1 Introduction

1.1 If you are dissatisfied with anything to do with your work you should discuss your concerns initially with your supervisor. They will do their best to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

1 .2 If you still feel dissatisfied you can pursue your concern through the formal grievance procedure.

1 .3 It is intended that all employees should use the grievance procedure before they make any claims against the employer to an Employment Tribunal. Failure to make use of this grievance procedure may result in any relevant claim to a Tribunal being struck out.

2. Formal Procedure

2.1 You should raise your grievance with your supervisor/line manager. You will be asked to put the grievance in writing. You should indicate what you would like to see done about it. Putting the grievance in writing will ensure that there are not uncertainties about the matter of concern.

2.2 Your supervisor/manager will arrange a formal meeting within 5 working days of the request, and this meeting will be scheduled to occur within another 5 working days.

2.3 At the meeting you may put your concerns forward. A note will be made of the discussions to ensure there are no points of confusion.

2.4 The supervisor/manager will try and resolve your grievance amicably, and any decisions reached will be confirmed in writing. If the matter is one, which concerns your line supervisor/manager, you may make your initial grievance to a higher level of management.

2.5 If you are unhappy with the decision you may appeal against the decision to a more Senior Manager who will arrange a meeting within 10 working days of the date of your formal request. The process at 2.3 and 2.4 will be repeated. The Senior Managers decision will be final.

3. Exceptions.

3.1 The grievance procedure can be used for any issue except:

• Matters relating to deductions from pay - tax, National Insurance, etc. You should discuss these with your payroll provider.

• Any performance appraisal of your work.

• Pension issues. You should discuss these with your pension provider.

4. Representation

4.1 You have the right to bring a work-based colleague to any grievance meeting.

4.2 If the date given for a meeting is inconvenient another date will be arranged within 5 working days of the original date.

5. Harassment

5.1 The Company has a separate procedure for dealing with matters of sexual or racial harassment. You are advised to read the appropriate policy and use that procedure where applicable.