Minutes of Council Meeting held on 7 December 2009 Cont….


MINUTES of the Proceedings of a meeting of the

Ulverston Town Council held in the Town Hall, Ulverston

on 7 December 2009 at 7.15.p.m.

PRESENT : Councillor N. Bishop-Rowe (Chairman), J. Hancock, C. Hodgson,

M. Hornby, J. Jenkinson, P. Jones, P. Lister, B. Marr, J. Pickthall, J. Prosser,

J. Rice, R. Gill.

Also Present : Cllr. M. Wilson & J. Samson (SLDC), Press (Nil), Public (2),

Police (2).


Cllrs. J. Airey (meeting), H. Irving (personal), A. Rigg (personal), T. Watson (personal), B. Wilkinson (personal), C. Williams (personal)


Cllr. Jenkinson declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7 with regard to planning applications as a member of the District Council Planning Committee and would not be taking part in the discussions or in voting.

Cllr. Bishop-Rowe declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application SL/09/0975.

Cllr. Pickthall declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 12 with regard to Ford Park Trustees.


The Mayor drew attention to a number of events he had attended since his last report. In particular, he had attended the scene of flooding in south Ulverston on a number of occasions and had also met with the Environment Minister, Lord McKenzie during his visit to Ulverston to see the affects of the recent flooding on residents. He also reminded members that the Carols at the Coro’ Concert would take place on Saturday 12 December at 7.30 pm and asked for their support.


Mrs. T. Wadsworth commented that the Christmas tree at Market Cross looked particularly good this year.

N.345. MINUTES :

It was resolved that the minutes of the council meeting held on 23 November 2009, including Part II minutes, be approved and adopted.

N.246. POLICE :

Inspector P. Latham said that it had been a very busy period, mainly due to the recent flooding problems. He wished to complIment colleagues who had given assistance not only in South Ulverston, but also in Cockermouth, where a strong physical presence had been maintained. The SLDC Flood Relief Centre also continued to be supported. Crime levels for November were particularly low and it was considered that the very poor weather was a factor. Inspector Latham also referred to the new police web site which was under construction.

The Mayor then proposed that Standing Orders be suspended to allow District Councillors and the public to speak. This was agreed.

Cllr. Wilson said that the community had much appreciated the valuable support given by the police during the recent flooding in Ulverston and wished to thank all those who had helped.

Mrs. Appleton also wished to thank PC John Turner who had been very helpful with newsletters.

The Mayor then proposed that the meeting returned to Standing Orders. This was agreed. The Mayor also thanked the police for their support during the Dickensian Festival weekend.


(i) Resolved : That the following observations be made on planning applications :-

SL/09/1013 23 Market Street, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVE this application, but with reservations that the sign should be more in keeping with the town and particularly in a Conservation Area.

SL/09/0975 Cllr. Bishop-Rowe left the Chamber for this item. 22 Birchwood Drive, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVE this application.

SL/09/1016 The Coach House, Hill Top, Lightburn Road. The Town Council APPROVE this application.

SL/09/1045 The Old Farmhouse, Priory Road, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVE this application.

SL/09/1048 22 Stone Cross Gardens, Ulverston. The Town Council APPROVE this application.

(ii) Applications Granted and Refused by the District Council noted.


a) The Kiosk, Victoria Road, Ulverston

The Town Clerk said that he had received an email from NPS, SLDC regarding the Kiosk in Victoria Road. It was noted that planning consent had been granted for the re-building of an extended Kiosk. The extension will mean that the bus shelter will have to be relocated by approximately 4 metres in the New Year. It was agreed that a letter be written to SLDC to ask if the bus shelter can be replaced with a new one as the present shelter was in poor condition.

b) A letter had been received from a Mr. J. Kelly, 6 Sandhall Cottages, Ulverston with regard to the Ulverston Flood Plain, reductions in ground water usage by Glaxo and a number of other factors, which it is felt needed to be addressed, particularly in view of recent flooding problems in the town. Mr. Kelly had been thanked for his letter. The Town Clerk will check whether Mr. Kelly can attend the Public Meeting on 9 December and will also pass on a copy of his letter to Lord McKensie, Environment Minister.

c) A590 Arrad Foot Dual Carriageway – Upgrade of Eastern Termination

Work has started on the resurfacing and signing work on the eastern termination of Arrad Foot Dual Carriageway in order to bring it up to current standard. The work is programmed to finish on 11 December.

d) South Lakeland Local Development Framework – Submission Core Strategy Development Plan Document

It was noted that this document was submitted to the Secretary of State for public examination. This is currently estimated to take place in March 2010. Information is available in the Town Clerk’s office and also on the SLDC’s web site.



The Town Clerk updated the Council on the public Meeting planned in the Coronation Hall on 9 December, starting at 7.00 pm. A good cross section of agencies and organisations will be represented. It was considered vital that following this meeting, that there were joint agency meetings to agree a list of problem locations, causes where known and an investigation process into what actions should be carried out and by whom, with an agreed timescale.

The Town Clerk also referred to the Flood Recovery Fund for Ulverston. Advice had been taken from the Auditors and from CALC which confirmed that local authorities should remain impartial with regard to the administration, implementation and management of funds of this nature. However, it had been confirmed that the Cumbria Community Foundation was able to manage funds raised in Ulverston, specifically for Ulverston residents who had suffered in the recent floods.

It was noted that a number of other local organisations in the town would be also be donating money to this fund for Ulverston. The Town Clerk said that cheques had already been sent out to residents in Ulverston from the fund and that the local Fund Development officer for the Cumbria Community Foundation would provide further reports in due course.

The Town Clerk was thanked for his efforts in these arrangements.


Cllr. Hodgson reported that he was very impressed with progress, despite the very difficult weather conditions over the past few weeks. There had been a recent update report and additional photographs of the restoration had been included on the Town Council web site.


Cllr. Pickthall left the Chamber for this item. After various discussions, Cllr. Hodgson proposed that this issue be deferred for the time being as no nominee could be identified at the present time. This was agreed.


a. Allotments Committee Meeting – 20 November 2009

Cllr. Pickthall asked whether Allotment Holders had been asked about the Ulverston Open Gardens Scheme. Cllr. Hodgson said that Allotment representatives had recently been nominated and this would be discussed with them early in the New Year. Cllr. Hodgson added that despite the recent flooding, there had been little damage at Dragley Beck and the Ellers allotment sites.

b. Ulverston in Bloom Working Group – 24 November 2009

Cllr. Jenkinson said that Town Lands Trust had recently provided financial assistance towards the refurbishment of the Squirrel Seats in the town and also from the Ulverston Community Partnership. The painting contractor will refurbish selected seat for inspection.

The above minutes were then noted and accepted.


The reports on ATC, St. John Ambulance and the Dickensian Committee were noted. Cllr. Jenkinson wished to express her thanks to the Dickensian Committee for a wonderful and enjoyable weekend. This was fully supported by the Mayor.


All income and expenditure since 9 November 2009 including Salaries and National Insurance as shown on the Agenda were noted and agreed by all Council Members.


a. Cllr. Hodgson said that the Ulverston Partnership were providing funding for a better Town Council Notice Board, which would be placed in front of the Coronation Hall and to the left of the Laurel & Hardy Statue.

b. Cllr. Jones said that she was concerned about parking problems for coaches in the town, particularly over the Dickensian Festival weekend and that adequate provision needed to be made.

c. (i) Cllr. Pickthall said a meeting had been arranged with representatives from Cumbria Tourism to arrange a survey of Ulverston TIC, at no cost and similar to the surveys that had been carried out in Windermere and Kendal. This will probably take place in January 2010.

(ii) Cllr. Pickthall asked that an item be added to the agenda in the New Year relating to Climate Change and what the Town Council could do to contribute.

d. The Mayor referred to the facilities now available at the Ulverston Health Centre with regard to the hard of hearing. It was agreed that the Health Centre needed to advertise facilities more effectively.




(The meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.)