Present: Cllr. F. Hill (Chairman), Cllr. G. Plowman, Cllr. J. Shorthouse, Cllr. D.May,

In attendance – R. Parker (Clerk), Cllr. L. Chilton and Cllr. P. Smith

Public Participation

Cllr.P. Smith announced that there was to be a £1,000,000 investment by Sainsbury’s supermarket to encourage people to buy less food and for out of date foods to be passed to local charities. A jobs and skills fayre will be held on 28th April. The womens “Tour of Britain” cycling will come through our district on 18th June passing through Melbourne, Ticknall, Harteshorne, Repton eventually ending at The Delph in Swadlincote.

Cllr.L. Chilton also confirmed that the offer a grant of £600 from her allowance to help to pay for the cost a new notice board had been approved. She also suggested that the recent problem of cars parking on pavements should be raised at the Safer Neighbourhood Meeting. Leaflets regarding Cars on Pavements are being organized by Cllr. P. Smith and a copy might be placed on offending cars.


1/4 Apologies for absence.

Received and accepted from Cllr.D. Smith, Cllr. K. Haines, Cllr. J. Cousins, Cllr. M. Stanton

2/4 Variation in order of business

No change deemed necessary

3/4 Declarations of members interest

None declared

4/4 Planning Applications and decisions

New applications – Tree crown reduction work – no objection

Existing applications -

Pruning of trees – Newton Road – decision pending Existing applications – Eight Bells, Repton Road - approved

School, Trent Lane – to be decided Dale Farm – to be decided

Appeal for Bladon Fields development – hearing held – decision due by 26th April 2016

5/4 To confirm the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th March 2016

These were circulated, read and approved – Proposed by Cllr. D. May and seconded by Cllr. G. Plowman - unanimous

6/4 To determine which items of the agenda should be taken with the public excluded.

No change deemed necessary

7/4 Outstanding Matters.

Defibrillator training for existing and new responders has not yet been finalized as some trainers were still to pass on their details. Proposed by Cllr. D. May that the new noticeboard is to be fitted on the gable end wall of the Brickmakers Public House, following which the other notice board at the end of Blacksmiths Lane will be re-sited at the entrance to the recreation ground. Seconded by Cllr. G. Plowman. Unanimous approval. The damaged bus shelter outside the almshouses is now being dealt with by South Derbyshire District Council.

8/4 Clerks Report.

The Clerk has recently had a meeting with a representative from Derbys. C. C. to view the dangerous steps from the alms houses onto Church Lane – It had been agreed that the County Council would replace the steps in approx. 4-6 weeks.

The accounts for the year to 1st April 2016 had now been balanced and were ready to be sent to the internal auditors. Proposed by Cllr. D. May and seconded by Cllr. G. Plowman that subject to checking by the Chairman they should be accepted.

9/4 Chairmans Report

Cllr. F. Hill reminded the parishioners that the Himalayan Balsam alongside the river needed to be eradicated within the next two months. A working party will be arranged hopefully for 30th May 2016 and any volunteers should contact the Clerk or a Parish Councillor

10/4 Reports from Councillors

Cllr. J. Shorthouse advised that she had attended the Village Hall AGM 5th April at which time the Village Hall committee passed on their thanks and appreciation to the Parish Council for their recent financial help. Their bank account now stands at £8,746.69

A plant sale will be held on 21st May. New blinds are being fitted in the snooker room.

Cllr. D. May had recently done a survey of the village for evidence of dog fouling – only one example was found. He had noticed a large pothole close to the pavement in Newton Close – the clerk will pass on a report to Highways at Matlock

Cllr. G. Plowman confirmed that the new church notice board will soon be fitted.

11/4 Queens Birthday Celebrations. – 11th June 2016

Arrangements are now well in hand with numerous activities being arranged on the recreation ground.

The councillors were still concerned about the dogs attending the dog show. It should be made clear to the dog owners that they are responsible for their dogs at all times and to keep the dogs under control.

Awards to children competing in the various races etc. and to the school children at our local school were discussed. Suggestions for commemorative coins or mugs was put forward. Cllr. F. Hill will make enquiries.

12/4 Footpath/Planters

Following complaints received that vehicles were parking on the grass verges and spoiling their visual effect it has been suggested that planters should be utilized in the problem areas. It is hoped that the local horticultural society would plant them out and generally look after them. A letter is to be sent to the school asking them to request parents driving their children to school not to park on the pavement

13/4 Insurance Claim

An eleven year old girl had fallen off the play equipment on the recreation ground and unfortunately broken her wrist. This has now become the subject of an insurance claim. It is felt that the safety matting under the equipment meets all the required safety regulations which has been confirmed by the suppliers and installers of the equipment together with SDDC who regularly do the necessary safety checks. Our Insurance Company has all our necessary documentation and the matter is in their hands.

14/4 Trim Trail

Details of six pieces of fitness equipment had been issued to the Councillors at their last meeting. The Clerk will now arrange for an application from the Big Lottery Fund to cover the net expenditure – any VAT charges will be reclaimed. Councillors May, Haines and Coussins to liase with NS Sports Club on the type of equipment required.

15/4 Finance

Cheques requiring approval: R. Parker Allowable expenses £19.50

R. Dennis Repair mower £50

DALC Annual Fees £ 198.85

To consider requests under s 137 - None received.

16/4 Date & Time of next meeting - The Newton Solney Parish Council AGM will take place on Friday 13th May in the Village Hall at 7.15pm to be immediately followed by the normal monthly Parish Council meeting

Details of any planning applications for planning consent will be available for viewing.

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