Opportunities for Wider Achievement
and Community Partnerships
Mulbuie Primary prides itself on the vast range of pathways to wider achievement that are offered to the children. These are carefully planned to working towards our aims:
School Aim 2: Ethos
…. We know that every child is unique, and want to help and support each and every child in our school in recognising, developing and celebrating the skills and abilities that are special to them.
We use the expertise in the local community.
School Aim 3: Curriculum and Learning
We want to help children reach their full intellectual and academic potential, through a wide range of educational experiences that develop a solid grounding in skills and abilities across the eight curriculum areas of expressive arts, health and wellbeing, languages, mathematics, religious and moral education, sciences, social studies and technologies.
We want to challenge children and develop ambition by offering a range of stimulating and creative activities, developing high order thinking skills and encompassing all learning styles…
We want to challenge children in learning by accessing expertise from the local secondary school and the wider community, providing opportunities for children to engage in stimulating workshops and specialist lessons.
This year we have had a day of drama workshop led by Eden Court linked to a Roald Dahl day, looking at and developing our children’s love for language.
P6-7 have visited Tesco as part of the Farm to Fork project which builds on their learning in healthy eating and the global impact of food distribution, as well as giving an insight into a business and its structure which then led into an enterprise project. This is an initiative in which over 40 schools in Highland have participated, and it is highly praised by Head Teachers across the authority. Feedback from the children at Mulbuie was that this is one of the most informative and interesting visits they have made.
We have worked in co-operation with Highlife Highland to offer swimming lessons, and a lunchtime sports club for children.
We have worked with Evanton Community Woodland to give the children the opportunity to use map and maths skills in orienteering, as well as developing relationships and friendships with children in other local schools.
We have offered lessons in guitar and drums to P7 children, Feis Ross traditional music lessons to P6-7, strings to P3-7 and also Kodaly to P1-3. This learning develops concentration and listening skills which helps to develop language and literacy skills. There is also a positive impact on spatial reasoning, which is linked to mathematical thinking, and on physical co-ordination, which supports handwriting skills.
The NSCPCC have visited the school to talk with the P6-7 children about feeling safe and keeping safe.
School Aim 1: Belonging
We want our young children to feel a sense of belonging in the community, to develop a respect for their local community and the people in it, to learn tolerance to diversity and acceptance of others and to learn and develop skills to influence change for better in the community.
The Citizenship Groups
This term, we have supported our children in working in groups to serve the local community.
The aim of this is to support development in:
- the children’s ability to discuss their feelings and self-regulate,
- resilience, compassion and empathy with others.
- self-awareness
- ability to recognise their own feelings and know how to manage them
- frame of mind for learning further
- develop critical thinking skills and the ability to challenge injustice and inequality
- a commitment to social justice and the belief that individuals can make a difference
The groups have:
- run a coffee morning along with some of the Parent Council and run a talent show
- sung in the local community
- investigated road safety
- organised Bobble Hat day for the NSPCC
- looked at ways of bully proofing our school
- engaged in specific team building activities
- been trained as peer mediators
- looked after the environment and grounds
These cover a range of outcome and experiences in Health and Well-being, as well as developing confidence and promoting teamwork and the development of leadership skills.
Head Teacher: Ms R Hammond, Mulbuie Primary School, Mulbuie, Muir of Ord
Ross and Cromarty IV6 7RB
Tel/Fax: (01349) 861289 E-Mail: