Minutes of the meeting of the Full Governing Body

held on Tuesday 25th March 2014 at 6.30pm

Present:Fiona Phillips (Chair), Nicola Stephenson-Barr (Headteacher), Louise Earnshaw, Jane Tupper, Ellen Clark, Lisa Hudson, Dave Moores, Sarah Moore, Stephanie Bindloss

In Attendance:Jacky Brown (Clerk), Caroline Buck (School Business Manager - SBM), Anne Clark (new LA governor to be)

  1. Opening Prayer

The meeting was opened at 6.30pm with the schools prayer read by Nicola and Ellen.

  1. Apologies for absence, consents and declarations of interest

Richard Kirkmanand Jennifer Bartram were not in attendance, with no apologies received before the meeting. (Jennifer Bartram sent in belated apologies)

Declarations of interest:

Anne Clark declared her interest as a Naburn Parish Councillor.

Mrs Clark was introduced as the new LA governor, once clearance had been completed at the end of April.

Sarah Moore was introduced as the new parent governor.

Introductions were made around the table for the benefit of the new governors.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on30th January 2014

The minutes of the meeting were agreed to be a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair.

4.Action Plan and Matters Arising

With reference to the action Plan:

Point 1Completed.

Point 2The Chair agreed to forward the agreement to the governors.

Point 3The Headteacher confirmed that the pack had been finalised and would be sent to new governors.

Point 4A discussion took place as to what was being looked for. The Clerk advised that Salli Radford had agreed to use Naburn as part of a pilot scheme. Governors agreed to be a part of this.

Point 5To be circulated to governors.

Point 6The Headteacher advised that the children are let out on time, but that the children hang around in the cloakrooms.

Matters Arising:

There were no matters arising.

5.New National Curriculum

The Headteacher advised that the focus for this meeting was on Growth Mindset.

A ‘Reflections and Actions’ exercise took place for governors using quotes to stimulate thinking. The Headteacher advised that a similar exercise had taken place with staff.

The Chair asked how plans were progressing for the new curriculum implementation in September. The Headteacher replied that;

  • Subject Leaders Have presented overviews of their curriculum areas to all staff
  • Next terms themes and topics had been put together.
  • Sample units for some subject areas were available to look at.
  • Children will be asked to help chose topics and these will tie in with curriculum.

The Chair questioned whether the International Primary Curriculum that was bought into for topics was still used. The Headteacher advised that the topics can still be picked from it, but, as the curriculum has changed, it will need to be reviewed.

When questioned by the Chair, the Headteacher advised that all subject leaders have looked at links for their subject. The Headteacher added that the South York Cluster would like to have a session to share what schools are doing and how to move forward.

A governor highlighted that the previous minutes stated that Science, Maths and English was prescriptive. The Headteacher confirmed that this was the case, and that the curriculum highlights what to cover each year.

A staff governor suggested that the summary that each subject leader was preparing was worth sharing with governors. The Headteacher advised that these should be finished by Easter and would be uploaded to the website. Governors agreed that this would be useful information to have.

6.Headteacher’s Report

The report was previously distributedand noted by governors.

The Headteacher confirmed that the Russian child is not included on the SATs list; however they can be added on when the SATs arrive. The Headteacher added that the child does not speak English, and will not have been in the country a year before the SATs take place, and therefore his results can be removed from the statistics. The Headteacher stated that the deadline for enrolling for the SAT’s was Friday 21st March.

The Headteacher advised that the Pupil Premium funding details had been released and therefore Mrs Marjoram had been asked to stay on.

The Headteacher confirmed that the SDP was linked to the four Ofsted areas. The Headteacher highlighted that behaviour is a key Ofsted area - looking for distractions and children fidgeting. The Headteacher advised that focus on lessons and lunchtime behaviour is a key factor.

The Chair asked what was happening about all children getting FSM in September. The Headteacher replied that parents will be consulted after Easter what they plan to do. The Headteacher stated that it may have a knock on effect for siblings outside KS1, which would increase numbers. The Headteacher advised that trials will take place after Easter to see how it would work, with potentially having 2 sittings.

With regards to Leadership and Management, the Headteacher advised that Miss Clark and Mr Capewell are well prepared for Ofsted. The Headteacher advised that Elvington School had joined Naburn to combine their YCP hours to give double time for both schools. The Headteacher added that a book scrutiny had taken place at Elvington to help with planning.

The Headteacher confirmed that Mrs Wood and Mr Capewellhad conducted lesson observations to gain an overview of phonics teaching across the school. The Headteacher advised that consideration needed to be given to continuity with Mrs Wood going on Maternity Leave.

The Headteacher invited questions from governors.

A governor stated that they wanted to ask about book scrutiny, but that had already been covered. The governor asked how the Growth Mindset was being evaluated. The Headteacher advised that there were 10 pilot schools and there had been thoughts on how to evaluate. The Headteacher added that York University want schools to be research experts to see if Growth Mindset progresses children. The Headteacher explained that the school would chose their own topic for September and all meetings would be about how to evaluate. The Headteacher confirmed that children know what the Growth Mindset is, understand about healthy foods, their brains and about the not doing it ‘yet’. The Headteacher stated that the monitoring of children’s attitudes and discussionswith the children about their understanding of the Growth Mindset is the evaluation. The Headteacher advised that the class scores from September will be reviewed again at the end of the year.

The Chair questioned whether there was a different approach to learning in class from the children following the GM work. The Headteacher stated that it was difficult for her to say without having her own class, but that the children demonstrated a Growth Mindset within assemblies. The Headteacher added that the children are not afraid to try and improve. The staff governor added that it is harder to assess with the younger children, as their approach is different and things can take longer to have an effect. The Headteacher added that this year was about the theories and moving a bit at a time; next year will include more projects and be adapted to suit the relevant age groups.

A governor asked whether the After School Club (ASC) had received a grant. The Headteacher advised that they had received a sustainability grant, which would be enough to keep them running until September.

A discussion took place about the ASC and how it works, and the impact on school if it was closed.

The Headteacher highlighted the points from the YCP report, which would be discussed further at the next T&L committee meeting, being based on the impacts of the SIP since the last visit;

  • Book Scrutiny.
  • Phonics.
  • Consistent Marking.
  • Limited evidence of problem solving, needs consistently trialling in school, although the focus is on the new curriculum.

With regards to marking and feedback The Headteacher advised that different ideas were being trialled in classes. The Headteacher stated that it is all about the next steps and how children respond but building in time. The Headteacher advised that one class is trialling blue pencil to highlight where the child has had help in their books, to ensure that this is highlighted as not totally their own work. The Headteacher confirmed that teachers will trial different ideas and feedback what worked and what didn’t.

The Chair raised concern that the Quality of Teaching is not as good as it should be. (Currently graded as Good to Outstanding by the YCP). The Headteacher advised that marking had improved, which was a factor. The Headteacher stated that next steps in Maths was more challenging, as there isn’t always the opportunity to put next steps for learning due to covering different topics each time. The Headteacher advised that CYC has an issue with Maths, but that this wasn’t an issue for Naburn based on last years results and current assessments.

The Headteacher advised that the YCP had graded the school as Outstanding overall.

The Chair asked how Quality of teaching was being improved. The Headteacher replied that they have identified areas needing improvement and will keep working on these areas.

A governor was concerned that if Ofsted came into school tomorrow they’d find satisfactory teaching. The Headteacher advised that the satisfactory issue was a TA and there had been more training put in place. The governor questioned whether the TA should be taking groups. The Headteacher stated that it is what the TA’s do. The staff governor assured that regular assessments take place to ensure that children are making the required progress.

Data Dashboard

The report was previously circulated.

The Data Dashboard was explained for the benefit of the new governors. The Chair added that there was a similar report available through the Fisher Family Trust.

The Headteacher highlighted that the KS2 results put the school in the highest percentile across all subjects.

The Headteacher showed concern that the results for KS1 Maths put the school in the 3rd quintile. The Chair questioned why this was the case. The Headteacher advised that it was potentially due to an SA+ child as all children made their expected progress and above.

The Chair reminded governors that they are there to challenge data and ask questions.

The Headteacher stated that the SA+ child will get money attached to them under the new funding for LAC support scheme.

The Headteacher confirmed that she was shocked to see yellow for the 3rd quintile on the report as it was not yellow on RAISE Online.

7. Committee Reports

7.1Finance and HR Committee – 13th March.

Copies of the minutes were tabled at the meeting.

LH advised of the key points discussed at the meeting;

  • The CYC cleaning contract ends at the end of April, but has been extended until September. A procurement process is taking place, with tenders due in by 12 noon on Monday 31st March. A panel of 3 governors – DM, LH and SM will meet at 1pm on Wednesday 2nd April to review the tenders.
  • The budget for 2013-14 will have an outturn of 6.9k, but it was stated that this was cautious and was expected to increase. The Budget for 2015-16 was showing a deficit of £24k if everything stayed as it currently is; 2016-17 was showing a deficit of £61k. 3 scenarios were put forward for governors to discuss.
  • No decisions were made on the budget, as this would be finalised at the meeting on 29th April.
  • It was agreed to offer Mrs Marjoram an extension to her contract.
  • The Village Hall costs had increased.

LH advised that the budget options were based on an intake of 10 children. LH stated that if the combined number of children in reception and Years 1 and 2 fell below 30, then the income would reduce by approximately £30k.

A governor questioned what the expectation from CYC for a deficit budget would be. The SBM advised that CYC have to approve applications to run with a deficit budget, but that a plan for recovery in 3 years needs to be included.

Further discussions are included in the Confidential minutes.

DM updated that he had visited the village hall on Thursday 20th March to report on its condition. DM highlighted that;

  • The main hall was dirty.
  • Furniture had been left out and not left as needed for the school (as agreed in the contract).
  • Paint pots were in the toilets.
  • There were no paper towels in the toilets.

DM advised that he had visited the hall again on 25th March and found the hall to be cleaner, but the furniture was still the same.

DM stated that he had spoken to the new treasurer, Gary Farmer, who had explained that the reasons for the increased rent was due to no increase in 2 years, plus rising costs for energy and maintenance.

DM advised that he had been advised that the hourly rates for residents of Naburn were £8.50 per hour and £10 for anyone outside the village. DM calculated that these rates would equate to a charge of £6.6k for the school, based on current usage. DM stated that the increase to £5k that the school were advised of was at a preferential rate.

DM highlighted the potential point of view of the Village Hall committee;

  • The rate is a fair price.
  • Cleaning once a week is included.
  • Hirers should leave the hall as it was found by cleaning up and returning furniture back to how it was.

DM suggested that the school Health and Safety requirements are higher than those of the hall. DM highlighted that the school need use of the hall and that having a heavy handed approach to reducing the rate may mean they lose use altogether.

The Chair questioned whether there was a Health and Safety risk with the Hall. The Headteacher advised that there maybe if there was an upturned table, but that teachers will move hazards.

A governor questioned whether the Health and Safety inspectors, who come to the school, would go to the hall. The Headteacher advised that they wouldn’t as the hall would have their own inspections. The Headteacher confirmed that the hall initiates their own Fire Risk Assessments, but the school have their own policy for children being off site.

DM agreed to continue with spot checks. DM advised that Mr Farmer will be confirming who hires the hall regularly and what the cleaning arrangements are.

A governor suggested having the new cleaners go into the school. The Headteacher advised that an agreement had been made with the Hall committee as to how the hall should be left for the school to use. The Headteacher stated that she did not want to pay from cleaning the hall for the benefit of others.

With governors backing, DM agreed that he would attend the meeting in the Easter holidays and ask the committee for clarification on the following;

  • Why the rent has increased.
  • Are Risk Assessments (RA’s) being carried out, including Fire assessments.
  • Who is responsible for the RA’s?
  • Why is the hall not returned to the correct state?
  • How often is the hall cleaned?
  • What notice is given for committee meetings?

AC agreed to attend the meeting with DM.

7.2Campusand Community Committee– 28th January.

The minutes of the meeting were previously distributed. It was noted that the verbal update was received at the previous FGB meeting.

7.3Teaching and Learning Committee – 25th February.

The minutes of the meeting were previously distributed.

DM advised that the key issues discussed were the policies and Pupil Premium Data.

The Chair questioned whether all the committees had implemented the Action and Impact document. DM confirmed that the T&L committee had done. C&C and F&HR agreed to use the template to create their own.

8.Policies – recommended by the T&L committee, to ratify;

8.1Gifted and Talented



8.4Collective Worship.

8.5 EYFS

8.6Healthy Packed Lunch

8.7Learning and Teaching

8.8Marking and Feedback



8.11Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural

8.12Sex and Relationship Education

Governors agreed unanimously to accept all the policies.

9.Policies – to ratify;

9.1Collection of Children

9.2Disability Equality Scheme

9.3Lone Working

9.4Managing Hygiene and Continence

9.5Missing Children