Meeting began at 3:35 p.m.
Pre-k, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grade representatives present. All other members present.
Calendar for SIT meetings to be held:
Sept 4, possibly Sept 25, Oct 16, Jan 22, Feb 26, April 9, May 21, June meeting TBA
H. Johnston reported on EPAC. Tyler Munis grade book was one of the topics. Glitches are being work out.
Superintendent Dr. Jose Espinoza informed the committee that all teachers would be receiving tablets this school year.
Ms. Lopez introduced the parent and business reps for SIT.
Susan Deboer- Parent present
Maria Ochoa- Bus Rep, present
Community Member- need rep
Ms. Lopez reviewed the Rules and Responsibilities of the SIT.
Ms. Lopez informed the committee that we received less money in certain areas which is the reason why we need to be careful spending our funds. Student enrollment went from 789 last year to currently 760.
13,200 General supplies
11,400 Rental/copy machine
11,000 State Comp Ed
$1,000 Leadership which will probably be spent elsewhere
Lost $5,000 for monitors, now at $11,000
SPED 500 for teacher travel
$5000 less in bilingual
Don’t have Title I funds amount yet
Title I funds are used for Instructional materials and extra duty pay for tutoring
Ms. Lopez reminded committee that they are welcome to see the budget if they have questions.
Mr. Aguirre presented the tutoring plan for the fall intersession.
SIT p. 2
3-5th grade
8:00-11:00 Mon-Thurs
3 teachers needed per grade level. 30 students needed per grade level. Tutoring should be for students in most need. At this time, we will use data to determine who will be invited to tutoring.
After school tutoring will begin in October after intersession for 16 weeks. Teachers willtutor their own students.
Mr. Martinez discussed the CHAMPS Mentoring program. Non-teaching staff will mentor approximately 40 students who have been identified by their teachers.
Teachers need to scan their end of unit tests.
2nd grade- Math and Reading
Ms. Rodriguez will assist teachers. Shivon Loya is available to provide refresher on Eduphoria (creating tests).
Ms. Del Rio spoke about Penny Challenge as a means to raise funds to bring Authour Joe Hayes to Loma Verde.
Grandparents Day
Celebration Sept 6th. Grandparents to visit classrooms from 8:00-9:00. Refreshments given to grandparents such as cookies and coffee offered in cafeteria from 9:00-9:30.
5th grade –Grandparents to visit classrooms from 8:00-8:45. At 8:45, students may go to p.e.
Mrs. Rodriguez spoke about Literacy Night which is scheduled to take place on Sept. 19th from 5:00-6:30pm. She also reminded teachers that we will be holding our book drive next week. Our goal is 1,500 books. If we reach our goal, Ms. Lopez and Mr. Aguirre have agreed to wear a wig for an entire day.
If exiting through side doors, please make sure doors are closed due to air conditioning allowing some doors to remain open.
Remind students not to open doors to anyone. Student, Kayla Quintana, demonstrated safety by not opening door to Ms. Rodriguez.
Parents with special needs children may enter through front doors before 7:30. After 7:30 a.m., parents may enter through front doors.
Pre-K and Kinder teachers need to send notices home about entering through side doors.
Mr. Aguirre asked the committee for input on procedures for reunification of students/releasing students during inclement weather or emergency situations.
If kidnapping situation occurred, keep students in holding area and have students picked up by parent or designated adult. Use double gate system.
Holding area for students: Library (Pre-k and Kinder students) Cafeteria (grades 1-5)
Need to practice keeping students quiet during fire drills and prolonging Lock Down drill.
Ms. Lopez reported that canopies are in the works. These will be placed at horseshoe area. We will also be getting 10 security cameras.
Front door to remain open during Lock Down and sign to be placed for visitors to remain outside during Lock Down.
Mr. Aguirre discussed Attendance Plan for LVE. Attendance letter to be reviewed and sent home with students stating attendance policy. We will be providing individual and group incentives for short and long term attendance periods.
Pre-k and Kinder students – treasure chests have been purchased for each class so that teachers can reward students on a weekly basis for perfect attendance.
If student obtains perfect attendance from Monday through Friday, student may pick out toy from the treasure chest.
Ms. Romero mentioned she uses behavior chart to track attendance Monday through Friday.
Homework Pass incentives to be offered weekly, biweekly, or every 3 weeks for weekly perfect attendance.
Ideas for incentives that cost no money: crazy hat day, movie day, free seating choice, homework pass
Grade level perfect attendance incentives- music in cafeteria. Ms. Johnston suggested class dance. Free popcorn party to be offered to class who spells out Attendance.
Students who have perfect attendance in each class to be entered in a class drawing.
Ms. Johnston commented that she has posters that say “be polite, stay to the right” since we are training students to follow this rule.
Pay it Forward
Email video clip to teachers regarding Pay it Forward.
Ms. Lopez reminded committee that 3 tardies do not equal one absence.
Mrs. Pon to make copies?
Ms. Romero suggested regular white tables to be placed in teacher’s lounge.
Ms. Galvan- Parents need to complete background checks prior to attending field trips. Ms. Galvan to present to parents requirements/guidelines to attend field trips.
Nutritional Classes to begin at 9:00 next Monday.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00pm.