UMR Spring Tournament – March 3, 2007
Tossup 1: Social Studies – American History
It was first published anonymously, and a third edition featuring a response to criticism by the Quakers appeared a month later. Containing sentiments like “that government is best which governs least” and “it is ridiculous and against natural law for an island to rule a continent,” FTP, name this pamphlet which rallied support for the Revolutionary War, authored by Thomas Paine.
Common Sense
Tossup 2: Math – Trigonometry (Calculation)
You wish to find the cosine of two theta. The angle theta is unknown, but you do know that its cosine is 0.8. FTP, what is the value of cosine of twice theta?
Tossup 3: Arts – British Literature
He survived a bout of polio in 1773. He is considered the first author to have an international writing career with his poem “Lady of the Lake,” and the first author of a historical novel with Waverly. He broke away from his Scottish roots when he wrote about Rebecca and Rowena in Ivanhoe. FTP, who is this author?
Sir Walter Scott
Tossup 4: Science - Chemistry
It has an estimated 550 grams on earth at any one time due to its radioactivity. 9,192,631,770 cycles of this atom’s radiation is the SI definition of a second. With an electronegativity of 0.79, making it the second most electropositive, name this element that, FTP, is located above Francium with symbol Cs.
Tossup 5: General – Agriculture Science
The mouldboard type of this allows for working during wet weather and deposits weeds into the soil. This is used in order to create long strips of fresh soil for planting. Derived from hoeing, teams of animals often pull this when turning-over the fields. FTP, what is this farm implement?
Tossup 6: Social Studies – American History
It resulted after the large Sioux reservation was divided into five smaller areas to increase the amount of land available to homesteaders. When the 7th Calvary attempted to forcibly disarm a member of Big Foot’s tribe, a firearm went off and sparked this conflict in which 153 Sioux were killed. FTP, name this December 1890 massacre of the Dakota Sioux.
Wounded Knee Massacre
Tossup 7: Science – Biology
The only known member of the genus Mesonychoteuthis, this species was first discovered in the form of two tentacles in the stomach of their biggest predator, the sperm whale. It can reach up to lengths of 14 meters. For ten points, name this animal who surpasses its cousin, the giant squid, as the largest known invertebrate.
Colossal Squid (also accept Antarctic Squid or Giant Cranch Squid)
Tossup 8: Math – Algebra (Calculation)
You don’t know how old Tom is, but he is exactly twice as old as Susie is. Seven years ago, Tom was exactly three times as old as Susie was. FTP, how old is Tom now?
Tossup 9: Arts – American Literature
This word names a play that features characters named Jim Bono and Troy Maxson and was the sixth of its author’s ten-story Pittsburgh Cycle. The word that names this play also names a type of structure that, if they are “good,” Robert Frost claims will make good neighbors. FTP, what is this six-letter word?
Tossup 10: General - Television
Graduating from the University of Virginia in 1979, this reporter worked for ABC and CNN before getting a job on NBC's Today Show. There, she televised her own mammogram and colonoscopy to raise cancer awareness before leaving for her current job in May 2006. FTP, name this new anchor of the CBS Evening News.
Katie Couric
Tossup 11: Math – Geometry (Calculation)
A pie with a diameter of 12 inches is divided into 9 equal slices. In terms of pi, FTP, what is the area of one slice of the pie?
4π square inches
Tossup 12: Arts - Fine Arts
Bronzino's "The Allegory of" this goddess provided the cartoon foot that squishes things in Monty Python's Flying Circus. Both Boucher [Boo-SHAY] and Vouet [Voo-AY] also painted scenes depicting "The Toilet of" this goddess. FTP, name this title goddess of several paintings, more notably Botticelli's, which shows her "Birth" on a seashell.
Tossup 13: Science - Chemistry
Maxwell’s Demon sought to violate this law. Rudolf Clausius concluded that “Heat cannot of itself pass from a colder to a hotter body.” and that “Entropy of the universe tends to infinity.” FTP, this “law of increasing entropy” is which law of thermodynamics?
Second law of thermodynamics
Tossup 14: Social Studies – American History
Before ascending to his most well-known role, he served as the fifth Secretary of State under Thomas Jefferson. His desire for a strong national government is reflected in The Federalist Papers, which he coauthored with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. FTP, name this politician, the fourth President of the United States and Father of the Constitution.
James Madison
Tossup 15: General - Industrial Arts
A gouge is used for creating concave surfaces and typically has a U shaped cross-section and falls under the carving subgroup. The butt type has a straight edge and beveled sides for crafting joints. These are all kinds of which tool that, FTP, is used for cutting or carving hard materials usually by striking the butt end of it with a hammer?
Tossup 16: Math – General Knowledge (Non-calculation)
In The Painter’s Manual, Albrecht Dürer described an early example of these in a section called “Tile Patterns Formed By Pentagons.” By repeatedly adding more pentagons on the edges, a roughly pentagonal-shaped pattern results. The Sierpinski Triangle, the Koch Snowflake and the Mandelbrot Set are examples of, FTP, what type of geometric shape that can be divided into parts roughly equivalent in shape to the whole?
Bonus 1: Social Studies – American History
Name these vice presidents from the descriptions given.
1. One of only two vice presidents to serve under two different presidents, he held the office under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and is not related to the last twentieth-century President.
George Clinton
2. One of only two vice presidents to resign from the office, this South Carolinian under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson resigned to take a Senate seat.
John C. Calhoun
3. One of only two vice presidents to be nominated for vice president by his party in a later election, he served as Grover Cleveland’s second vice president. His grandson of the same name lost the 1952 and 1956 presidential elections.
Adlai E. Stevenson (I)
4. One of only two vice presidents never to be elected to the office, he was nominated vice president after the other, Gerald Ford, assumed the presidency.
Nelson Rockefeller
Tossup 17: Social Studies – World Geography
Thought to have been built by Pachacuti, its name means “old peak.” Located above the Urubamba Valley and brought into international attention by the archaeologist Hiram Bingham, for 10 points, name this “Lost City of the Incas”.
Machu Picchu
Bonus 2: Arts - Mythology
Identify the Greek god given the name of their Roman counterpart.
1. Mars
2. Pluto
3. Vulcan
4. Saturn
Tossup 18: General – Spelling
It can mean a volume that is entirely empty of matter, or a household tool used to clean carpet. FTP, spell “vacuum.”
Bonus 3: General – Biology
For ten points each, tell weather each is pronation, suppination, extension, or flexion. (Note to moderator: Don’t reveal answers until all four parts are read)
1. Turning hand palm up
2. Straightening the arm at the elbow
3. Touching your heel to your buttock
4. Turning hand palm down
Tossup 19: General – Home Economics
The Indus Valley Civilization was the first people to have one of these in every house in 3200BC. Ones used in pottery are also known as kilns, and ones used for heating or for industrial processes are called furnaces. FTP, what is this household appliance commonly used for baking?
Bonus 4: Math – Geometry (Calculation)
Determine if the follow angles are complementary, supplementary, both, or neither
1. 60 degrees, 120 degrees
2. π/7, 5π/14
3. 156.5 degrees, π/8
4. 30 degrees, 5π/6
Tossup 20: Science – Biology
The name’s the same: a genus of between 200-300 species of perennial flowering plants with showy flowers that takes its name from the Greek word for rainbow, and the structure that, in heterochromic individuals, the one in the left eye is a different color than the one in the right eye. FTP name this flower and colored part of the eye.
Bonus 5: Arts – British Literature
Identify the following about novels of H.G. Wells
1. The race that the Time Traveler encounters in the year 802,701.
2. The War of the Worlds is a war between Earth and this planet.
3. Griffin changes his refractive index to that of air in this novel.
The Invisible Man
4. A leopard-man and a puma are characters that live on this titular place.
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Tossup 21: Math – Calculus (Calculation)
Find the derivative of x cubed plus one-sixth x squared minus 7x minus 9 with respect to x.
3x squared plus x over 3 minus 7
Bonus 6: Science – Engineering
Given the name of a skyscraper, name the American city in which it is located.
1. Sears Tower
2. Woolworth Building
New York City
3. U.S. Bank Tower
Los Angeles
4. Transamerica Pyramid
San Francisco
Tossup 22: Arts – American Literature
This word names the boat in Richard Henry Dana's novel "Two Years Before the Mast," the title description of the character Christian in a 1678 John Bunyan allegory, and the last name of a Slaughterhouse-Five character who became "un-stuck in time." For 10 points, give this name for a religious traveler, a group of which rode on the Mayflower.
Bonus 7: Math – General Knowledge (Non-calculation)
Identify these terms related to the properties of conic sections.
1. Each conic section has this property but it is probably most commonly associated with how round an ellipse is. It is 0 for a circle.
2. Ellipses and hyperbolas have two, while circles and parabolas have one. For a circle, it is the center.
3. A parabola is defined as all of the points equidistant from the focus and this imaginary line.
4. This is the imaginary line that passes through both foci of a hyperbola or ellipse.
Major axis
Tossup 23: Social Studies – Geography
Triple Divide Peak in its northwestern corner is one of only two points in the US where water flows to three different oceans as it is where the Continental and Hudson Bay Divides meet. The state’s major involvement in mineral mining is evident in its motto, Oro y Plata [orr-o ee plah-tuh] and its nickname as the “Treasure State”. Admitted to the union as the 41st state on November 8, 1889, FTP, which state has its capital at Helena?
Bonus 8: Science – Chemistry
The common names of these substances have something in common. Given a scientific name of a substance, give the common name.
1. Sodium Chloride
Table Salt or Common Salt
2. Magnesium sulfate
Epsom salts
3. Potassium nitrate
4. Igneous peridotite
Tossup 24: General – Sports
This play featured the first known use of television replay to confirm an official’s call, but controversy remains to this day. In a 1972 playoff game, a Terry Bradshaw pass was deflected backwards, caught, and taken sixty yards for the game-winning touchdown against the Raiders. FTP, name this “holy” play made by the Steelers’ Franco Harris.
Immaculate Reception
Bonus 9: Arts – American Literture
Identify the following characters from Joseph Heller’s novel Catch-22.
1. The protagonist of the novel, who “fell madly in love” with the chaplain at first sight in the beginning of the novel.
John Yossarian
2. The repetitively-named character who is promoted from Private due to an IBM computer with “a sense of humor almost as keen as his father’s.”
Major Major Major Major
3. The squadron physician, who agrees with Yossarian that Catch-22 is “the best catch there is.”
Doc Daneeka
4. The pilot who shares a tent with Yossarian; he is repeatedly shot down and is the only pilot considered to be crazier than Yossarian is.
Tossup 25: Science – Physics
It is a consequence of Newton’s first and second laws of motion and its derivative is another expression for force. In a closed system it is always conserved. FTP name this physical quantity most often expressed as the product of mass and velocity.
Bonus 10: Math – Geometry (Calculation)
Calculate the following involving polygons.
1. What is the sum of the interior angles of an octagon?
2. What is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular octagon?
3. A certain state’s Department of Transportation is so cheap that they cut their stop signs by hand. One stop sign has six interior angles of 150º, 125º, 115º, 115º, 145º, and 120º. What is the measure of either of the two remaining interior angles if their measures are equal?
4. A regular octagon has 20 diagonals each of length 22 inches. What is the area of the smallest circle in which the octagon can fit?
121π square inches
Tossup 26: General
It first came into being in 1944 in a book by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. The game show Friend or Foe is an example of this, in which players choose different actions in an attempt to maximize their returns. This is, FTP, what branch of economics, which won a Nobel Prize for John Nash, the subject of the movie A Beautiful Mind?
Game theory
Tossup 27: Social Studies – American History
The first Delorean DMC-12 was produced in Northern Ireland on January 21st of this year, and Walter Cronkite signed off from the CBS Evening News for the last time on March 6th. Pope John Paul II was shot in the chest on May 13th. All of these events occurred, FTP, during what year in which President Reagan was also shot only 69 days after his inauguration.
Tossup 28: Science – Biology
Giovani Bellini and Michelangelo painted portraits of Noah “suffering” from this. Common symptoms may include slurred speech, impaired balance, poor coordination, flushed face, reddened eyes and uncharacteristic behavior. For ten points, name this result of alcohol, particularly ethanol, crossing the blood brain barrier.
Intoxication (accept drunkenness or inebriation)
Tossup 29: Arts – British Literature
Originally called First Impressions, characters in this novel include William Collins, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Charles Bingley. Its first line is “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” FTP, Fitzwilliam Darcy courts Elizabeth Bennet in what Jane Austen novel?
Pride and Prejudice
Tossup 30: Math – Trigonometry (Calculation)
A man is standing on the equator of a spherical planet that is 2000 mi in circumference. He walks 500 mi due east, and then 500 miles due north. For ten points—how far is he from his starting point?
500 miles
Tossup 31: Social Studies – World History
Upon the death of his father Senzangakona (sin-zahn-guh-KO-nuh), Dingiswayo assisted him in defeating his brother and rising to power. Because of his military prowess, this chieftain of a South African tribe was able to transform his small tribe into the makings of a nation. Assuming leadership of his tribe around 1812, FTP, which chieftain is considered the greatest of the Zulu?
Shaka Zulu
Tossup 32: Arts – Mythology
Dwelling within the lake of Lerna, this was one of the beasts killed by Heracles as part of his Twelve Labors. Heracles would not have killed it without the help of Iolaus, his nephew. FTP, name that beast that could breath poison, but is better characterized by its many serpent-like heads.
(Lernaean) Hydra
Tossup 33: Math – Algebra (Calculation)
You have an eight-sided die with the numbers 1 through 8. You roll it twice, trying to get a roll that adds up to 10. What is the probability you will do this?
Tossup 34: General - Music
"Rock with You," "Dirty Diana," "Say Say Say," "Man in the Mirror," "I Just Can't Stop Loving You," "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," "You Are Not Alone," "The Way You Make Me Feel," "Ben," "Black or White," "Bad," "Beat It" and "Billie Jean" are, FTP, the 13 number one hits of what American artist?
Michael Jackson
Tossup 35: Science - Chemistry
109 million tons of this compound are produced worldwide today, but it was first produced in Germany following the allied blockade preventing the import of nitrates. Industrially made using the Haber process, FTP, what compound is used in fertilizer production and has formula NH3?