Tentative: X

Approved: X

Pokagon Township Regular Meeting Board Minutes

June 10, 2015

The meeting of the Pokagon Township Board was called to order on Wednesday June 10, 2015 at 7:30 pm. Roll call of members showed the following members present: Linda Preston, Gary Mihills, Kevin Young, Renee Meiser, and Bob Shaffer. Supervisor Linda Preston opened the meeting and led the pledge of allegiance.

Motion made by Gary and supported by Bob to approve the May 13, 2015 regular meeting minutes as presented. All ayes. Motion carried by voice vote.


Linda thanked Vic and Donna Wyant for the MTA plaque they presented at the May meeting.

Clark Cobb- reported County Commission activities/business

Steven Phillips thanked the township for persistence in solving blight issues in his neighborhood. He and the Township board thanked Joe True for his good work in tough situations.


Supervisor: Linda: traveling a lot with MTA and meeting a lot of great people, updates for Habitat for Humanity/Cass home nearly completed.

Clerk: Renee- reminded residents that August Cass school election will be held in LaGrange Township / Cass Library.

Treasurer: Kevin- reportedGen Fund balance at $345,782.67. Tax bills on the way.

Assessor: Bill – Homestead work being done, preparing for BOR in July.

Building Inspector: None

Zoning Administrator& Blight:Joe True

Zoning- None

Blight: Update on the 2 citations issued – they have been suspended – work is being done @ the Howard & Ward properties.


SMCAS- Gary Mihills reported 5 calls / 15.8 minutes response time

Pride Care- not present – report shows 4 calls @ 10 minute response time – Linda reported they have a new director.

Fire Department:

Indian Lake: Linda read report- 4 calls in May 3 in Silver Creek, None in Pokagon, 1 in Other

Pokagon VFD: Chuck present. Reported 1call

Zoning Board of Appeals: 2 requests with a June 29th meeting date, 2 new members are on board.

**** Gary moved, Bob Supported to have Renee (clerk) serve as Secretary for ZBA. All ayes. Motion carried.

Planning Commission- Kevin reported the Planning Commission met the previous night- June 9th- with members of Tribal Planning with updates on the Pokagon Language & Culture Center and downsizing of original plans.

Cemetery Board: Bob Shaffer communicated that the cemetery flags were up for the Memorial Day holiday and all is well with the cemetery’s.

Transfer station: Open.


Motion made by Bob and supported by Kevinto pay bills as submitted in the amount of $109,460.46Motion carried by roll call vote.

Unfinished Business:

Pokagon fire contract ishere to be signed tonight.

***Gary moved and Bob supported to accept the Pokagon Volunteer Fire Department 3 year Contract as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Receipt was submitted to Trans Canada Pipeline for last year grant monies

Renee submitted a new grant to Trans Canada Pipeline for the Walking Trail – $10,000.00- on June 8th.

New Business: Public Hearing Opened 8:00 – Closed 8:10 pm.

425 Agreement / Casey property 8:00 public hearing –resolution #1

Opened for public comment – there was no comment from the audience present.

*** Gary moved and Bob supported to transfer the Casey Tool & Die property to a 425 agreement with the City of Dowagiac. All ayes. Motion carried.

Midwest Energy – Metro Act was read

*** Bob moved and Kevin supported to approve the Midwest Energy Metro Act as submitted. All ayes. Motion carried.

Ed Wainwright / appoint substitute electrical / mechanical inspector - resolution #2

*** Bob moved and Gary supported to appoint the recommended temps for Pokagon Township until Ed Wainwright is able to resume his duties. All ayes Motion carried.

The board needs to appoint someone to represent Pokagon at SMCAS meetings.

*** Linda moved and Kevin supported to appoint Gary Mihills to SMCAS Board as the Pokagon Township representative. All ayes. Motion carried.

Tax reverted property is available to purchase that abuts the Pokagon Township Hall property for $1120.94 + back tax+ title fees.

***Bob moved and Gary supported that Pokagon Township purchase only the property / parcel # 14-110-015-260-85 on the list of available properties. All ayes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Renee Meiser / Clerk

Pokagon Township Board Minutes