Ultimate is a unique team game. The disc is moved down the field form player to player only by passing, no running. When you have the disc, you may only pivot on one foot as in basketball. It was created in 1969 by the members of the Columbia High School Varsity Frisbee Team in Maplewood, New Jersey.
Goals are scored by passing to a teammate in the end zone as in a football touchdown pass. In this game though, everyone can be a quarterback and a receiver. Defense is man-to-man or zone. Defenders may not touch the offensive players, but may knock down or intercept their throws. If they do so, they are immediately on offense. Teamwork is vital, but good endurance, solid throwing and speed are needed also.
1. The game has forty-eight minutes of playing time, divided into two halves. The clock is stopped for throw-offs, for injuries, after goals are scored, for time outs, and when the Frisbee goes out of bounds. Each team is permitted three time outs in each half. A team must be in possession of the Frisbee to call a time out.
2. In the event of a tie, a five-minute overtime is played. If there is still no winner, additional five-minute overtimes are played until one team emerges victorious.
3. One point is awarded for each goal.
4. A coin flip determines which team will throw off, and allows for the choice of goal to defend. On throw-offs, all team members must stand on their own goal line until the Frisbee has been released. No member of the team throwing off can touch the Frisbee after it has been touched by a member of the receiving team.
5. The receiving team may either catch the Frisbee or allow it to hit the ground, taking possession at that point. If however, a member of the receiving team attempts to catch the Frisbee and is unsuccessful, the team throwing off is awarded possession of the Frisbee at the point where it hits the ground.
6. Advance down the field by throwing from player to player. You are not allowed to run with the Frisbee after catching it.
Ultimate Frisbee – pg 2
7. Members of the defensive team may regain possession in three ways:
a. by intercepting a throw made by the attaching team
b. by knocking down a pass made by the attaching team
c. if the attaching team attempts a pass which is not successfully
8. Guarding of the player in possession of the Frisbee is permitted, prior to the throw, but no contact is permitted, and the defensive player may not knock the Frisbee from his opponent’s grasp.
9. A pass completed out of bounds is not allowed and possession goes to the defensive team at the point where the Frisbee intersected the boundary line.
10. As soon as a goal is scored, the scoring team defends the goal it has just attacked and throws off to the other team.
11. Substitutions are permitted only after a goal is scored and before the ensuing throwoff, to replace an injured player, and at half time.
12. Fouls may be called when body contact exceeds the legal limits, and the offended team is awarded the Frisbee at the point o the infraction. Should the infraction occur in the end zone, possession is awarded at the goal line.
Field is 60 yards by 40 yards – unlimited end zones.
Ultimate Frisbee – pg 3
Cross-Body Backhand
Grip Hold the disc as if you were going to fan your face with it.
Your fingers can either be held against the rim or fanned out,
in against the rim for power.
Stance Stand with your shoulder toward the line of flight. Start your throwing motion with a backswing that takes the disc and throwing arm across your chest, turning your upper body. As your arm moves forward, shift your weight to the lead foot and pull the disc with a straight arm motion. Release with a snap of the wrist and follow through with your upper
body and trailing leg.
Grip Two-finger or sidearm grip is used. Press very firmly with your thumb to control disc. Two fingers inside rim.
Stance Stand with shoulder toward line of flight. Swing the throwing arm across the front of your body. Keep arc of your swing low. Opposite spin of backhand.
Grip Take your normal backhand grip and simply turn the disc upside down in hour hand. Lt your fingers fan out and squeeze the flight plate between your fingers and thumb.
Stance Shoulder towards line of flight. Start with the disc cocked on top of your forearm for maximum snap.
Ultimate Frisbee – pg 4
Start with the pancake catch – just clap hands together. After you have mastered this, try one handed.
Guts Two teams of five, 15 yards apart.
Throw hard and fast
If they miss it – one point
If they catch it – no point
If your throw is bad – they get the point
Disc must be thrown within boundaries
- Two discs in play
- Two players defend court
- Try to make opponents drop disc or put both discs in their court at the
same time.