exploration Outdoor Science program is for 4th grade or 4th/5th combination classes. The program compares the ecosystems of your schoolyard to the ecosystems of the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary, and consists of 3 in-classroom lessons led by Audubon, and one field trip the Center.
Please complete ALL fields:
Teacher's Name: School Name:
Email Address: School Address:
Grade: Estimated number of children in class:
Phone: Special Needs:
***Please give three potential weeks that work for your Ecosystem Exploration program. Days 1, 2 & 4 will be classroom visits, and day 3 will be the field session at the Audubon Center from 9:00am-1:30pm (30 minute lunch time included, so please have your students bring a sack lunch)***
We will try to accommodate your preferences:
1. Week of Monday – Thursday (RDAC visit on Wed.)
2. Week of Monday – Thursday (RDAC visit on Wed.)
3. Week of Monday – Thursday (RDAC visit on Wed.)
Classroom Visits: If selected for a scholarship, we will work with individual teachers to select times that will work for Audubon to visit the classroom for 1.5 hour long lessons.
By checking this box, I acknowledge the following: If I am accepted as a scholarship recipient, I agree that the fall and spring bus stipendprovided by Audubon of $130 per visit to pay for bus transportation will be paid to my school for my field trip to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary within 45 days of attending my program. I understand that cancellation of my program, under any circumstances, impacts Audubon’s ability to complete their grant deliverables and may limit my chances in the future to participate in this scholarship program. I will complete a demographic form, teacher evaluation, and write a letter to funders for our Audubon programs.
NOTE: *Each teacher will sign this portion during your first Audubon program. (You do NOT have to print and mail or fax this form.)*
Teacher’s Name Here: Date:
REMINDER: The 4-day, Ecosystem Exploration Outdoor Science program is for 4th grade or 4th/5th combination classes. The program compares the ecosystems of your schoolyard to the ecosystems of the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary, and consists of 3 in-classroom lessons led by Audubon, and one field trip the Center.
Please complete ALL fields:
Teacher's Name: School Name:
Email Address: School Address:
Grade: Estimated number of children in class:
Phone: Special Needs:
***Please give three potential weeks that work for your Ecosystem Exploration program. Days 1, 2 & 4 will be classroom visits, and day 3 will be the field session at the Audubon Center from 9:00am-1:30pm (30 minute lunch time included, so please have your students bring a sack lunch)***
We will try to accommodate your preferences:
1. Week of Monday – Thursday (RDAC visit on Wed.)
2. Week of Monday – Thursday (RDAC visit on Wed.)
3. Week of Monday – Thursday (RDAC visit on Wed.)
Classroom Visits: If selected for a scholarship, we will work with individual teachers to select times that will work for Audubon to visit the classroom for 1.5 hour long lessons.
By checking this box, I acknowledge the following: If I am accepted as a scholarship recipient, I agree that the fall and spring bus stipendprovided by Audubon of $130 per visit to pay for bus transportation will be paid to my school for my field trip to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary within 45 days of attending my program. I understand that cancellation of my program, under any circumstances, impacts Audubon’s ability to complete their grant deliverables and may limit my chances in the future to participate in this scholarship program. I will complete a demographic form, teacher evaluation, and write a letter to funders for our Audubon programs.
NOTE: *Each teacher will sign this portion during your first Audubon program. (You do NOT have to print and mail or fax this form.)*
Teacher’s Name Here: Date:
REMINDER: The 4-day, Ecosystem Exploration Outdoor Science program is for 4th grade or 4th/5th combination classes. The program compares the ecosystems of your schoolyard to the ecosystems of the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary, and consists of 3 in-classroom lessons led by Audubon, and one field trip the Center.
Please complete ALL fields:
Teacher's Name: School Name: