FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces

National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD

5 November 2010

Hi Ed Website (submitted today to webmaster for posting):

v  College List – EM Programs – Masters Level – http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/collegelist/EMMasterLevel/

·  Millersville University of Pennsylvania – Master of Science in Emergency Management

·  Norwich University – Master of Science in Business Continuity Management Online

Philadelphia University –Master of Science in Disaster Medicine and Management

·  Texas A&M University – Graduate Certificate in Environmental Hazard Management

·  University of Central Florida - Graduate Certificate In Emergency Management and Homeland Security

·  University of Denver, University College – Masters in Security Management with a Specialty Option and Graduate Certificate in Emergency Planning and Response

v  College List – EM Programs – Stand-Alone Certificates – http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/collegelist/emstandalone/

·  University of Central Florida - Graduate Certificate In Emergency Management and Homeland Security

·  Texas A&M University – Graduate Certificate in Environmental Hazard Management

v  College List – HS Programs – Masters - http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/collegelist/DHSMaster/

·  University of Central Florida - Graduate Certificate In Emergency Management and Homeland Security

·  University of Denver, University College – Masters in Security Management with Specialty Options and Graduate Certificates

v  College List – HS Programs – Certificates – http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/collegelist/dhscertificate/

·  University of Central Florida - Graduate Certificate In Emergency Management and Homeland Security

v  College List – Distance Learning – http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/collegelist/dl/

·  Millersville University of Pennsylvania – Master of Science in Emergency Management

·  Norwich University – Master of Science in Business Continuity Management Online

·  Philadelphia University –Master of Science in Disaster Medicine and Management

·  University of Denver, University College – Masters in Security Management with Specialty Options and Graduate Certificates

·  University of Denver, University College – Masters in Security Management with a Specialty Option and Graduate Certificate in Emergency Planning and Response

v  College List – Public Health, Medical and Related Section – http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/collegelist/pubhealth/index.asp

·  Philadelphia University –Master of Science in Disaster Medicine and Management

v  EM Faculty Positions – http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/facultypos.asp

·  University of North Texas - Assistant Professor for PhD program, Master of Public Administration program, and undergraduate program in emergency administration and planning.

·  University of North Texas – Lecturer Position for undergraduate emergency administration and planning program (EADP).

v  Emergency Management References – http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/highref.asp

·  Department of Homeland Security. DHS Risk Lexicon, 2010 Edition. Risk Steering Committee. September 2010. 72 pages.

v  EM High Ed Reports - http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/activityRAdetail.asp?pid=41

·  October 22

·  October 29

All comments concerning website materials should be emailed to .

14th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference Update

v  14th Annual Emergency Management Hi Ed Conference is scheduled for June 6-9, 2011 at the National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD. Information will be posted at http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/educonference11.asp as it becomes available.

College and University News:

North Dakota State University

Daniel J. Klenow, Ph.D.

Professor and Co-Director,

Center for Disaster Studies and Emergency Management

Department of Emergency Management

As of November 4, North Dakota State University’s Department of Emergency Management has produced its fifth Ph.D. Dan Martin joins Carol Cwiak, Vicki Miller, Micheal Kemp, and Jessica Jensen as one of the few Emergency Management Ph.D. holders in the United States. Dan Martin’s doctoral dissertation is entitled, "Conceptualizing Effective Community Disaster Recovery: A Case Study of the National Response Framework's Emergency Support Function 14".

North Dakota State University remains the only institution in the United States that grants a Ph.D. specifically in Emergency Management. For more information about NDSU’s doctoral program please visit the Department’s website at: www.ndsu.edu/emgt.

Eastern New Mexico University:

Lawrence A. 'Larry' Nelson MS NMCEM

Director, EMS Management Program

Eastern New Mexico University, an innovative regional university in Portales NM, plans to implement an undergraduate Certificate in Emergency Management, beginning in Fall 2011. “Emergency Managers in New Mexico and other rural states have limited opportunities to attend live, semester long programs; this is ENMU’s effort to help these managers gain valuable education”, reports Larry Nelson MS NMCEM, the EMS Management program director, who is developing the new program. The content will include curriculum suggested by the EMI Higher Ed program and drawn from the Core Competencies developed by the IAEM.

To learn more about the program, go to:


Other Emergency Management and Homeland Security News:

Daylight Saving Time is a Good Opportunity to Make Sure Your Families Are Prepared for Emergencies

WASHINGTON-With Daylight Saving Time coming to an end, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is encouraging Americans to take advantage of the November 7 time change as a reminder to make sure their families are prepared for a possible emergency. A few simple steps like checking smoke alarms, developing a family communications plan, and putting an emergency kit together can go a long way toward keeping families safe.

"As we all get ready to turn our clocks back this Sunday, it's important for families to use this opportunity to get ready for possible emergencies," said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. "As a nation, we can only be as prepared as our public - the most important member of our emergency management team. I encourage everyone, as we fall back an hour, to also take a few simple steps to prepare their homes and loved ones for emergencies, including checking their smoke alarms and putting together an emergency kit."

Information on preparing for emergencies can be found at www.Ready.gov. Steps include developing a communications plan to ensure family members know how to get in touch with each other during an emergency, putting together an emergency kit, and staying informed of potential risks. It's important to remember that an emergency could be a large-scale catastrophic disaster, or a smaller-scale event like a car accident or house fire.

In addition to visiting Ready.gov, the United States Fire Administration is encouraging families to ensure their homes are equipped with working smoke alarms. A working smoke alarm significantly increases your chances of surviving a deadly home fire so it's important to test alarms regularly and keep them properly maintained. This includes checking the manufacture/expiration date on the label, replacing the batteries, and cleaning dust away from the slots so that smoke can enter freely.

For more information about home smoke alarms and fire sprinklers, please visit: www.usfa.dhs.gov/smokealarms.

These news stories and other Individual & Community Preparedness news can be found on our website at www.citizencorps.gov.

The National Office of Citizen Corps
FEMA Individual & Community Preparedness Division

Received from: Greta E. Marlatt; email: /;

Dudley Knox Library; Naval Postgraduate School

·  New and/or Updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports:

o  Coast Guard Deepwater Acquisition Programs: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress. 51p. RL33753

o  Homeland Security Department: FY2011 Appropriations. 86p. R41189

o  The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Coastal Wetland and Wildlife Impacts and Response. 31p. R41311

o  Oil Spill Legislation in the 111th Congress. 28p. R41453

·  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, October 28, 2010 / 59(Dispatch); 1-1 -- Cholera Outbreak --- Haiti, October 2010 http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm59d1028a1.htm?s_cid=mm59d1028a1_x

·  Department of Homeland Security Inspector General

o  DHS Rick Lexicon 2010 Edition http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/dhs-risk-lexicon-2010.pdf

o  OIG-10-123 - FEMA’s Preparedness for the next Catastrophic Disaster – An Update http://www.dhs.gov/xoig/assets/mgmtrpts/OIG_10-123_Sep10.pdf

·  Government Accountability Office (GAO)

o  FEMA Has Made Limited Progress in Efforts to Develop and Implement a System to Assess National Preparedness Capabilities, GAO-11-51R http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-51R

o  Climate Change: A Coordinated Strategy Could Focus Federal Geoengineering Research and Inform Governance Efforts, GAO-10-903 http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-10-903

o  Critical Infrastructure Protection: DHS Efforts to Assess and Promote Resiliency Are Evolving but Program Management Could Be Strengthened, GAO-10-772 http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-10-772

·  Local, State, Tribal, and Federal Preparedness Task Force

o  Perspective on Preparedness: Taking Stock since 9/11 http://www.fema.gov/pdf/preparednesstaskforce/perspective_on_preparedness.pdf

Ed Metz, NETC-LRC:

·  All-hazards news - http://www.lrc.fema.gov/news_allhaz.html

·  Some of what you’ll find this week

o  Raw Data Enables More Accurate Planning for Emergency Evacuations
EmergencyMngt article

o  NIST Study on Charleston Furniture Store Fire Calls for National Safety Improvements

o  Transforming Executive Fire Officers-Meeting Intel Needs of 21st Century Fire Service
NPS Thesis (PDF, 439 kb)

o  Would-Be Warriors: Incidents of Jihadist Radicalization in U.S.
Rand Report (PDF, 300Kb)

o  Lessons Learned from Disaster Case Management in Louisiana
Rand Report

o  Long-Term Effects of Law Enforcement's Post-9/11 Focus on Counterterrorism and Homeland Security
Rand Report (PDF, 700Kb)

o  Identifying Best Practices in Disseminating Intelligence to Fire and EMS
NPS Thesis

o  Measuring Disaster Preparedness of Local Emergency Medical Services Agencies
NPS Thesis

o  Implementation of the first wellness-fitness evaluation Dallas Fire-Rescue
Proceedings - Baylor Univ Med Center

o  Perspective on Preparedness: Taking Stock since 9/11

o  Firefighting Occupational Hazards
NLM HazMap

·  IEMC Weekly News Roundup -

o  Selected news articles appearing in media outlets from around the country for the week ending October 31st : http://www.lrc.fema.gov/news_iemc.html

Ed is also sharing a short bibliography on social media in the context of emergency management that he recently prepared for a student:

o  http://netc.worldcat.org/profiles/netclrc/lists/2093661

Social Media and the pros and cons in emergency management are currently a hot


v  From the FEMA News Desk:


Fugate Delivers Keynote Address at 58th Annual International Association of Emergency Managers Conference

SAN ANTONIO-- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate today encouraged emergency managers and stakeholders from the private sector, public health and other fields to consider the capabilities and needs of the entire community, including people with disabilities and children, when planning for disasters.

Fugate delivered this message as part of his keynote address at the 58th Annual International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Conference in San Antonio, Texas. During his remarks, Fugate also urged the audience to participate in a new public challenge FEMA is hosting to come up with creative ideas on how we can prepare communities before disaster strikes.

"Considering the needs of all members of our community and planning for worst case scenarios is exactly why we need a strong emergency management team - a team that FEMA is only one member of," said Fugate. "We know government can't do it alone - many of the most innovative ideas for how we can protect all members of our community from the impacts of disasters will come from you. That's why we are engaging the entire team in this effort to crowd source solutions by submitting creative ideas to http://challenge.gov/fema."

In addition, Fugate discussed the need for all stakeholders to prepare for worst case scenarios, what he calls "Maximum of Maximums" - disasters that go beyond the capability of government resources.

Under Fugate's leadership, FEMA has focused on engaging a diverse group of stakeholders in these efforts. In September, FEMA hosted the first-ever National "Getting Real" Conference, which brought together leaders from the emergency management and disability communities to discuss strategies to integrate the entire community into emergency planning. FEMA also recently hosted its first-ever Latino Leadership Summit and Black Leadership Forum, which engaged stakeholders in discussions about how to better involve the entire community in emergency planning.

Fugate launched FEMA's new public challenge last week at a separate conference in San Diego, Calif. The IAEM Annual Conference provides a forum to share information about the latest trends, tools and technology in emergency management and homeland security. Sessions encourage stakeholders at all levels of government, the private sector, public health and related professions to exchange ideas on collaborating to protect lives and property from disasters.

FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Follow FEMA online at www.twitter.com/fema, www.facebook.com/fema, and www.youtube.com/fema. Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate's activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema. The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.


WASHINGTON - The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today announced new guidelines on emergency sheltering to help state planners and non-profit organizations ensure that people with access and functional needs receive lawful and equitable assistance in the aftermath of a disaster.

The Functional Needs Support Services Guidance, or FNSS, gives state governments recommendations to help them provide emergency sheltering services that meet the needs of their communities and are in compliance with existing federal laws designed to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability. These laws include the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Stafford Act, the Fair Housing Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Architectural Barriers Act and the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act.

"At FEMA, we don't plan for easy, we plan for real -- and that means doing a better job of meeting the needs of people with disabilities when a disaster strikes," said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. "We have to start by supporting and encouraging our entire emergency management team, including our state and local partners, to integrate the needs of people with disabilities into all of their planning. These guidelines are an important step forward in these efforts, and will help ensure that shelters better meet the needs of evacuees with disabilities, from providing sleeping arrangements, to meeting hygiene and dietary needs, to accommodating for service animals."

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, one in every five Americans has some type of disability. The FNSS guidance encourages emergency managers to integrate the needs of people with disabilities - and all populations in their communities - into every aspect of their planning for disaster preparedness, response and recovery operations.