Meeting of Great Bentley Parish Council
Held at Gt Bentley Village Hall on 2 March 2017


Prior to the start of the meeting, Cllr Hills Chair of the Parish Council and Police Commander Russ Commander signed a two year contract to provide a shared PCSO in Great Bentley and Alresford. Cllr Hills invited Commander Cole to make a presentation regarding community policing in Tendring. He emphasized Essex Police total commitment to community policing, which is led by the PCSO team, which he described as the ‘golden thread’ in neighbourhood policing.

Present: Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer, Cllr L. Edwards, Cllr R. Taylor, Cllr R. Adams, Cllr P. Balbirnie and Cllr G. Wright. Also in attendance were TDC Cllr L. McWilliams and 13 members of the public.

Public questions:

·  A questioner with an issue relating to the Village Hall Car Park was advised to contact the Village Hall Management Committee.

·  One lady reported that she recently witnessed the PCSO moving-on an inconsiderately parked motorist on Plough Road.

·  It was reported that the road markings outside the Primary School are hardly visible.

·  The issue of the pothole in Forge Lane was raised. The Clerk confirmed that this matter has been reported.

03.17.037 Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Drew (personal matter) and ECC Cllr Goggin.

03.17.038 Minutes of the last meeting:

PROPOSED: Cllr Adams, SECONDED: Cllr Herbert, RESOLVED: To agree the minutes of meeting on 2 February 2017 as a true record of proceedings.

03.17.039 Matters arising from the minutes: None.

03.17.040 Declarations of Interest:

1.  Cllr Adams declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 045e.

2.  Cllrs Adams, Taylor and Plummer all declared non-pecuniary interests in item 049 because of various associations with different grant applicants.

03.17.041 PCSO Contract: The Parish Council Chair Cllr Jonathan Hills and Police Commander Russ Cole had signed the PCSO Contract prior to the meeting. Chief Insp. Cole was asked to make a presentation about Essex Police priorities in terms of local policing issues.

03.17.042 Information & Reports:

Cllr Taylor reported a damaged street light in The Paddocks. The Clerk was instructed to investigate an insurance claim prior to placing order.

Proposed: Cllr Taylor, Seconded: Cllr Adams, Resolved: To replace the column with an LED model (£995+£800).

03.17.043 County and District Councillors Reports:

a)  District Councillor - Cllr L. McWilliams: outlined the scope of her new role as a TDC Cabinet member.

b)  County Councillor – Cllr A. Goggin: Apologised prior to the meeting for not being able to attend.

03.17.044 Other Reports:

a)  PCSO: - PCSO J Brandon: Report noted. It is attached as Appendix A.

b)  TDALC: - Cllr R. Taylor: No meeting held and nothing to report.

c)  Transport: - Mr P. Harry: Nothing to report this month.

d)  Footpaths: - Mr D. Gollifer: Nothing to report this month.

e)  Caretaker: - Mr R. McWilliams: The Clerk read out the report in Mr McWilliams absence.

03.17.045 Correspondence:

a)  Request to organise fitness classes on The Green – Valhalla Fitness: The Clerk outlined the request. He was asked to check the applicant (Mr S. Logan) safeguarding status. In addition, advise the applicant of the terms and conditions. Raise parking and review the situation after 3 months.

b)  Letter from Superfast Essex: Noted.

c)  Level Crossing Closures – M. Maskell: Noted.

d)  Planning Assistance Request – M. Banner: members considered the request and came to the view that they are unable to make an informed comment without sight of the full application. Once an application is submitted it will circulated to the Parish Council for consideration. The point was made that the Parish Council is consultee only.

e)  Village Pond – Mr M Dorling: Noted.

f)  Community Defibrillators – PCS: The Clerk advised that he had forwarded the details on to Mr P Harry for his consideration.

g)  2017 Essex Village of the Year Competition: TDC Cllr McWilliams advised that she and Mrs M Maskell are currently investigating how to prepare an application.

h)  Kwik Cricket Fest; - 19 May 2017 – GBCC: The Council sent its best wishes for a successful event.

i)  P&CC proposal to take on Fire and Rescue Service Consultation: The Clerk confirmed that this information has been published on the website.

j)  Request to manage Fund Raising Wednesdays – Friends of the Green: Proposed: Cllr Herbert, Seconded: Cllr Taylor, Resolved: To approve the Friends of the Green request to allow the group to fund raise on the Green on Wednesday evenings in 2017 and display posters subject to the normal terms and conditions.

k)  Village Centre Issues – R Wylie: The enquiry was noted and discussed. The Clerk was asked to respond.

l)  Customer Update – Affinity Water: Noted.

03.17.046 Parish Clerk Report: The report of the Parish Clerk (attached as Appendix B) was noted.

03.17.047 Finance Report:

a)  To approve the monthly expenditure report: Proposed: Cllr Taylor, Seconded: Cllr Edwards, Resolved: To approve the month expenditure report as set out in Appendix C.

b)  To note the monthly bank reconciliation: Noted.

03.17.048 Village Green Working Party: Cllr Herbert presented his report, attached as Appendix D.

·  It was noted that the reference to Josh Gibbon should have been Jake Gibbon.

·  The Clerk agreed to write to thank Trevor Revill for his work on the pond.

·  The Clerk was reminded to write to BT to replace destroyed bulbs.

·  It was agreed to procure two tons of crushed concrete (type 1).

·  It was agreed to refurbish all the noticeboards.

·  Cllr Wright asked in future if possible to schedule Green WP meetings at a time convenient for him to attend.

03.17.049 Parish Council Annual Grants 2017/18: Cllr Plummer made a presentation and tabled the working party’s annual grant recommendations for approval.

·  Youth Club £300.00

·  Lunch Club £200.00

·  Bentley in Bloom £200.00

·  Churchyard £350.00

·  Cricket Club £300.00 (match funding)

·  Parish Mag £200.00

·  Good Neighbours £200.00

·  Conservation Group £200.00 (specific to their request)

·  Village Hall £500.00

·  Carnival & Village Show £500.00 (hire of portable toilets)

Total £2,950.00

PROPOSED: Cllr Plummer, SECONDED: Cllr Edwards, RESOLVED: To agree the programme of annual grants as set out in the table above.

03.17.050 Level Crossing Closures: The Clerk provided an update of the situation reporting that Network Rail’s agents have been in contact with landowners who will be affected by the level crossing closures.

03.17.051 Highways

a)  Relaunch of the Village Speed Watch Initiative. Nothing to report. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter of volunteer training when he writes to Russ Cole thanking him for his attendance at the meeting this evening.

b)  20’s Plenty for Us campaign. Cllr Adams advised that there is nothing to report at this time.

c)  Forge Lane Drainage: Agenda item next month. Cllr Wright agreed to obtain a costed proposal. The Clerk was asked to write to Highways and offer to work in partnership with them.

03.17.052 Public open space improvements: Further to a discussion about the Open spaces Improvements Report (attached as Appendix E) possibilities for open space improvements, the following actions were agreed.

Action / Action By
a)  / Cllr Plummer asked (and it was agreed) for consideration could be given to providing Christmas lights from S106 monies. / Cllr Plummer
b)  / JH suggests JH, GW & BH will look at tractor and mowers / Cllr Hills
c)  / Ask TDC for advice on the process of developing/replacing a children’s play area. / The Clerk

03.17.053 Neighbourhood Plan: It was agreed to defer this item until next month when Cllr Drew is in attendance.

03.17.054 Funfair and Circus Use of The Green: Cllr Wright made a presentation outlining the recent history of use of the Green.

Proposed: Cllr Adams, Seconded: Cllr Herbert, Resolved: To agree not to allow Funfairs and Circuses to open on Sundays when they use the Green.

Proposed: Cllr Wright, Seconded: Cllr Balbirnie, Resolved: To not request a donation from the hirer but to ask them to pay for the rectification of any damage caused.

The Chair closed the meeting at 10:10pm.

Public Questions:

·  It was reported that cars have been seen driving through village throwing litter from cars.

·  Peter Harry agreed to organise refreshments for the meeting on 2 March with Bernard Jenkin MP.

·  Peter reported that it is hoped that a defibrillator will be installed in the Village Hall and that he will be organizing training.


Great Bentley Monthly Report February 2017

09/01- 27/01- 42/21539/17- Flag Hill- Harassment.

27/01/2017 42/22257/17 – Plough road- Dog out of control

42/23523/17- Station Road- Social media / indecent images

08/02/2017 42/26566/17 – Plough Road- Telephone fraud

09/02/2017 42/27043/17 – Cedar way- Other miscellaneous.

12/02/2017 42/28244/17 – Laburnam Close- Malicious communications.

09/02/2017 42/30039/17 – Plough road – Theft of mail.

16/02-17/02 42/30047/17 – Aingers green- Criminal Damage to vehicle

0406 22/02 Cherrywoods- Sus circs

0172 09/02- Tye Road- Missing person

0709 13/02- Heath Road- Threats

0133 14/02- Laburnham Close- Sus circs

0681 21/02 Sycamore Place- Missing person

02/02- Considerate Parking notice- vehicle on pavement- Plough Road

03/02- Coffee Morning Methodist Church- hand out home security/ online fraud/ cold call booklets.

04/02- Patrol Admirals farm- call at admirals farm house.

07/02- Vehicle vandalised- Station Road, car park. PNC and enquiries on Industrial estate to locate RO. Report to DVLA.

11/02- Email Tendring Council- Overgrown shrubs bench- Plough Road.

11/02- Considerate parking notice/ Plough Road.

11/02- Report 2 vehicles DVLA- Public car park.

11/02- Welfare check- Elderly lady of Telephone fraud- Plough Road

11/02- Call on Cllr Balbirnie.

12/02- Stop Check sus vehicle and occupants- Station Car park- believed to be about to attempt car break in. Intelligence report submitted.

Abandoned vehicle- Shair Lane.- PNC and enquiries.

21/02- School parking patrol

22/02- school parking patrol.

22/02 catch up with Kevin Plummer.

22/02- PNC 4 vehicles station Car park.



2 March 2017

1.  Anglia Level Crossing Reduction Strategy: Further to last month’s update;

a)  Notice has been received from Bruton Knowles (Network Rail’s agent) that the intention is to close three level crossings (E44, E45 and E46) in the Parish.

b)  I have taken advice from Holmes and Hills LLP on the best way to proceed. I will now resend the previous representations to feed in to the consultation exercise.

2.  Pot Hole on Forge Lane: At the last meeting I was asked to check that the pothole on Forge Lane has been reported.

The Highways website shows it logged as ref. 2462824. I spoke to someone in Highways and was informed that this was reported in May 2016. At the time it was determined to monitor it without a repair. Since then it has been re-inspected and a ‘job’ was raised in December. The chap was still not able to give any indication about when the repair would be scheduled. It was explained to me that there are budgetary constraints e.g. they haven’t got the money to fix all defects.

3.  Forge Lane Kerb and Drainage Projects: Further to the decision to accept D.A Cant Ltd quotation for the Kerbing work, subject to the company holding its price for the drainage work for three months while further investigation is completed. I have received confirmation from D.A. Cant that they will hold the price as requested.



Green Report 0317

Meeting held at The Pond 26th February 2017

Those present Cllrs. R.Adams, P.Drew and B.Herbert and contractor M.Dorling.

Seat The surrounds of the seat in Plough Road have been cleared.

Friends of the Green Letter. A report on the finances of FOG (which councillors have asked about many times) are published in The Parish Magazine of March on page 16.

Pond It would seem that the PC will not be charged for any of the work carried out on the pond last October, or the plaque on the seat. Can we write and thank all concerned?

BT Have we had a reply from BT re the bulbs near the War Memorial? If not, could we replace them?

Trees at Mill House Mr. Glover has been contacted re two top heavy trees, one of which has now collapsed onto The Green.

Permission to obtain two tonnes of crushed concrete to fill large hole in the Southside Track, outside the pedestrian access to Birch Avenue.


Open Spaces Improvements Survey Summary Report

For consideration by GBPC on 2 March 2017

1.  Column 3 was completed by Kristy Childs. She is the TDC officer responsible for making recommendations to those holding the purse strings.

2.  Analysis has been updated since the PC’s February meeting.

THEME / SUGGESTION / Can S106 Monies be used for this?
Highways / ·  Replace signs on approaches to the Village
·  Policeman or speed camera or sleeping policeman
·  Traffic warden (x 3 suggestions)
·  Parking facilities near the GP Surgery
·  Repair roads & pavements/double yellow lines/road signage / ·  I would say this is a no go, in the past road improvements and anything associated have been declined. Doesn’t conform to the provision of recreational open space.
Children’s Play / ·  Install a synthetic pitch at the school for use by school and the public
·  Play Area (x 2 suggestions)
·  Adventure play equipment e.g. zip wire or climbing wall x (2 suggestions)
·  Play Area Fence (x 2 suggestions)
·  Two Goal posts (with fixed metal backing to avoid ball loss) (x 2 suggestions)
·  Skate Park (x 3 suggestions) / ·  I would say that synthetic pitch would be a consideration providing it is not within the school boundaries. However I can get clarification from planning if needed.
·  Adventure play, I would agree can be considered again provided it is for public use at no cost. And yes to play area fence goal posts and skate park
Adventure/Adult Play / ·  Tennis court x (2 suggestions)