UMKCSchool of Graduate Studies
Application Form for 2017-18
SGS Preparing Future Faculty Scholar Awards
If filled out online, use the tab key to move through the form.
When finished, you can save a copy of this Word document.
Eligibility requirements: Competition for the PFF Scholar Awards is open to degree-seeking UMKC masters or doctoral students who desire to pursue an academic career teaching in a college or university.Students who plan on graduating before Spring commencement of 2019 are NOT eligible for this award program.
Applications without all required materials (including recommendation letters) will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
Applicants must also meet the following requirements:
  • Have expressed a desire to pursue an academic career in their field
  • Have at least two years left to complete the graduate degree
  • Be recommended by faculty in their respective program (or primary discipline if IPhD student).
  • Either have previously had a GTA appointment or have been selected to receive a GTA appointment during the second year of the PFF Scholar award
  • Agree to pursue the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Career Preparation while they are PFF Scholars
Selection will be based upon strength of recommendations from faculty, applicant’s narrative statement that focuses on his or her career goals and teaching philosophy, and evidence of academic and scholarly merit.
In addition to this completed application form, the following materials must be included:
  • A current UMKC Transcript. In Pathway’s “Self Service,” there is an option in “Academic Records” to request an unofficial transcript to be sent to your university email address, rather than paying $10 for the official copy.
  • A statement from the applicant’s primary discipline coordinator or graduate program director concerning either the applicant’s past GTA performance and/or the discipline or program’s intention to provide the applicant with a GTA appointment during the applicant’s tenure as a PFF Scholar.
  • Twofaculty recommendation letters speaking to the applicant’s potential for an academic career.
Please indicate below the names and addresses of the two persons whom you have requested to complete the faculty recommendation letters.
One letter MUST be from the applicant’s research adviser.
Last (print above) /




/ Student I.D. Number
Address (street, apt. #) / City, State, Zip Code
E-mail Address / Phone: Home
ETHNIC ORIGIN (optional information)
International Student Native American (tribal affiliation: )Black, Non-Hispanic Hispanic
Asian/Pacific Islander White Other
STATUS FOR FALL 2017: Continuing doctoral student
Continuing masters student
[If an IPhD student, please list your Primary IPhD Discipline and Co-discipline(s) here]
Your anticipated date of graduation:
Name of your major advisor:
PUBLICATIONS AND/OR PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS OR CREATIVE/ARTISTIC PERFORMANCES OR EXHIBITS IN YOUR FIELD(S) OF STUDY. If you are not the first or single author on a publication, please list your role. Also include an accurate citation for the publication but do not include copies of publications.
NARRATIVE STATEMENT of your educational, research, and career goals and your teaching philosophy. [Attach an additional sheet if necessary, but please limit your statement to no more than 2 single-spaced pages.]
  • Applications without all required materials (including recommendation letters) will not be accepted.
  • Do not staple any documents—just gather all materials in a letter-size manila envelope.
  • Do not print on the back side of any pages.
  • This application and all supporting documents are due to the School of Graduate Studies by
Monday, October 17, 2016 at 5:00 pm.
  • Deliver to the School of Graduate Studies, Administrative Center (5115 Oak Street), Room 300F.
  • If mailing, send to: UMKC School of Graduate Studies, 5115 Oak St., AC 300F, Kansas City, MO 64112