Daniel 11:32-36, 45: “By flatteries he shall profane those who do wrong against the covenant, but the people who know their Elohim will be strong and do exploits. And those of the people who have insight shall give understanding to many. And they shall stumble by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering for days. And when they stumble, they shall be helped, a little help, but many shall join them by flatteries. And some of those who have insight shall stumble to refine them, and to cleanse them, and to make them white, until the time of the end, for it is an appointed time. And the sovereign shall do as he pleases, and exalt himself and show himself to be great above every god, and speak incredible things against the El of gods, and shall prosper until the wrath has been accomplished –for what has been decreed shall be done…”
“…and he shall pitch the tents of his palace between the seas and the splendid set-apart mountain, but shall come to his end with none to help him”.
The coming of the world ruler is very near. His entrance is being set up right now. He will gather those who despise the Covenant of Yahuweh--His Torah --teachings and instructions of His Word, and deny His right to rule His own creation, to prepare the way of his entrance. He will use Islam to bring about the needed chaos in their attack on His people—Israel--that will bring the order--the “new world order”. The Mazzini-Pike Plan Part III is well into the works, with the goal of WW III beginning in the Middle East, including Ezekiel 38-39, and a purge of the earth’s people long planned in the Eugenics program [Refer to: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”]
There is a Gideon 300 prepared! [For how they are chosen, refer to the article “The Gideon 300”] There were the fearless “mighty men” of David preparing the way for the coming of their King, David to the throne.
(I Chronicles 11:10-25)
There are thosewho have been prepared, trained, disciplined, and focused, now already beginning to do exploits for their coming King, the son of David. There is a forerunning company with the spirit of Eliyahu (Elijah), and his teammate Yochanan (John) the immerse, who are now on the move, and in position for the final battle.
Some of the forerunning company, forerunning the return of Messiah, will be martyrs, but within His forerunning company is a marked and sealed Bridal remnant that has the nature of her Bridegroom and the focus of Elohim, with the passion of His heart. The characteristics of this forerunning company and
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Bridal remnant and their future duties can be found in the article/study “The Two Witnesses, the Bridal Remnant, The Forerunning Company, and the Fleeing Remnant” (2008).
When I wrote this study, I was in Tiberias, Israel, looking out the window at the Sea of Galilee--Lake Kinneret. He took me into the future, and as I typed I was watching a vision of what was soon to come.
Because of hearing and obeying without compromise, without fear, without excuses, this forerunning company has been on the move to do the Master’s business for some time now--daily flowing in His perfect will and timing. [Refer to: “Daily Flowing in His Perfect Timing”] They care nothing for this world. They are like those of Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16, and 38 – “…of whom the world was not worthy…”
An exploit is something that has not been done before, maybe attempted but not completely accomplished, like climbing a more difficult side of Mt. Everest in winter. Some walk across continents. Some sky dive into unknown regions. But, to do exploits (plural) for the coming King, to “prepare the way of Yahuweh”, people have to have the strength of Elohim flowing through them. They must hear Him daily in their re-born spirit. They are not head believers, for the volatile soul—mind and emotions that contact this present world—will fail quickly in the severe testing of endurance to come.
So, this company must have already submitted to being true disciples, having forsaken all to follow the master, as per Luke 14:25-33, Matthew 10:34-39, Mark 8:34-36 and other such passages. The call to leave all is a general call, which began with our forefather Abraham, our example in faith. Faith does not go by what the five senses tell, and what the mind thus reasons and analyzes from input data. No! Faith goes strictly by what He has said in His Word and personally in the re-born spirit. The re-born spirit does not go by head intellect, but by obedience to the voice of the Master. The soul is for our life on earth. The spirit, however, once re-born opens a portal into the eternal realm, and it has the mind of the Spirit. The Spirit of Yahuweh is its teacher. The mind has to be disciplined to submit to the spirit, or else, the mind can go into shut down and fear, and lead a person to be just like an animal trying to survive.
Following a teacher, a “master” is natural to those in the east, as in India, but to the western mind it is very foreign, for it goes against reason, against comfy feelings, against lust for security and ease, and the pride of ownership of material goods, a nice job, retirement security, social status, vacations, and dependency on man or one’s own natural abilities for everything. All of this is idolatry in Yahuweh’s Book. It blocks faith in Him, and makes excuses for disobedience. Read Ya’cob (James) 4:4 and I John 2:15-17.
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There is no room for weakness, fear, or cowardice. Those who will do exploits for the Master must be disciplined. They must submit to His training and testing. (Hebrews 12) Set-apartness from sin, the lusts of the flesh, and the world system are imperative for enduring to the end. Those who will endure to the end are survivors, but who have the nature of Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh. Yes, they are human. They get scared. They get doubts. They get attacked with discouragement and even depression at times. But, they keep on going. They are not self-centered. To be self-centered, carnal-centered, is sure death.
Their nature must be humble, broken, contrite, submissive, and they must be ready to obey instantly, without “yes, but”. These are the Master’s trusted servants that He has tried and tested and found to be “blameless” in their loyalty to Him. Sha’ul says: “I can do all things through Messiah who give me the strength”, but also Messiah says: “Without Me, you can do nothing”. Mark 9:49 tells us: “For everyone shall be salted with fire…” and so we shall!
These people do not depend on their intellectual mind to reason out their plans and pursuits. They take orders from the Master alone, who speaks to the mind of their re-born spirit. They are “dead to self”. They have totally submitted their will to their Master. They do no mental gymnastics. They do not analyze into paralysis. Most analyze and then implode into the “I can’t do it” syndrome of Numbers 13. Look at Numbers 13, and their excuse regarding their children, and see the results in chapter 14.
Lack of money stops most from proceeding in obedience, or remaining in obedience. I have no income. I’ve lived now 13 years without any promise of anything. I have sold everything I know to sell, which wasn’t much. I had no house to start with, or car, or many material possessions. I wrote “Walk the Hard Road” to let you know that what I teach, I live. Much of my teaching is from life experiences in walking by His brand of faith. Faith is definitely not a belief-system of the head!!!
I ask that you get alone with Abba and read Hebrews 11, an expose on people’s endurance in the Tenach. Some get gung ho and think they can live a life of faith, but have never been tested, so they fall on their face. I’ve counseled a few of those. We’re called to endure, not whine, complain, give up, run home to mommy and hide under the bed. He is preparing warriors.
The exploit people are not goofy visionaries or idealists! They dodiligent research on what He has told them to do, as wise servants, and good soldiers. They don’t run off to a foreign country, and then fall on their face the first time they’re ripped off by a charlatan, or do something stupid to draw trouble. They are prepared. They also moment by moment have their
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eternal spirit open, so that He can tell them, buy this, don’t buy this, turn here, turn there, don’t speak to this person, speak to this person, don’t go in there, go in there, etc. etc. etc.
They let Him direct their research. They know the ways and tactics and thinking of the enemy, for they are trained soldiers… who do not live for this life but for Him who has called them to be a soldier. They do not fear hardship or suffering, for they feel privileged to enter “the fellowship of His sufferings” that they might know Him intimately. They want to know His heart, what is His passion, what is His focus? (Philippians 3:7-14)
II Timothy 2:3-4: “Suffer hardship with us as a good solider of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who enlisted him as a solider”.
They are not distracted! They do not look to the right or the left, but keep their eyes trained on what His eyes are trained on. They remove all from their lives that would be distracting, or obstacles in their path of serving their Captain. They “suffer hardship” with praise in their mouth, with proclamations of victory, with faith high in the Master’s abilities to fight with them and for them--with no griping and complaining and whining.
Babies and toddlers grip and complain and whine. It is time to grow up! They embrace hardship, so that they might get strong. They choose to walk the hard road. [Refer to: “Walking the Hard Road” and “Too Busy To Hear”] Their eyes, as the Gideon 300, are on the enemy’s army, yet they know the orders of their Captain and are focused on carrying them out, no matter what the cost to them personally.
Such a people have few friends, and usually family does not understand and
are express hurt feelings, or reject them. Sometimes alienation begins with “I’m not celebrating Christmas or Easter anymore”, and that sometimes really alienates one from family. [Refer to: “Joyful Abominations”]
But, He is calling us out of all paganism, and that means the church system [Refer to the study: “The Foundation of Deception”]. It also means coming out of all man-made and man-controlled religion, including Judaism, and Messianicism, and other groupie “isms”. All movements of men quickly depart from Yahuweh, because man wants to control man, and religion is the oldest and sneakiest way man does that. (Jeremiah 17:5-9)
Yahuweh and Yahushua are NOT a religion! They are Persons to know and to align to and to conform to! I find that most Messianics are so bound to hearing from man, that they cannot know Him. They might acquire
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knowledge of the Word, but most of that is filtered through man’s thinking. Know this, all of man’s religion will burn with fire in His judgment. Make sure you’re not a part of that judgment!
There is only One valid teacher of truth—the Spirit of Yahuweh. But, to hear from Him requires turning off man, and getting all of his garbage out first.
The exploit people KNOW THEIR ELOHIM. They are taught by Him. They are tested and found to be reliable and faithful servants of the Master. He can trust them!!!
They have submitted to having their ear pierced to the Door, and have turned their back on anything that would interfere with their service to the One loved. (Deuteronomy 15:16-17)
This morning, while drinking my morning green tea, Abba spoke to my spirit the words of Sha’ul: “…for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world…” (II Timothy 4:10)
II Timothy is a most important book, for it is highly prophetic. In it Sha’ul ordains Timothy as a minister of the Good News of salvation. He also warns him of things to come, which are now in full bloom. It is Sha’ul’s last book – for shortly after writing and sending it, he was taken into the arena in Rome and decapitated, under the orders of Nero. It is said that four days later Nero committed suicide. But, it is also said, that Sha’ul ran to his executioners.
In II Timothy 4:6-8, Sha’ul makes this confession: “For I am already being poured out. The time of my departure has arrived. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have guarded the faith. For the rest, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Master, the Righteous Judge, shall give to me on that Day, and not to me only, but also to all those loving His appearing”.
My friends, we are in the midst of the great apostasy warned about in II Thessalonians 2:3. So many of His people do not love His appearing, but want Him to come after they’ve lived their lives in this world, and done what they wanted to do. The true remnant is calling out daily being filled with the Spirit: “Come Yahushua Come!”
Those like Demes are not only forsaking the true servants of Elohim, but lying and slandering His true servants to try to stop them. Multitudes of those who used to call themselves “believers” have forsaken the Lamb that was slain. Multitudes are tearing down His relationship with His Abba, thus making themselves “anti-messiah” as per I John 2:22-23. [Refer to: “Denying the Deity of Messiah”] Thus they have removed themselves from their only hope of eternal salvation.
Hebrews 6:1-6 and Messiah’s own words in Matthew 10:32-39 are very clear. [Refer to the article: “Ashamed”] The reason for all this apostasy is
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that people listen to people. They let their soul (mind, reasoning, intellect, emotions) rule them. They do not study the Word for themselves, with the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach them. They seek knowledge about “God” but never pursue knowing Him personally. They may think their rabbis, pastors, and glorified teachers are superior in knowledge to Yahuweh, but more likely they are too lazy to study with One they don’t know. Most have a head “belief system”, and that’s all. They have never had a true new birth--a transformation so powerful by the Spirit that He does 40 things in a person who is truly born from above. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”] This transformation makes a person a totally new creation, “old things are passed
away, behold all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17-21).
So very few really know the Savior, and very few really know the Father. So, they follow the spiritually blind into the pit of hell.
He speaks to His people in about 40 different ways, but so few say they hear from Him, and most of those are hearing from their head, and do not know Him. Their nature exposes that.
The true remnant that will do exploits knows His nature, ways and thinking, and so align to the nature of their Master.
Those throwing away their salvation by the blood of the Lamb of Elohim will find themselves giving in to the world ruler without hesitation, because they’ve shut their spirit off to the eternal realm and opened themselves up to deceiving spirits.
At the same time, there are those who are pressing in further to know Yahuweh and Yahushua most personally, and are known by Them. The great separation is occurring very rapidly. The world’s people are polarizing into one of two camps. [Refer to: “Morphing into Two Different Types of Humans”] Every day you have priorities. What you get done in a day is your priority.
These “Gideon 300” know the nature and ways and thinking of their Captain so well, that in the heat of battle, they act as He would act! He trusts them to act as He would act. We are to immolate our Master in every way, even in thought. Discipline your thoughts!
My friends, Demas was Sha’ul’s friend. He worked with his friend Luke, the Physician. (Colossians 4:14; Philemon 1:24) Yet, the allurement of the world, and the pressure of persecution on the believers was too much for him, and he turned against not just Sha’ul, but all the other faithful disciples and Apostles, returning to Thessalonica to do his own business. Do not be surprised at the betrayal you will have from friends and family.
Ya’cob 4:4: “Adulterers and Adulteresses! Know you not that friendship with this world is enmity with Elohim? Therefore, whosoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of Elohim”. That includes almost all so-called